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206 lines (183 loc) · 10.8 KB

Useful commands

for macOS

Command Description
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setglobalstate on / off enable / disable firewall
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setstealthmode on / off enable / disable stealthmode
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ globalstate -int 0 To turn firewall off
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ globalstate -int -1 To turn firewall on for specific applications/services
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ globalstate -int -2 turn firewall on for network services e.g. DHCP and ipsec, block all the rest
systemsetup -setremotelogin on / off enable / disable ssh
spctl --master-enable / disable enable / disable gatekeeper
dscl . passwd /Users/admin change user (admin) password
dscl . list /Users | grep -v '_' show user accounts only
ioreg -l | awk -F\" '/board-id/ { print $4 }' show board id
uname -a display kernel version
system_profiler display any information
sysctl hw.model | awk '{ print $2 }' display model
system_profiler SPHardwareDataType display any information about hardware
system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType display any information about software
system_profiler SPPowerDataType | grep "Cycle Count" | awk '{print $3}' display battery cycle count
find / -name "\*filename\*" -print search and display file
whoami display short username
id -F display full username
osascript -e "long user name of (system info)" display full username
/usr/bin/profiles -I -F /tmp/Trust-Profil.mobileconfig install profil on macOS
/usr/bin/profiles -L list profiles on macOS
/usr/bin/profiles -D delete profiles on macOS
echo y | sudo /usr/bin/profiles -D delete profiles on macOS with yes
du -hd 1 / display disk usage
df -h show space from mounted disk
tmutil disablelocal disable local timemachine backups
ln -s /path/to/folder create alias
fdesetup sync synchronize existing FileVault user information
softwareupdate -l search apple software update
softwareupdate -i -a install available updates
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa keygen create id_rsa
sudo mdutil -E / reindex volume on the mac
dns-sd -B _ssh._tcp . check macs in the network
pwpolicy -a admin -u user -setpolicy "newPasswordRequired=1" set newPasswordRequired for user
osascript -e 'id of app "foo" rename volume in efi-menu
sudo bless --folder "volume_path" -label "volume_label" get BundleIdentifier
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print CFBundleIdentifier' /Applications/ get BundleIdentifier
osascript -e 'id of app "Microsoft Excel"' get BundleIdentifier
codesign -dr /Applications/ " get BundleIdentifier
create new admin without admin privilegs

Hold +S on startup, then

/sbin/mount -uw /
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
config remote host with
scp ~/.ssh/ <user>@<remote_host>:
mkdir ~/.ssh
cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
rm ~/
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
create pkg with pkgbuild
pkgbuild --root ROOT/ --identifier de.salihzett.test --version 1.0 --nopayload --scripts scripts/ "salihzett.pkg"
install pkg on remote host
scp /PATHTO/<file>.pkg <user>@<remote_host>:/tmp/
sudo installer -pkg /tmp/<file>.pkg -target /

for munki

Command Description
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls InstallAppleSoftwareUpdates -bool True / False enable / disable Apple Updates via Munki
sudo /usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls DaysBetweenNotifications -int -1 notification interval
sudo /usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls ClientResourcesFilename -string "" custom ClientResources
sudo nano /Library/Managed\ Installs/manifests/SelfServeManifest current Installs
sudo defaults read /Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls.plist current munki configs
sudo managedsoftwareupdate search software and updates via munki
sudo managedsoftwareupdate --installonly install available software and updates via munki
sudo managedsoftwareupdate -vvv get more verbose output
zip -r resources/ templates/ zip for munki design
munki://category-all overview
munki://updates updates
munki://detail-Spotify direct to app (detailname)
sql munkireport
mysql -u root -h -p
mysqldump -uroot -PASSWORD --all-databases > dump.sql # backup
show databases;
use munkireport;
show tables;
Command Description
select machine.computer_name, z_sn_email.emailaddress, machine.serial_number, machine.machine_name, appusage.app_name from machine LEFT JOIN appusage ON machine.serial_number = appusage.serial_number LEFT JOIN z_sn_email ON z_sn_email.serial_number = machine.serial_number WHERE app_name="MacKeeper Helper"; SQL request for MacKeeper
select reportdata.long_username, machine.computer_name, machine.serial_number, bluetooth.battery_percent, bluetooth.device_type from machine LEFT JOIN bluetooth ON bluetooth.serial_number = machine.serial_number LEFT JOIN reportdata ON reportdata.serial_number = machine.serial_number WHERE bluetooth.battery_percent IS NOT NULL AND (device_type="magic_keyboard" OR device_type="magic_keyboard_with_numeric_keypad" OR device_type="magic_mouse_2" OR device_type="apple_wireless_trackpad") ORDER BY battery_percent desc; SQL request for Battery

