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Behind the scenes: SwiftUI Previews

SwiftUI was first announced in WWDC 2019, and SwiftUI Previews was shipped with Xcode since version 11. It’s intriguing to me that how Swift in Xcode can act like Javascript in a browser, so I did some investigations. I certainly don’t know it inside out, but I’d like to document some observations.

In this article, the module of interest is called SamplePreview and its build target is SamplePreview.framework . The file that contains SwiftUI code is MySwiftUIView.swift.

System Supports

Xcode includes quite a few apps and frameworks to support SwiftUI Previews.


There are two apps that play essential roles, Xcode Previews and XCPreviewAgent. They are built to run on simulators.

  • Xcode
    • The frontend app that shows the UI. This app can actually be installed in a simulator.
    • A deamon app that loads our code and talks to Xcode Previews through XPC.


Besides the two apps, there are a ton of frameworks to support Previews. Some of them are used by Xcode itself, some of them are used on a simulator, and some of them are for both. I found them through the LC_LOAD_DYLIB of these Mach-O files.

  • PreviewsXcode.framework
  • PreviewsDeveloperTools.framework
  • PreviewsFoundation.framework
  • PreviewsMessaging.framework
  • PreviewsModel.framework
  • PreviewsPipeline.framework
  • PreviewsPlatforms.framework
  • PreviewsScenes.framework
  • PreviewsUI.framework
  • PreviewsXcodeUI.framework
  • PreviewsInjection.framework
  • PreviewsOSSupport.framework
  • PreviewsOSSupportUI.framework
  • PreviewsServices.framework
  • PreviewsServicesUI.framework

Generated Code

After running the preview, if we examine the Derived Data, we will find some interesting files generated by Xcode for the preview purpose.

├── DerivedSources
│ └── SamplePreview_vers.c
└── Objects-normal
   └── arm64
      ├── MySwiftUIView.1.preview-thunk.swift
      ├── MySwiftUIView.1.preview-thunk.dylib
      └── (other intermediates files)
MySwiftUIView.swift (original source)
import SwiftUI

struct MySwiftUIView: View {
  var body: some View {
    VStack(spacing: 8) {

struct MySwiftUIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
  static var previews: some View {
@_private(sourceFile: "MySwiftUIView.swift") import SamplePreview
import SwiftUI
import SwiftUI

extension MySwiftUIView_Previews {
    @_dynamicReplacement(for: previews) private static var __preview__previews: some View {
        #sourceLocation(file: "/Users/qyang/Projects/SamplePreview/SamplePreview/MySwiftUIView.swift", line: 17)


extension MySwiftUIView {
    @_dynamicReplacement(for: body) private var __preview__body: some View {
        #sourceLocation(file: "/Users/qyang/Projects/SamplePreview/SamplePreview/MySwiftUIView.swift", line: 8)
    VStack(spacing: __designTimeInteger("#6017.[1].[0].property.[0].[0].arg[0].value", fallback: 8)) {
      Text(__designTimeString("#6017.[1].[0].property.[0].[0].arg[1].value.[0].arg[0].value", fallback: "Hello"))
      Text(__designTimeString("#6017.[1].[0].property.[0].[0].arg[1].value.[1].arg[0].value", fallback: "World"))


import struct SamplePreview.MySwiftUIView
import struct SamplePreview.MySwiftUIView_Previews
 extern const unsigned char SamplePreviewVersionString[];
 extern const double SamplePreviewVersionNumber;

 const unsigned char SamplePreviewVersionString[] __attribute__ ((used)) = "@(#)PROGRAM:SamplePreview  PROJECT:SampleProject-1" "\n";
 const double SamplePreviewVersionNumber __attribute__ ((used)) = (double)1.;

(Before Xcode 14, there is another file MySwiftUIView.5.preview-thunk.swift is generated.)

From the generated files, we can see some Swift features are used.

  • @_dynamicReplacement 
    • This is the native Swift swizzling. There are plenty of articles online talking about this. The TL;DR is that the previews and other properties will be replaced by the generated code at runtime.
  • __designTime* (__designTimeString, __designTimeInteger, __designTimeSelection, etc) 
    • I don’t know how those work exactly, especially for the mysterious strings, like #6017.[3].[0].property.[0].[0].arg[1].value.[3].modifier[1].arg[0].value. My guess is that it’s sort of a key used in the XPC payload, so that we can get values without rebuilding.
  • #sourceLocation 
    • This lets debugger know where the original code is. We certainly don’t want to debug the generated code.


From the Xcode build panel, we can see that the preview build is separate from the regular build.

When building for previews, the environment variable ENABLE_PREVIEWS is set to YES. By comparing the build logs, I found that building for previews has some extra compiler flags to swiftc . Basically they enable the dynamic replacement feature.

  • -Xfrontend -enable-implicit-dynamic 
  • -Xfrontend -enable-private-imports 
  • -Xfrontend -enable-dynamic-replacement-chaining 

Also, the generated code needs to be compiled too, but the command didn't show up in the build logs. We can set SWIFT_EXEC and LD to stub the default tool and output the flags into a log file.

