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Audio slideshow

A plugin for Reveal.js allowing to easily add audio playback to each slide and fragment of your presentation. The slideshow adds an audio player to the slideshow and plays an audio file provided for each slide and fragment. When an audio file has finished playing, the plugin and automatically advances the slideshow to the next slide or fragment.

Check out the demo


To use the plugin include

<!-- Audio slideshow plugin -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

to the header of your presentation and configure reveal.js and the plugin by

  audio: {
    // add configuration here
  // ...
  plugins: [ RevealAudioSlideshow, RevealAudioRecorder ],
  // ...

The plugin RevealAudioRecorder and the respective files recorder.js and RecordRTC.jsare optional and not necessary for audio playback.


The plugin.js has several parameters that you can set for your presentation by providing an audio option in the reveal.js initialization options. Note that all configuration parameters are optional and will default as specified below.

	// ...
	audio: {
		prefix: 'audio/', 	// audio files are stored in the "audio" folder
		suffix: '.webm',  	// audio files have the ".webm" ending
		textToSpeechURL: null,  // the URL to the text to speech converter
		defaultNotes: false, 	// use slide notes as default for the text to speech converter
		defaultText: false, 	// use slide text as default for the text to speech converter
		advance: 0, 		// advance to next slide after given time in milliseconds after audio has played, use negative value to not advance
		autoplay: false,	// automatically start slideshow
		defaultDuration: 5,	// default duration in seconds if no audio is available
		defaultAudios: true,	// try to play audios with names such as audio/1.2.webm
		defaultPlaybackRate: 1.0, // speed of audio
		playerOpacity: 0.05,	// opacity value of audio player if unfocused
		playerStyle: 'position: fixed; bottom: 4px; left: 25%; width: 50%; height:75px; z-index: 33;', // style used for container of audio controls
		startAtFragment: false, // when moving to a slide, start at the current fragment or at the start of the slide
	// ...

Playback speed

This plugin has a parameter defaultPlaybackRate, which configures with what speed audio is played by default. Note that this option changes the speed of all audios, which may interfere with other plugins such as RevealChalkboard or RevealAnimate, which may have their own notion of "correct" playback rate.

In addition, users may use adjust the speed of audio using the audio controls (usually, via right-click). The plugin remembers the currently set speed and uses that on subsequent audios as well.

Preparing an audio slideshow

For each slide or fragment you can explicitly specify a file to be played when the slide or fragment is shown by setting the data-audio-src attribute for the slide or fragment.

		With audio slideshows you can add recorded audio to whatever you want to deliver to your audience.
	<p class ="fragment" data-audio-src="audio/birds.ogg">
		Listen to the birds

If no audio file is explicitly specified, the plugin automatically determines the name of the audio file using the given prefix, the slide (or fragment) indices, and the suffix, e.g. in the above code the slideshow will play the file audio/1.2.webm before the fragment is shown (assuming that prefix is "audio/", suffix is ".webm" , Reveal.getIndices().h is "1" and Reveal.getIndices().v is "2").

If you just want to play audio when file names are explicitly set with data-audio-src, configure defaultAudios to false.


If no audio file is explicitly specified and the default audio file is not found, the plugin can play audio files obtained from a text-to-speech generator. In order to enable text-to-speech functionality, the parameter textToSpeechURL must be specified. For example, in order to use the free text-to-speech generator of Voice RSS you can set textToSpeechURL: "[YOUR_KEY]&hl=en-gb&c=ogg&src=", where [YOUR_KEY] should be the key that you obtained after registration at Voice RSS.

The plugin automatically extracts the text to be sent to the text-to-speech generator from the slide content in the following order:

  • If the optional data-audio-text attribute is given for the slide or fragment, the value of this attribute is used as the text.
  • If the parameter defaultNotes is set to true, the text given in the notes of the slide are used as the text (note that this option does not work with fragments).
  • If the parameter defaultText is set to true, the slide or fragment content is used as text.
<section data-audio-text="This is the text sent to the text-to-speech generator">
	<p>This is the text shown on the slide</p>
	<p>This is the text <span data-audio-text="sent to the text-to-speech generator (but only if the parameter defaultText is set to true)">shown on the slide</span></p>

Audio recording

You can use the recorder.js plugin to record audio files for each slide and fragment.

Recording can be toggled by pressing the key R. A red circle in the upper right corner of the slideshow shows that the recorder is on. When navigating to a slide for which an audio file is already recorded, recording is suspended so that the previously recorded file is not lost. A yellow circle shows that recording is automatically resumed when navigating to a slide without a recorded audio file. After stopping the recorder, you can use the audio controls to check your recording.

By pressing the key Zyou can download a zip-file containing the audio files recorded for each slide and fragment.

The recorder.js plugin allows you to fetch the automatically generated audio files by pressing the key T. The fetched audio files are downloaded as a zip-file and can be provided to the slideshow. Note that the text-to-speech converter is only used if no audio file is provided with the slideshow.

Navigation behaviour

Slides without audio

If no audio file and no text is provided for a slide or fragment, the slide advances after the duration specified by the defaultDuration parameter.

Options for automatically advancing to next slide

The advance parameter can be used to specify a time (in milliseconds) to wait before advancing to the next slide or fragment. If the parameter value is set to zero, the slideshow advances with the next slide or fragment immediately after the previous audio is played. If the parameter value is set to a negative value, the slideshow does not advance after the audio is played. For each slide or fragment the data-audio-advance attribute can be set to overwrite the parameter.

Automatically start slideshow

By default the slideshow does not start automatically. The autoplay parameter can be used to automatically start the slideshow when navigating to it.

Navigating to a slide with fragments

By default the audio slideshow does not show any fragment when navigating to a slide (even if they were shown previously). The startAtFragment parameter can be used to use the default behaviour of reveal.js.

Linking audio controls to embedded video

By setting the data-audio-controls attribute for a video, the audio player controls can be linked to an embedded video.

<video preload="auto" data-audio-controls src="" width="720" height="480">

Compatibility and known issues

Playback is supported on recent desktop versions of Firefox and Chrome. Audio support of different browsers and for different operating systems is differently implemented and may not always work flawlessly.

Recording should work on recent desktop versions of Firefox and Chrome. For other browser and mobile devices recording may not work.

Your slideshow should be loaded on HTTPS.


MIT licensed

Copyright (C) 2023 Asvin Goel