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Setup a local development environment to generate the Proto Sample [libraries][#libraries] & [executables][#executables] to test and develop the functionality of the appropriate services. There are automated (preferred) and manual instrauctions to build and compile each component and appropriate dependencies. Installing [Golang][#golang] is a prerequisite for either installation method.

Note For these examples, I am using an OSX development environment (arm64, Apple M2) with Homebrew installed.


First, verify you have golang >= 1.20.x installed, or download from

go version

Set the GO_PATH environment variables in you shell profile config after install:

echo "export GO_PATH=~/go" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/$GO_PATH/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Next, clone or download this project and download the package dependencies

go mod download

If initial version, instatiate go mod and go mod tidy

go mod init
go mod tidy


The protobuf files contain the source for the client & server libraries and generated stubs. See data-model-dependency-graph. Protoc is the protobuf compiler, protoc-gen-X are the plugin extensions, and Buf is used for managing protobuf packages and dependencies. Buf is the automated way for building and Protoc can be executed manually.

Install Protobuf compliler, Protoc, and libraries:

brew install protobuf

Install the protoc-gen-go, protoc-gen-go-grpc, protoc-gen-gorm protoc plugin(s) for the output language of choice (Go, Go gRPC, GORM respectively) and set your $PATH. These plugins are used for either Buf or Protoc build options:

go install
go install
go install

Export PATH env with GOPATH:

export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"


Install the Buf CLI for managing protobuf dependencies and generating libraries.

brew install bufbuild/buf/buf

Download and cache protobuf dependencies:

buf mod update proto/

Note: The proto-gen-X plugins and binaries are defined in the buf.gen.yaml configuration

Generate the libraries and client/server stubs:

buf generate


Generate libraries: Make directories

mkdir -p gen/go


protoc -I proto -I third_party/googleapis -I third_party/protoc-gen-gorm --go_out ./gen/go/ --go_opt paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out ./gen/go/ --go-grpc_opt paths=source_relative proto/sample/v1alpha/*.proto


protoc -I proto -I third_party/googleapis -I third_party/protoc-gen-gorm --gorm_out ./gen/go/ --gorm_opt paths=source_relative proto/sample/v1alpha/*.proto


Generate the gRPC server and executable CLI client.


Bazel is an open-source build and test tool similar to Make, Maven, and Gradle based on Google's internal Blaze tool

Note: For now, Bazel utilizes the pre-build proto libraries above vs generating them with it's plugins

Install the Bazel package via Homebrew as follows:

brew install bazel

Run the Bazel Gazelle plugin to generate the BUILD files in the appropriate directories.

bazel run //:gazelle

Build the server

bazel build //server

Build the client

bazel build //cmd/sample

Test both

bazel-bin/server/server_/server -h

bazel-bin/cmd/sample/sample_/sample -h


Create the /bin directory and export in the PATH environment variable:

mkdir -p bin && export PATH=$PATH:${PWD}/bin

Build the server

GO111MODULE=on go build -o bin/samplesrv ./server/.

Build the client

GO111MODULE=on go build -o bin/samplectl ./cmd/sample

Test both

samplesrv -h

samplectl -h


Docker container is another option to test during local development. These instructions showcase building the Docker container locally from Dockerfile using Docker build and running in Docker engine on your local machine.

Install Docker Desktop or Docker Engine and verify

docker version

Build the container image

docker build -t proto-sample-server:dev .

Run the container with the local file system and DB and DEBUG log severity

docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/db:/app/db -p 10000:10000 proto-sample-server:dev -host -log_severity DEBUG -database_connection_dsn db/data/sqlite/data.db

Test with either grpcurl or executable client above

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:10000 list


Follow the instructions in the db/README to setup a database instance.