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Node.js Core Tests

This directory contains code and data used to test the Node.js implementation.

For a detailed guide on how to write tests in this directory, see the guide on writing tests.

On how to run tests in this directory, see the contributing guide.

For the tests to run on Windows, be sure to clone Node.js source code with the autocrlf git config flag set to true.

Test Directories

Directory Runs on CI Purpose
abort Yes Tests that use --abort-on-uncaught-exception and other situations where we want to test something but avoid generating a core file.
addons Yes Tests for addon functionality along with some tests that require an addon.
async-hooks Yes Tests for async_hooks functionality.
benchmark Yes Test minimal functionality of benchmarks.
cctest Yes C++ tests that are run as part of the build process.
code-cache No Tests for a Node.js binary compiled with V8 code cache.
common Common modules shared among many tests. Documentation
doctool Yes Tests for the documentation generator.
es-module Yes Test ESM module loading.
fixtures Test fixtures used in various tests throughout the test suite.
inspector-cli Yes Tests for node inspect
internet No Tests that make real outbound network connections. Tests for networking related modules may also be present in other directories, but those tests do not make outbound connections.
js-native-api Yes Tests for Node.js-agnostic n-api functionality.
known_issues Yes Tests reproducing known issues within the system. All tests inside of this directory are expected to fail. If a test doesn't fail on certain platforms, those should be skipped via known_issues.status.
message Yes Tests for messages that are output for various conditions (console.log, error messages etc.)
node-api Yes Tests for Node.js-specific n-api functionality.
parallel Yes Various tests that are able to be run in parallel.
pseudo-tty Yes Tests that require stdin/stdout/stderr to be a TTY.
pummel No Various tests for various modules / system functionality operating under load.
sequential Yes Various tests that must not run in parallel.
testpy Test configuration utility used by various test suites.
tick-processor No Tests for the V8 tick processor integration. The tests are for the logic in lib/internal/v8_prof_processor.js and lib/internal/v8_prof_polyfill.js. The tests confirm that the profile processor packages the correct set of scripts from V8 and introduces the correct platform specific logic.
v8-updates No Tests for V8 performance integration.