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LinBox/Maple Interface - version 1.0 

1.  What is it:
	This is an interface between the LinBox library of functions and
utilities for the Maple computer algebra system.  It allows you to call
LinBox functions from a Maple session.  It is currently under
development by Rich Seagraves at the University of Delaware.  Any ideas or
suggestions are more than welcome.  The package is made up of a small library
that wraps LinBox functions, and a Maple module called LinBox that contains all
procedures and external calling definitions.  

2.  Requirements:
	The interface requires the following packges:
	I.   Maple v6.0 or greater
	II.  LinBox
	III. GMP v3.2 or greater (for LinBox)
	IV.  unix make utility 
	V.   A UNIX other than Solaris (see "But I have Solaris you 
             insensitive CLOD!!!!" below).

	It is recommended you have the following
	I.   Maple v7.0 or later
	II.  g++ 3.0 or later (compiler on which this library was tested).
	III. GNU make utility (gmake). 
3.  Availability:
	The interface is currently distributed as part of the LinBox package,
available through CVS.  Please goto
for information about getting the latest version of LinBox.  (Note - at
present, the Maple interface is not available through the latest LinBox
beta release, v0.3b.  It should be available when the next beta release of
LinBox comes out.  Stay on the look-out and keep your fingers crossed!)
The interface is available in the interfaces/maple directory of the 
LinBox distribution.

4.  But I have Solaris you insensitive CLOD!!!!
	At the moment, the package has been tested under Linux and
theoretically will work on other Unix variant systems.
Both LinBox and this interface has had some trouble building on Solaris,
and at present Solaris doesnot support a build feature that this interface
needs.  If someone has had extensive experience with Solaris and would like
to help out with this, I'd be more than happy toi recieve that help.

5.  Installation:
	The interface consists of a shared object file and a plain text
script defining a module called LinBox.  To create the Maple interface to
LinBox, re-run LinBox's configure script with the following additional 

	--with-maple-prefix=MPFX --enable-shared

where MPFX is the directory of a working maple installation.  Then rebuild
LinBox with
	make; make install
and the interface will be built in LinBox's lib/ directory.   

6.  Usage:
	The build system will compile a shared object generate is called
lbmaple.mpl.  In Maple, type 


(where /directory/you/install/to is LinBox's installation path) to get the 
module.  Also, in the interfaces/maple directory in LinBox is a file called
demonstration.mws which contains a demonstrational maple worksheet.

7.  Wow, this interface is horrible.  What's wrong with you? :-)
	If you really think it's that bad, why not email me and show me how
it's done right?  I always love help.

8.  Contact
	You can contact the author, Rich Seagraves, at <>