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🀠 Official Pagination Plugin For Saloon v3


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  • Asynchronous Pagination
  • Per-page logic
  • Tests for the middleware (throw and total)
  • Tests for exception handlers on pools & async requests
  • Loop protection (if subsequent request is exactly the same)
  • Tests for checking exact iteration count
  • Tests for items() method
  • Test for collect() method without items
  • Mocking/Fixture recording for paginators
  • Iterating through items with async
  • Consider adding default implementations of all types of paginator
  • Test being able to use synchronous pagination with an async paginator (async = false)
  • Test logic exception if trying to use non-async pagination on an asynchronous paginator
  • Implement a "max pages" on the paginator, so we don't iterate over many pages
  • Implement a "starting page" option
  • Create a collectAsync method
  • Create "generic" paginators with closures that can be defined to overwrite the functionality to make it easier for people to use
  • Add a method on the connector to create the paginator $connector->paginate($request)
  • Provide a way for people to map paginated items from connectors/requests implements MapPaginatedItems which will be really nice to create DTOs


Welcome to Saloon's new pagination. This repo is just a nice place for me to build and test out how I would like the new pagination to work in Saloon v3.

Summary of changes

  • Paginators are now class based, so you define everything inside the paginator class
  • You now need to define getPageItems which means you don't need to provide a key to the items() or collect() method
  • Saloon will now throw exceptions if a paginated request fails, even if people don't add AlwaysThrowOnErrors trait
  • The json() method has been renamed to items()
  • Asynchronous support is not added by default but can be implemented by a trait
  • Inside every paginator, you'll be able to access $this->page as well as $this->totalItems which is counted automatically this is useful
  • You can now specify a maximum number of pages to iterate over

Synchronous Pagination

I will be using Saloon's super-hero pages as examples for each of the different major pagination types, which are paged, offset and cursor.

Paged Pagination

To create a paged paginator, create a class near your connector and extend the PagedPaginator abstract class.

use Sammyjo20\SaloonPagination\Paginators\PagedPaginator;

class SuperheroPaginator extends PagedPaginator

Next, you will be required to implement two methods: isLastPage and getPageItems. These methods will determine if the paginator should get the next page and the array of items in each response respectively.

use Sammyjo20\SaloonPagination\Paginators\PagedPaginator;
use Saloon\Contracts\Response;

class SuperheroPaginator extends PagedPaginator
    protected function isLastPage(Response $response): bool
        return empty($response->json('next_page_url'));
    protected function getPageItems(Response $response): array
        return $response->json('data') ?? [];

When using the paginator, you just need to pass in a connector and a request.

$paginator = new SuperheroPaginator($connector, $request);

Offset Pagination

To create an offset paginator, create a class near your connector and extend the OffsetPaginator abstract class.

use Sammyjo20\SaloonPagination\Paginators\OffsetPaginator;

class SuperheroPaginator extends OffsetPaginator

Next, you will be required to implement two methods: isLastPage and getPageItems. These methods will determine if the paginator should get the next page and the array of items in each response respectively.

use Sammyjo20\SaloonPagination\Paginators\OffsetPaginator;
use Saloon\Contracts\Response;

class SuperheroPaginator extends OffsetPaginator
    protected function isLastPage(Response $response): bool
        return (int)$response->json('total') === $this->getOffset();

    protected function getPageItems(Response $response): array
        return $response->json('data') ?? [];

When using the paginator, you will need to provide an additional argument to define the "per-page limit" of the paginator this is so Saloon can calculate the limit/offset accordingly.

$paginator = new SuperheroPaginator($connector, $request, perPageLimit: 100);

Cursor Paginator

To create a cursor paginator, create a class near your connector and extend the CursorPaginator abstract class.

use Sammyjo20\SaloonPagination\Paginators\CursorPaginator;

class SuperheroPaginator extends CursorPaginator

Next, you will be required to implement three methods: isLastPage and getPageItems and getNextCursor. These methods will determine if the paginator should get the next page, the array of items in each response and the next cursor respectively.

use Sammyjo20\SaloonPagination\Paginators\CursorPaginator;
use Saloon\Contracts\Response;

class SuperheroPaginator extends CursorPaginator
    protected function getNextCursor(Response $response): int|string
        $nextPageUrl = $response->json('next_page_url');
        parse_str(parse_url($nextPageUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY), $queryParams);

        return $queryParams['cursor'];

    protected function isLastPage(Response $response): bool
        return empty($response->json('next_page_url'));

    protected function getPageItems(Response $response): array
        return $response->json('data');

When using the paginator, you just need to pass in a connector and a request.

