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A statically generated blog example using Next.js and Kontent

This example showcases Next.js's Static Generation feature using Kentico Kontent as the data source.


Deploy your own

Once you have access to the environment variables you'll need, deploy the example using Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

Related examples

How to use

Execute create-next-app with npm, Yarn, or pnpm to bootstrap the example:

npx create-next-app --example cms-kontent cms-kontent-app
yarn create next-app --example cms-kontent cms-kontent-app
pnpm create next-app --example cms-kontent cms-kontent-app


Step 1. Create an account on Kontent

First, create an account on

The link above will provide you with the 90-days trial. Once you finish the trial, or even during the trial period, you could switch to the developer plan which is free of charge and offers all the features you'll need to test out the example capabilities.

After signing up, create an empty project.

Step 2. Create the content models and fill them with data

The content model defines the data structures of your application/websites. The structures are flexible and you can tailor them to your needs.

For this example you need to create a content model that defines an author and a post content type. You can import these automatically or by doing it manually to familiarize yourself with the Kontent user interface.

To import the content models with their data follow the next steps:

  1. Enter Kontent application

  2. Go to "Project Settings", select API keys

  3. Activate Management API

  4. Copy Project ID and Management API key

  5. Install Kontent Backup Manager and import data to newly created project from file (place appropriate values for apiKey and projectId arguments):

    npm i -g @kentico/kontent-backup-manager
    kbm --action=restore --apiKey=<Management API key> --projectId=<Project ID> --zipFilename=kontent-backup

    💡 Alternatively, you can use the Template Manager UI for importing the content.

  6. Go to your Kontent project and publish all the imported items.

    You could deactivate Management API key, it is not necessary any more.

Step 2.1. Optionally create the content models manually

You can safely ignore this step if you already imported the content models in Step 2.

Create an Author content type

From your Kontent project, go to Content models and add a new Content type:

you don't have to modify the element configuration unless specified

  • Content type name: Author
  • Add the following content elements
    • Name - Text element
    • Picture - Asset element - configure to allow to select At most 1 asset and Limit file types only to Adjustable images

Save the content type and continue.

The content type should look like this:

Content type Author

Create a Post content type

From your Kontent project, go to Content models and add a new content type:

you don't have to modify the element configuration unless specified

  • Content type name: Post
  • Add the following content elements
    • Title - Text element
    • Date - Date & time element
    • Excerpt - Text element
    • Content - Rich Text element
    • Cover Image - Asset Text element - configure to allow to select At most 1 asset and Limit file types only to Adjustable images - Content - Slug - URL slug element - auto-generated from Title element
    • Author - Linked items element - configure to accept Exactly 1 item of type Author

Save the content type and continue.

The content type should look like this:

Content type Author

Fill content models with data

Go to Content & Assets section in your project and click Create new on the Content tab and select Author content type.

  • You just need 1 author item first.
  • Use dummy data for his name.
  • For the image, you can download one from Unsplash.

Next, create another item based on Post content type:

  • It's recommend to create at least 2 post items.
  • Use dummy data for the text.
  • For images, you can download them from Unsplash.
  • Pick the author you created earlier.

Important: For each item, you need to click on Publish. If not, the entry will be in draft workflow step.

Published post item overview

Step 3. Set up environment variables

Copy the .env.local.example file in this directory to .env.local (which will be ignored by Git):

cp .env.local.example .env.local

Then set each variable on .env.local using the keys Project settings > API keys:

  • KONTENT_PROJECT_ID - Should be the Project ID in Project settings > API keys.
  • KONTENT_PREVIEW_API_KEY - One of the Preview API keys in Project settings > API keys.
  • KONTENT_PREVIEW_SECRET - Can be any random string (but avoid spaces), like MY_SECRET - this is used for Preview Mode.

Step 4. Run Next.js in development mode

npm install
npm run dev

# or

yarn dev

Your blog should be up and running on http://localhost:3000! If it doesn't work, post on GitHub discussions.

Step 5. Try preview mode

In your Kontent project, go to Project Settings > Preview URLs and set a new preview URL for the Post content type to:


Replace <KONTENT_PREVIEW_SECRET> with its respective value in .env.local:

Preview URL setup

Once saved, go to one of the posts you've created and:

  • Create a new version of the post
  • Update the title. For example, you can add [Draft] in front of the title.

    Mind the title also regenerates the URL slug, if you want to change any other field that does not influence URL slug, feel free to do so.

  • Do not publish it. By doing this, the post will be in draft workflow step.
  • On the menu, you will see the Preview button. Click on it!

Post preview button.

You will now be able to see the updated title. To exit preview mode, you can click on Click here to exit preview mode at the top of the page.

Step 6. Deploy on Vercel

You can deploy this app to the cloud with Vercel (Documentation).

Deploy Your Local Project

To deploy your local project to Vercel, push it to GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket and import to Vercel.

Important: When you import your project on Vercel, make sure to click on Environment Variables and set them to match your .env.local file.

Deploy from Our Template

Alternatively, you can deploy using our template by clicking on the Deploy button below.

Deploy with Vercel