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Historic mode

vukasin gostovic edited this page Jul 13, 2023 · 4 revisions


The historic mode is used to replay historic state onto a local testnet node. This can be used to test protocol interactions in real-world conditions.


To use this mode you need to specify the following parameters:

  • -s, --source_rpc: RPC of the node we are getting blocks from.
  • -r, --replay_rpc: RPC of the node were sending blocks to.
  • -b, --terminal_block: Final block sothis will replay.

Optional parameters

  • --exit_on_tx_fail: Exits sothis if a transaction/block failed to replay
  • --entropy_threshold: The percentage of transaction replay failures in a block, at which we will trigger a warning.
  • --no_setup: Start replaying without waiting for user input.
  • -d, --replay_delay: Delay in between replaying blocks.
  • --send_as_unsigned: Anvil only. Send unsigned transactions when replaying. May improve performance slightly.

Testing protocols with the Historic mode

Please see the dedicated testing with sothis page here (SOON)

FAQ and troubleshooting

Please see the dedicated FAQ section on the sidebar.