$paginator = new SuperheroPaginator($connector, $request);

Asynchronous Pagination

Asynchronous pagination is not provided by default, however adding it is a breeze. The only requirement to use async pagination is that you are able to calculate the total number of pages on the fist API response. This is because the paginator does not know when the last response is provided.

First, add the HasAsyncPagination trait to your paginator.

use Sammyjo20\SaloonPagination\Traits\HasAsyncPagination;
use Sammyjo20\SaloonPagination\Paginators\PagedPaginator;
use Saloon\Contracts\Response;

class SuperheroPaginator extends PagedPaginator
    use HasAsyncPagination;

    protected function isLastPage(Response $response): bool
        return empty($response->json('next_page_url'));
    protected function getPageItems(Response $response): array
        return $response->json('data') ?? [];

Next, you will be required to define a method getTotalPages. This method requires you to return the total number of pages that Saloon needs to iterate over.

class SuperheroPaginator extends PagedPaginator
    use HasAsyncPagination;

    protected function getPageItems(Response $response): array
        return $response->json('data') ?? [];

    protected function getTotalPages(Response $response): int
        return (int)ceil($response->json('total') / $response->json('per_page'));

Note You don't need to define the isLastPage when using the trait unless you're using synchronous pagination too.

Now, when using the paginator, make sure to set it in asynchronous mode. When you iterate over each item, you will retrieve a PromiseInterface instance and not a response.

$paginator = new SuperheroPaginator($connector, $request);

Using Paginators

You can use Saloon's paginators in many different ways. You can use it in a for-loop to get each response but you can also use the items() method to iterate over each item, or even better - use Laravel's collections to map, filter and change the collection of items.

Iterating Over

$paginator = new SuperheroPaginator($connector, $request);

foreach($paginator as $response) {
    // $response->json(...)

Items Method

The items method will return each item instead of a response, saving you from traversing through multiple arrays

$paginator = new SuperheroPaginator($connector, $request);

foreach($paginator->items() as $superhero) {
    // $superhero['name'] -> Batman

Collect Method

The collect method requires illuminate/collections to be installed, but allows you to iterate through your items in a LazyCollection. You can specify the throughItems argument as false if you would like a collection of responses instead.

$paginator = new SuperheroPaginator($connector, $request);
$collection = $paginator->collect();

// Or collection of responses

$collection = $paginator->collect(throughItems: false);


Pools require your paginator to have the HasAsyncPagination trait, but they work just like typical Saloon pools

$paginator = new SuperheroPaginator($connector, $request);

    concurrentRequests: 5,
    responseHandler: fn () ...
    exceptionHandler: fn () ...

Other Options

Maximum Number Of Pages

You may use the ->setMaxPages() method on the paginator to set a maximum number of pages that have been iterated over. This is useful if you only want to get the first 50 pages, pause and then start again.

$paginator = new SuperheroPaginator($connector, $request);

foreach ($paginator as $response) {

Converting Items Into DTOs

You may customise the paginator items however you like inside the getPageItems. You could even convert each item into a DTO which will passed through the rest of your paginators.

use Sammyjo20\SaloonPagination\Paginators\PagedPaginator;
use Saloon\Contracts\Response;

class SuperheroPaginator extends PagedPaginator
    protected function isLastPage(Response $response): bool
        return empty($response->json('next_page_url'));
    protected function getPageItems(Response $response): array
        $items = $response->json('data') ?? [];
        return array_map(fn (array $item): object => MyDataObject::fromArray($item))


Often times you will also need to configure the query parameters that Saloon sets to apply the pagination. On each of the paginators, you may overwrite the applyPagination method and use any query parameter you prefer.

Here you will find how Saloon will select the current page, as well as the per-page or "limit". The API you are integrating with may have a different way of applying this, so you can configure this here.

class SuperheroPaginator extends PagedPaginator
    protected function applyPagination(Request $request): Request
        $request->query()->add('currentPage', $this->page);
        if (isset($this->perPageLimit)) {
            $request->query()->add('limit', $this->perPageLimit);

        return $request;

Your own paginators πŸ‘€

With Saloon's base paginator class you may create your own paginator based on the type of API that you are dealing with. This is especially useful if the pagination you are working with isn't paged, offset or cursor pagination.

Just create a class and extend the base Paginator class. You will be required to define the following methods:

  • applyPagination
  • isLastPage
  • getPageItems
class CustomPaginator extends Paginator
    protected function applyPagination(Request $request): Request

    protected function isLastPage(Response $response): bool

    protected function getPageItems(Response $response): array