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How to Run

java -jar ./benchmarks/target/benchmarks.jar

Run only one specific benchmark:

java -jar ./benchmarks/target/benchmarks.jar CounterBenchmark


See Javadoc of the benchmark classes:

What Prometheus Java client optimizes for

concurrent updates of metrics in multi-threaded applications. If your application is single-threaded and uses only one processor core, your application isn't performance critical anyway. If your application is designed to use all available processor cores for maximum performance, then you want a metric library that doesn't slow your application down. Prometheus client Java metrics support concurrent updates and scrapes. This shows in benchmarks with multiple threads recording data in shared metrics.


The src/main/archive/ directory contains the old benchmarks from 0.16.0 and earlier. It will be removed as soon as all benchmarks are ported to the 1.0.0 release.