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Big Data Definition

Big Data is the collection of huge datasets of semi-structured and unstructured data, generated by the high-performance heterogeneous group of devices ranging from social networks to scientific computing applications.

  • Evolution of Data - Gb to Pb to Zb
  • Sources of Big Data - Traditional Database's,Social medium,Cloud,IoT
  • Characteristics of Big Data - Volume,Velocity,Variety,Veracity
  • Some industry applications of big data - Retail, Financial Services, Healthcare, Manufacturing
  • Types of data - structured,semi-structured,unstructured.
  • Job Roles in Big Data Domain - Big data consultant,Architect ,Big data engineers,Data Analyst

Hadoop - HDFS & MR

  • Hadoop - Hadoop is an open source,Java based programming framework that manages data processing and storage for big data applications in a distributed computing system.
  • Features of Hadoop - Flexibility,Scalability,Fault-proof,Cost-effective
  • Hadoop vs RDBMS - Hadoop doesn't support real time data processing (OLTP),
  •               it is designed to support large scale batch processing work loads (OLAP) where as RDBMS supports real-time data processing.
  • Hadoop has two main components HDFS and the YARN.

components of HDFS

  • Secondary NameNode
  • STANDBY Namenode

YARN - Yet Another Resource Negotitator

  • YARN also follows the Master-Slave architecture.
  • Master - ResourceManager
  • Slave - NodeManager

Key aspects of HDFS

  • REPLICATION IN HDFS - In HDFS,Default replication factor is 3
  • SPLITTING OF DATA - In HDFS,Default block size is 128MB.
  • File Operations - Reading from in file , Write to a file


  • MAP - Data parallel model is used in MAP phase.
  • Reduce - Inverse-tree parallel model for aggregating results in Reduce phase


  • Hive is a data warehouse software

  • Hive vs RDBMS - Hive - Write once, Read many times ; RDBMS - Read and Write many times.

  • Uses of Hive-Metastore - It stores all the information about Hive tables, in a central repository.

  • HIVE Data Types - Primitive Data type , Complex Data type

  • Primitive Data type - String,Int,float,double,Timestamp,Binary

  • Complex Data type – STRUCT(Object),MAP(Key-Value),ARRAY(Indices)

  • Internal vs External tables

  • External table - External tables is used when data to remain stored on the HDFS even after dropping tables

  •              because Hive does not delete the data stored outside (of the Hive database).
  • Internal table - In internal table, the data is temporary. So, when the Hive table is dropped, the data stored

  •              in the internal table is deleted along with the metadata.

YELP Dataset Overview

  • The Challange Dataset: 2.7M reviews and 649K tips by users for 86K business,566K business attributes,,

  •                    (e.g) hours,parking,availability,ambience. Social network of 687K users for a 
  •                    total of 4.2M social edges Agregated check-ins over time for each of the 86K businesses
  •                    200,000 pictures from the included businesses
  • Intrested areas of research - Cultural Trends,Location Mining and Urban panning,Seasonal Trends

  •                           Infer Categories,Natural language ProcessingNLP,Changepoints and Events,Social Graph Mining
  • Dataset's - Domain,Business,Review,User,check-in,tip,photo

  • User and Review dataset considered for this session.

YELP Data modeling - Table creations

  • Structure of user.Json
  • Structure of review.Json

Basic Queries in Hive and few UDF explanation

  • Query to give the total number of records, total number of unique user, min and avg star values
  • Finding avg review each reviwer given
  • Average stars given by reviewer
  • Join Statement - Joining user and review table's

Hive Table Partitioning

  • Partitions are used to make queries faster by dividing the tables into smaller parts using partition key columns.
  • Types of Partitioning - Static and Dynamic Partitioning
  • STATIC PARTIONING - Insert input data files individually into a partition table is Static Partition.
  • DYNAMIC PARTIONING - Single insert to partition table is known as dynamic partition.
  •                  Usually dynamic partition load the data from non partitioned table
  • Property set - set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
  •            set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict;

Bucketing in Hive tables

  • Bucketing also divides the data into smaller and more manageable parts based on hash value of a column value.
  • Property set - set hive.enforce.bucketing=true;

File formats in Hive

  • ORC - Optimized Row Columnar - good compression ratio, avoid unwanted data seek using strips((collection of column data) to store data.

  •                            Uses the concept of column major order. Contents are stored as Binary.  
  • Syntax - stored as orc

  •      location '<<Location of the file(table) to be created>>'
  •      tblproperties("orc.compress"="SNAPPY")
  • Loading table in Amazon S3 Bucket (Bucket should be created, ORC file name should NOT be present already)

  • Parquet - Built for complecx data types,All the meatadata written at the end of parquet file.

  •       Seperates meta data from column data.
  • Syntax - stored as parquet

  •      location '<<Location of the file(table) to be created>>'
  •      tblproperties("parquet.compress"="SNAPPY")

COMPLEX QUERIES - for statistical analysis

  • UDF - User Defined Functions (example : Date objects ,timestamp to date)
  • UDAF - aggregate function - bunch of rows as input and one value result
  • UDTF - User Defined table generating function - take one row as input and give multiple outputs
  • Few examples are : explode,ngrams,sentences,lower,size etc

Code Description

File Name : yelp_hive_queries.hql
File Description : This Hive file contains the table creation and query statements.
                   Execute the queries in the same order.

Steps to Run

There are two ways to get into HIVE prompt

  • From Windows OS or Linux systems
  • In AWS, Create (Hadoop,Hive) Cluster with capacity of m4.xLarge on EMR with 3 instances.
  • In case of windows , use Putty to connect to Command line Interface and use WinScp to transfer files from Local Machine to HDFS.
  • Uses the public IP allocated to connect using Putty and WinScp.

Useful Reference Links

SUB Queries in SELECT clause Help document :

SUB Queries in FROM clause Help document :


Built-in Functions (UDF,UDAF,UDTF)