Compile MySwiftUIView.1.preview-thunk.swift
-F /Applications/
-sdk /Applications/
-target arm64-apple-ios15.4-simulator
-module-cache-path /Users/qyang/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache.noindex
-Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options
-swift-version 5
-I ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
-F ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
-Xcc -I${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -iquote
-Xcc ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -I${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -I${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -ivfsoverlay
-Xcc ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -iquote
-Xcc ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -I${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/include
-Xcc -I${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -I${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -I${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -DDEBUG=1
-Xcc -ivfsoverlay
-Xcc ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-Xcc -working-directory/Users/qyang/Projects/SamplePreview/SamplePreview
-o ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-module-name SamplePreview_PreviewReplacement_MySwiftUIView_1
-Xfrontend -disable-modules-validate-system-headers
Link MySwiftUIView.1.preview-thunk.dylib
-F /Applications/
-target arm64-apple-ios15.4-simulator
-isysroot /Applications/
-Xlinker -rpath
-Xlinker @executable_path/Frameworks
-Xlinker -rpath
-Xlinker @loader_path/Frameworks
-Xlinker -no_deduplicate
-Xlinker -objc_abi_version
-Xlinker 2
-compatibility_version 1
-current_version 1
${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SamplePreview.framework/SamplePreview ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-o ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/
-framework SwiftUI

These are just regular compiling and linking, no special flags. Two things are worth mentioning.

  • The module name is SamplePreview_PreviewReplacement_MySwiftUIView_1. It just looks funny.
  • The MySwiftUIView.1.preview-thunk.dylib links all SamplePreview’s dependent static libraries, but not SamplePreview itself. Notice the -lAStaticLib? That's a static library depended by SamplePreview.


When running previews in a clean project

The first time to run SwiftUI Previews involves multiple steps. They don't necessarily follow the order and can be executed at the same time.

  • Build the SamplePreview.framework.
  • Generate MySwiftUIView.1.preview-thunk.swift and other source files.
  • Build generated sources file into MySwiftUIView.1.preview-thunk.dylib.
  • Launch Xcode
    • We can see "Xcode Previews" process shows up in the Activity Monitor.
  • Launch which loads the SamplePreview.framework and MySwiftUIView.1.preview-thunk.dylib. The relevant implementation in SamplePreview.framework is replaced by the implementation in *.preview-thunk.dylib.
    • XCPreviewAgent process shows up in the Activity Monitor.
    • If we attach lldb to XCPreviewAgent process (with SIP disabled) and run image list , we can make sure it loads SamplePreview.framework  and *.preview-thunk.dylib.
  • Xcode Previews and XCPreviewAgent communicate through XPC.
    • We can use xpcspy (with SIP disabled) to snoop some communications, although the actual content is kind of a cipher.

When changing a string, integer or other literal in the SwiftUI code

  • No code regeneration. No rebuild whatsoever.
  • XCPreviewAgent can just update Xcode Previews through XPC.
    • I believe those __designTime* functions made this possible.

When an element, e.g.Text("..."),  is added or removed

  • SamplePreview.framework is not rebuilt
  • *.preview-thunk.swiftis re-generated and rebuilt into the *.preview-thunk.dylib.
    • we can verify this by checking the timestamp of those files.
  • XCPreviewAgent is killed and relaunched, loading the new dylibs.
    • We can tell because the PID of XCPreviewAgent is changed.

When something outside of the SwiftUI code is changed

  • The preview needs to be manually refreshed and everything needs to be rebuilt.


SamplePreview is required to be in a dynamic framework or an app binary.

There is no way to load a static library at runtime. The module is required to be built as a dynamic framework, so that XCPreviewAgent⁠ can load it, probably through dlopen. All of our modules are actually statically linked to the app binary. To make SwiftUI Previews work, we generated artificial dynamic framework targets for relevant modules.

SamplePreview is required to be compiled for arm64 on M1.

Although XCPreviewAgent⁠ is a fat binary (containing arm64 and x86_64 slices), it’s always launched natively (arm64 version) on M1, no matter whether Xcode is running on Rosetta or not. Because arm64 binary can only load arm64 dylibs, the SamplePreview.framework have to be built for arm64. Otherwise, we will see the error "mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64')".

The assets in the dependent static libraries won’t show up.

This is an interesting problem. Despite being a dylib, SamplePreview can depend on any number of static libraries. If those static libraries reference some assets, e.g. imageset, they won't show up in the preview. This is because of the bundle paths.

  • The main bundle is .../Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews/Simulator Devices/.../
  • The bundle of SamplePreview code is ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SamplePreview.framework.
  • The bundle of static libraries code is ${DERIVED_DATA}/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/SamplePreview/Intermediates.noindex/

The first two make sense, but the third one is surprising. It's actually because of the dynamic replacement. That location is where *.preview-thunk.dylib is. As mentioned above, both of the SamplePreview and *.preview-thunk.dylib link with the dependent static libraries. When XCPreviewAgent loads the dylibs, the previews implementation is replaced, calling into *.preview-thunk.dylib instead. Then different code paths will end up in the different dynamic libraries.

Here is more explanation with some code sample.
// AStaticLib.swift, will be compile into a static lib
import SwiftUI
private class BundleToken {}
public class AStaticLib {
  public static let logo = Image("logo", bundle: Bundle(for: BundleToken.self))
// The image shows up.
// Although `previews` is replaced, the `logo` variable is not.
// The replaced `previews` calls `logo`, who calls AStaticLib, which ends up in the SamplePreview.
import SwiftUI
import AStaticLib
let logo = AStaticLib.logo
struct MySwiftUIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
// The image won't show up.
// The replaced `previews` calls `AStaticLib` directly, which is in `*.preview-thunk.dylib`.
import SwiftUI
import AStaticLib
struct MySwiftUIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {


The more I learned, the more questions I have. There are still a lot of questions that I don’t have an answer yet.

  • How Xcode detect which part of code is changed? Thus it can act differently based on the code change.
  • How does those __designTime* functions work exactly?
  • What information are communicated through XPC?
  • ...