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File metadata and controls

218 lines (170 loc) · 7.03 KB

Hey there! In this lesson, you will learn to create a user sign in form in React. We'll be using async/await to make an API call to authenticate the user, and React Router to redirect the user after successful sign-in.

So let's get started.

First, we will start with adding the route for the sign-in page.

From now onwards, we will keep all of our components related to a specific page or route in a folder called pages, inside the src directory. So, let's create that folder:

Action: Create pages folder inside src.

Next, we will create a signin folder inside the pages directory. We will create all components related to the signin page inside this folder.

Action: Create a new folder called signin inside the pages directory.

Then, inside the signin folder I'll add a new file called index.tsx with the following content:

import React from "react";

// Let's define the Signin component
const Signin: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <div className="min-h-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-100">
      <div className="max-w-md w-full px-6 py-8 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-md">
        <h1 className="text-3xl font-bold text-center text-gray-800 mb-8">
          Sign in

//And finally, we've to export the component
export default Signin;

Let's add this new Signin component in our App component, i.e., App.tsx file.

import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider } from "react-router-dom";
import Notfound from "./pages/Notfound";
import Signup from "./pages/signup";
// First, we've to import the Signin component
import Signin from "./pages/signin";

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: "/",
    element: <Signup />,
    path: "/signup",
    element: <Signup />,
    path: "/signin", // then we've added the signin route
    element: <Signin />,
    path: "/notfound",
    element: <Notfound />,
    path: "*",
    element: <Notfound />,

const App = () => {
  return <RouterProvider router={router} />;

export default App;

Now, let's go back to the browser to check whether Sign in page is coming or not. For that, I'll open the following URL: http://localhost:5176/signin

Action: Open browser and show the signin page.

Great! The sign-in page is coming, now let's create the sign-in form. For that, I'll create a new file SigninForm.tsx, inside the /src/pages/signin folder.

Action: Create SigninForm.tsx inside /src/pages/signin directory

Here we will design the Sign-in form, and I'll add event handlers to store the form field values like: email and password in local state:

import React, { useState } from "react";

const SigninForm: React.FC = () => {
  const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
  const [password, setPassword] = useState("");

  return (
        <label className="block text-gray-700 font-semibold mb-2">Email:</label>
          onChange={(e) => setEmail(}
          className="w-full border rounded-md py-2 px-3 text-gray-700 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-500 focus:shadow-outline-blue"
        <label className="block text-gray-700 font-semibold mb-2">
          onChange={(e) => setPassword(}
          className="w-full border rounded-md py-2 px-3 text-gray-700 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-500 focus:shadow-outline-blue"
        className="w-full bg-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-800 text-white font-semibold py-2 px-4 rounded-md focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-gray mt-4"
        Sign In

export default SigninForm;

Next, we've to add this form to our Sign-in page (i.e. the pages/signin/index.tsx file), and that's pretty much straight-forward.

import React from "react";
// Just import the file
import SigninForm from "./SigninForm";

const Signin: React.FC = () => {
  // And use it after the h1 tag
  return (
    <div className="min-h-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-100">
      <div className="max-w-md w-full px-6 py-8 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-md">
        <h1 className="text-3xl font-bold text-center text-gray-800 mb-8">
          Sign in
        <SigninForm />
export default Signin;

Now, let's check the browser whether Sign in form is coming or not.

Action: Open http://localhost:5173/signin in browser and show the signin form.

That's great, our form is coming.

Next, we will add an event handler for form submission, and I'll also make the API call from there:

import React, { useState } from "react";
// First we will import the API_ENDPOINT constant from the `config` folder
import { API_ENDPOINT } from "../../config/constants";

const SigninForm: React.FC = () => {
  const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
  const [password, setPassword] = useState("");

  // Then we will define the handle submit function
  const handleSubmit = async (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {

    try {
      const response = await fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/users/sign_in`, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify({ email, password }),

      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error("Sign-in failed");

      console.log("Sign-in successful");

      // After successful signin we have to redirect the user to the secured page. We will do that later.
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Sign-in failed:", error);

  // Then we will use the handleSubmit function with our form
  return <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>... ... ...</form>;

export default SigninForm;

Here, when the form is submitted, the handleSubmit function is called, which makes a POST request to the /users/sign_in endpoint with the email and password from the form. If the request is successful, the function logs a message to the console, and if the request fails, an error message is also logged in the console.

Finally, we are all set to test the sign-in page.

Action: Open the app in browser and try to signin, keep browser console opened.

So, as we can see, after filling the form, once we hit the submit button, the POST /users/sign_in endpoint is getting called, and we get a successful response. Now if you would observe the response payload, we are getting a token back here as well.

Now there are two things to take care of:

  1. We have to store thin token in the browser, in order to make API calls to secured endpoints.
  2. After successful sign-in, we've to redirect the users to their dashboard or projects page.

We will do that it later.

So, that's it for this lesson, see you in the next one.