for Windows OS

Command Description
systemreset System reset via cmd
systemreset -cleanpc FreshStart via cmd

for powershell

Command Description
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted run all scripts without restriction
Set-ExecutionPolicy  Allsigned ust run scripts which are digital signed
Install-Module -Name AzureAD Install module AzureAD
Connect-AzureAD Connect to AzureAD
Get-AzureADUser Show all AzureAD users
Get-AzureADUser | Sort-Object DisplayName | Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName Connect to AzureAD and Sort users
Get-AzureADGroup | Sort-Object DisplayName | Select-Object DisplayName, Description All groups
Install-Module MSOnline Install module Exchange
Connect-MsolService Connect to Exchange
Get-MsolUser -All | select DisplayName, LastPasswordChangeTimeStamp Last Password Change time for All Users
Get-MsolUser -All | select DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, isLicensed Display users and isLicensed false true
Get-MsolUser -All | select DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, isLicensed | Export-CSV Users.csv -NoTypeInformation + export users
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission | where {$_.user.tostring() -ne "NT AUTHORITY\SELF" -and $_.IsInherited -eq $false} Show all shared mailboxes and their members
Get-Mailbox * | Sort-Object DisplayName | Select-Object Name, whenMailboxCreated Mailbox created date
Get-Mailbox | Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration -Language 2057 -TimeZone "W. Europe Standard Time” -DateFormat “dd/MM/yyyy" -TimeFormat “HH:mm” Set timezone for everyone more information here and for the codes here
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity “Spring” -BookingWindowInDays 1080 set caleander limit to 1080 days
New-DistributionGroup -Name "Conference Rooms" -OrganizationalUnit "" -RoomList Create a room list
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "Conference Rooms" -Member add confroom3223 to "Conference Rooms"
Remove-DistributionGroup -Identity <name of group> Delete a room list
Get-CASMailbox -Filter {ImapEnabled -eq "true" -or PopEnabled -eq "true" } | Select-Object @{n = "Identity"; e = {$_.primarysmtpaddress}} | Set-CASMailbox -PopEnabled $false Disable POP
Get-CASMailboxPlan -Filter {ImapEnabled -eq "true" -or PopEnabled -eq "true" } | set-CASMailboxPlan -PopEnabled $false Disable POP for future members
Get-CASMailbox -Filter {ImapEnabled -eq "true" -or PopEnabled -eq "true" } | Export-CSV EnabledMailServices.csv -NoTypeInformation List overview
Get-MsolUser -All | select DisplayName, LastPasswordChangeTimeStamp Last Password Change time for All Users

setup powershell for macOS

brew install powershell
brew install openssl
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet
Install-Module -Name PSWSMan
sudo pwsh -Command 'Install-WSMan'

more information here and [here[(


for aruba switch

Command Description
menu menu
wr mem write memory
conf t config
sh run show config
sh int br overview ports
sh vpn show vpn
sh ip show IP routing
sh arp show arp table
config config menu
commit apply commit
allow-rest-api enable API

for unix

Command Description
/etc/motd welcome screen for ssh connection
/etc/issue welcome screen for screen
/etc/gettytab banner
smbstatus current connections to smb server
/var/log/samba/log.<clientname> logs for clients
tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log access log›

for docker

Command Description
docker ps -a show all container
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) delete all container (before stop them)
docker images -a show all images
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q) delete all images
docker build . -t foo build image with dockerfile
docker run run image and create container
docker start Container-ID start container
docker stop Container-ID stop container
docker attach Container-ID attach container
docker inspect Container-ID render all results in a JSON array
docker inspect Container-ID | grep -w "IPAddress" | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -n 1 | cut -d "," -f1 show only ip

for asterisk

Command Description
sudo asterisk -vvvvvrx 'core show channels' | grep call show active calls
sudo asterisk -vvvvvrx 'core show channels verbose' show active channels