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Projo User Guide

Projo is a Java library that helps with reducing the amount of boilerplate code in your projects. Projo started out as a simple solution for implementing POJOs and DTOs at runtime, but has since grown to address several other scenarios that involve boilerplate code. Many of the solutions are applied at runtime, but Projo also offers some mechanisms that work at compile time.


For a long time, Projo's documentation has been lagging behind its feature development, and some useful features were added without any documentation at all. As a result, a lot of Projo's helpful functionality was difficult to use (and difficult to discover in the first place). This user guide attempts to remedy the current lack of documentation and will hopefully make Projo easier to understand and use.

If Projo's feature list seems somewhat random to you, well, it's probably because it is. The initial idea behind Projo was to provide an alternative to Lombok and similar frameworks, but much of the development since has been driven by downstream projects, some of which are not yet open-source. All of Projo's features are used by some downstream project and were created for a reason (i.e., they solve a real-world problem, and were not just added because they seemed cool at the time). Whereas most features have pretty wide applicability over a whole range of projects, Projo also addresses a few very specific problems that are a little more obscure.

Dealing with Boilerplate Code

Boilerplate code is repetitive code that usually follows a very simple pattern. The classic example are getter and setter methods for the attributes of a Value Object or DTO:

public class Person
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public String getFirstName()
        return firstName;

    public void setFirstName(String firstName)
        this.firstName = firstName;

    public String getLastName()
        return lastName;

    public void setLastName(String lastName)
        this.firstName = lastName;

Each attribute requires its own getter and setter method that follow a very simple pattern. If there are a lot of attributes you might have to write a lot of similar code, which is not only tedious and boring, but (like all activities performed by humans) also very error-prone. Did you notice the subtle bug in the setLastName method in the code above?

Writing Boilerplate Code by Hand

Boilerplate code can always be written by hand, and if your project only contains a small amount of it, this may be a simple and pragmatic solution. After all, this is how boilerplate code has been handled for decades. As you have seen above, this approach is susceptible to errors introduced by repeated copy-and-paste, but if your project has decent test coverage you can easily make sure that all boilerplate code works as designed. However, this approach tends to break down if you use design methodologies like DDD that tend to produce a lot of boilerplate code in languages like Java.

Having Your IDE Generate the Boilerplate Code for You

The next step up in the handling of boilerplate code is to have your IDE do some of the heavy lifting. Most IDEs nowadays have support to generate getters/setters, equals/hash code, delegate methods and variety of other types of boilerplate code. Using this functionality (when available) removes the tedium of manually writing these methods, and it also eliminates copy-and-paste errors. However, as data models change over time, the code has to be kept in sync. Adding new methods can typically be easily achieved by running the IDE's code generation again, but renaming of existing attributes/getters/setters will sometimes require multiple successive refactoring steps, and it can easily happen that a step is accidentally skipped. Similar for removing of attributes, where a common mistake is to remove the accessor methods but not the attribute field itself (though most properly configured IDEs will issue a warning in that case).

The point is: even though the boilerplate code is largely generated automatically, it is still code that forms a regular part of the code base, and as such it requires maintenance to be kept up-to-date. In large DDD-based projects this can be a significant percentage of the overall code base. In the end, the goal is never to have a large code base. What we really want is functionality, software that does something meaningful, and the fewer lines of code that need to be added to the repository the easier it will be to maintain the code base. IDE-generated boilerplate code is definitely preferable to hand-written code, but since that code becomes a regular part of the code base, it still negatively affects maintainability.

Having the Compiler Create the Boilerplate Code

What if you could just write your class attributes and provide some sort of hint to the compiler that it needs to add the appropriate getter and setter methods (and maybe an equals and hashCode method as well)? In other words, the code would be automatically generated, but at compile time, which means that the generated methods would not even appear in the source code (but they would be present in the bytecode). This would work the same way as if the methods had been generated by the IDE, but the code base would be thousands (or possibly ten thousands) of lines smaller.

If you are dealing with immutable objects (which is generally a good idea), Java 14 introduced the concept of records, which has the compiler create all the boilerplate code for you. The Person example from above becomes simply:

public record Person(String firstName, String lastName) {}

Unfortunately, this is not an option if you are using an earlier version of Java, or if you need mutable objects (i.e., setter methods for some attributes).

One framework (and probably the most popular one) that enables this sort of compile-time generated boilerplate code (including setter methods) even for older versions of Java is Lombok. With Lombok, the Person example can be reduced to just a few lines of code:

public class Person
    @Getter @Setter private String firstName;
    @Getter @Setter private String lastName;

Lombok makes use of Java annotations (@Getter, @Setter, @EqualsAndHashCode, etc.) and the annotation processing API to generate boilerplate code at compile time. However, this API was not made for modifying bytecode that was produced by the compiler, but for creating additional bytecode files. As a result, Lombok will only work with specific Java compilers (javac and ECJ), and also requires an IDE plug-in that makes the IDE aware of the additional methods that are not present in the source code, but will exist in the bytecode. This slightly unorthodox implementation approach has been called "hacky" by some users, and some of Lombok's fundamental design is considered controversial by some. Overall, it works very well for small and medium-sized projects, but can run into problems with larger projects, especially if they use additional compile-time annotation processing (which can lead to race conditions and other difficult-to-track-down issues).

There are some alternatives, like the @Accessors, @Data, and @Delegate annotations provided by the Xtend "dialect" of Java. These annotations are implemented in a somewhat more standard way, but effectively you will be using a new programming language that is then translated into Java source code.

Creating Boilerplate Code at Runtime

Solutions like Lombok spend a lot of effort on making the developer's experience seamless. Even though there is no setFirstName method in the source code, as a developer, you want to be able to call that method without having your IDE tell you that you made a mistake. Especially during debugging it can be confusing to deal with code "that exists, but then again doesn't."

Projo goes a slightly different approach, where some boilerplate code is generated at runtime, and almost everything is coded against an interface (instead of a concrete class). If your code calls a method setFirstName that method must be declared in an interface, and will be visible in the generated bytecode. The implementation of that method (which should somehow store the data that was passed), will be generated on-the-fly when your code runs. There will be no .java file that contains the implementation code, nor will there be a .class file: the implementation class only exists in memory. This is significantly different from what Lombok (and similar frameworks) do. It is not necessarily better or worse, just different. While Projo's approach certainly addresses some of Lombok's weaker points (e.g., necessity for specific IDE support), it has it's own set of strengths and weaknesses. So, as they say: Your mileage may vary.

A minimal version of the previous Person example could look like this using Projo:

import pro.projo.doubles.Factory;

interface Person
  Factory<Person, String, String> factory = Projo.creates(Person.class).with(Person::firstName, Person::lastName);

  String firstName();
  String lastName();

If you also need setters (i.e., you require mutable objects) you just need to declare the appropriate setter methods (e.g., void setFirstName(String firstName)) as well. All methods are just regular interface methods, in other words, they are mere declarations without an implementation. The actual implementation will not get generated until some code calls the interface's factory to create the first object of type Person.