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Tool to "point & click" your documentation, especially on touch devices.

The data / text won't leave your browser - the magic happens locally.

Phrases to choose from can be configured in a single or multiple JSON files.

The interface can also be translated via a simple JSON file.





  • none: no libraries are used - only plain HTML + TypeScript + JSON


# simple Python server for testing purposes (
make serve

# transpiler for TypeScript (tsc)
# watches ./ts/ and transpiles TypeScript to Javascript in ./js/
make transpile


  • tsc -> TypeScript compiler


  • Python3 -> server for testing
  • Apache2 -> use headers defined in .htaccess if necessary for your deployment
  • PHP -> in case you want to use the very basic CSP endpoint (csp_report.php)


  • runs on every basic web server no npm, php or anything required for basic usage
  • some browsers will require Content Security Policy headers to be set for use as Progressive Web App those might be defined in /.htaccess if you are on an Apache2` server
  • to offer an csp-report endpoint an optional /csp_report.php can be found in the repository; incoming csp violation reports will be written to a plain text file (/report) ; the file will be truncated when growing to > 2 MB

Adding a new collection of phrases

Add a new JSON file under /data/:


    "label": "Heading",
    "collapsed": false,
    "items": [
            {"type": "def", "del": false, "cat": "cap", "label": "First: ", "text": "\nFirst: "},
            {"type": "def", "del": false, "cat": "txt", "label": "item 1", "text": "some text; "},
            {"type": "def", "del": false, "cat": "ref", "label": "item 2", "text": "some other text; "},
            {"type": "ext", "del": false, "cat": "pat", "label": "item 3", "text": "rarely needed phrase; "}
            {"type": "def", "del": true, "cat": "cap", "label": "Second:", "text": "\nSecond:"},
            {"type": "def", "del": true, "cat": "txt", "label": "item 4", "text": "and so forth; "},


  • true: item list is initially collapsed


  • default: button for item is always visible
  • extended: button for item is only visible in extended mode


  • false: the item can be used multiple times
  • true: clicking on the item a second time removes the item from anywhere in the text -> do not use this for words / phrases that might be contained in other phrases!


  • adds CSS classes for markup (.item_XXX, e.g., .item_cap)
  • caption: text of the button will be printed fat
  • txt: no special markup
  • ref: text will be highlighted as reference or positive (green)
  • pat: text will be highlighted as pathological or negative (red)
  • int: text will be highlighted as intervention
  • res: text will be highlighted as the result of an intervention


Label as it will appear on the button.


Text that will be added to the documentation once the button is pressed

Add an entry in entry in /data/list.json:

    "list": [
            "name": "FILE_NAME_WITHOUT_SUFFIX",
            "label": "Pretty label for the user to see"

Adding a new interface language

This is currently supported but not elegantly solved:

Add a new language file under /lang/:

Add a new language file (JSON) under /lang/ and name it using the proper language code (lower case, two letters), e.g., en.json.


    "lang": "en",
    "regions": [{
        "region": "en-GB",
        "dict": {
            "app_subtitle": "DOCUMENTATION",
            "app_title": "PAPIERTIGER",
            "button_about": "?",
            "button_change_colour": "🔾",
            "button_clear": "⌧",
            "button_copy": "⎘",
            "button_delete_collection": "delete category",
            "button_delete_item": "delete item",
            "button_delete_row": "delete row",
            "button_new_collection_after": "new category below",
            "button_new_collection_before": "new category above",
            "button_new_item_after": "new item after",
            "button_new_item_before": "new item before",
            "button_new_row_after": "new row below",
            "button_new_row_before": "new row above",
            "button_newline": "↵",
            "button_save_changes": "save",
            "button_show_extended": "☶",
            "confirmation_clear": "Do you really want to delete the text?",
            "confirmation_delete_collection": "Do you really want to delete this collection (and all rows and items within it)?",
            "confirmation_delete_item": "Do you really want to delete this item?",
            "confirmation_delete_row": "Do you really want to delete this row (and all items within it)?",
            "confirmation_save": "Save changes and make them available to all?",
            "error_not_saved": "âš  not saved",
            "label_cat": "Category: ",
            "label_collapsed": "collapsed: ",
            "label_del": "2nd click removes from text?",
            "label_label": "Label: ",
            "label_text": "Text: ",
            "label_type": "Default / extended: ",
            "page_about": "PAPIERTIGER\nDOCUMENTATION\n\nCopyright 2024, Eike Kühn\nApache License 2.0",
            "page_noscript": "In order to use this app javacript needs to be enabled.",
            "page_title": "PAPIERTIGER - DOCUMENTATION made easy",
            "success_copied": "☑ copied",
            "success_saved": "☑ saved"

You may define multiple regions per language. If the requested region can't be found the first available region will be used.

Setting the language:

Currently, there is no way for the user to choose the language.

You have to edit /ts/app.ts and set your language:

const run = (): void => {
    # set your language here

If you intend to use this app as a Progressive Web App edit /ts/sw.ts and add your language file for offline caching:
