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This is about using pbench-fio and pbench-uperf on the test machine.
Since perf-insight supports users to store their test logs on perf-insight or pbench-server (recommended), this instruction will cover both usages. Choose the correct description based on your situation.

1. Generate a TestRunID


testrun_id=$(./ \
    --type fio \
    --platform ESXi \
    --compose RHEL-8.4.0-20201209.n.0 \
    --customized-labels x86_bios_scsi_standard)


  • This script helps to generate a unified TestRunID.
  • --customized-labels parameter can contain many labels separated by _.
  • If not specified with --timestamp, the script will generate an ID with the current timestamp.
  • Get more details by --help.

Example of a unified TestRunID:

--- ---- ----------------------- ---------------------- --------------
|   |    |                       |                      |__________ Timestammp
|   |    |                       |_________________________________ Customized labels
|   |    |_________________________________________________________ Compose ID
|   |______________________________________________________________ Platform: "ESXi", "AWS", etc
|__________________________________________________________________ TestType: "fio", "uperf", etc

2. Setup and configuration

2.1 General preparation


# Setup picli tool
curl -o /bin/picli
curl -o ~/.picli.toml

chmod a+x /bin/picli
sed -i 's/localhost:5000/' ~/.picli.toml

pip3 install click tabulate --user

2.2 Store logs on perf-insight


mkdir /nfs-mount
mount -t nfs /nfs-mount
mkdir -p ${log_path}

Notes: The logs will be delieverd to the perf-insight server via NFS.

2.3 Store logs on pbench-server



3. Generate metadata.json file


./ --file ${log_path}/metadata.json \
    --keypair testrun-id=${testrun_id} \
    --keypair testrun-type=fio \
    --keypair testrun-platform=ESXi \
    --keypair ......


  • This script can be run more than once, it performs add/update logic to the json file.
  • When preparing metadata, follow the example below to obtain the key pair name and format.
  • The key pair name and format can be changed in the future, so keep an eye on this.
  • If you need to add key pairs, please contact the project owners to ensure consistency.
   // The TestRun information
   "testrun-id": "fio_ESXi_RHEL-8.4.0-20201209.n.0_x86_bios_scsi_standard_D201220T212213",
   "testrun-type": "fio",               // "uperf" for pbench-uperf tests
   "testrun-platform": "ESXi",          // "Hyper-V", "AWS", "Azure", etc
   "testrun-date": "2020-12-20",        // When was this test performed?
   "testrun-comments": "",              // Leave any comments here
   // The Guest OS information
   "os-branch": "RHEL-8.4",
   "os-compose": "RHEL-8.4.0-20201209.n.0",
   "os-kernel": "4.18.0-259.el8.x86_64",
   "tool-fio_version": "fio-3.19-3.el8.x86_64",         // pbench-fio only
   "tool-uperf_version": "uperf-1.0.7-1.el8.x86_64",    // pbench-uperf only
   // The guest(VM) information
   "guest-flavor": "esx.g2.4xlarge",    // Consult project owners
   "guest-cpu": "16",
   "guest-memory": "64GB",
   // The host(hypervisor) information
   "hypervisor-cpu": "128",
   "hypervisor-cpu_model": "AMD EPYC 7251",
   "hypervisor-version": "VMware ESX 7.0.1 build-16850804",
   // The hardware information (storage tests only)
   "hardware-disk-capacity": "80G",
   "hardware-disk-backend": "NVMe",
   "hardware-disk-driver": "SCSI",
   "hardware-disk-format": "raw",
   // The hardware information (network tests only)
   "hardware-net-capacity": "40GiB",
   "hardware-net-driver": "VMXNET3",
   "hardware-net-speed": "10000Mb/s",
   "hardware-net-duplex": "Full", 
   // The cloud information (cloud only)
   "cloud-az": "us-west-1a",
   "cloud-region": "us-west-1",

4. Run pbench tests

4.1 pbench-fio


# Check target volume
[ -b /dev/sdx ] || exit 1

# Run pre-defined pbench-fio tests in a quick/standard/extended mode
./ --testrun-id ${testrun_id} --targets /dev/sdx --mode <quick|standard|extended>

# Or, run a bunch of custom tests
./ --testrun-id ${testrun_id} --targets /dev/sdx --mode customized \
     --test-types rw --block-sizes 1024 --iodepth 1,64 --numjobs 1,16 --samples 3 --runtime 10
./ --testrun-id ${testrun_id} --targets /dev/sdx --mode customized \
     --test-types randrw --block-sizes 4 --iodepth 1,64 --numjobs 1,16 --samples 3 --runtime 10

# Or, reproduce the failure cases from a benchmark report
report_id=<Report ID>   # Ex. "benchmark_xxxxxxxx_over_xxxxxxxx"
./ --report-id ${report_id}
./ --testrun-id ${testrun_id} --targets /dev/sdx --mode backlog


  • The script can be run multiple times to complete your testing, all the results will be collected as the whole TestRun.
  • The --mode parameter in can be any predefined test dimension (see below) defined in the profiles.toml file. In addition, there is a special mode called "backlog", which runs tests based on a specified backlog file.
  • The different test dimension meet difference test requirements, the details can be found in the table below.
    • "all_types" stands for "read,write,rw,randread,randwrite,randrw".
    • ramptime is set to 5 seconds for the tests, so runtime=10 can be valid.
    • It is strongly recommended to put the dimension keywords in TestRunID.
    • To use any customized dimension other than the listed, put the "customized" keyword in TestRunID.
  • The script is used to create a backlog from the benchmark report. By default, it only filters "Dramatic Regression" cases, but this behavior can be overridden by specifying the --case-filter parameter. For example, --case-filter 'Dramatic Regression' --case-filter 'High Variance' will collect both "Dramatic Regression" and "High Variance" cases into the backlog file.
Dimension Duration test-types block-sizes iodepth numjobs samples runtime
quick ~ 1.6h all_types 4,1024 1,64 1,16 3 10s
standard ~ 9h all_types 4,64,1024 1,8,64 1,16 5 30s
extended ~ 50h all_types 4,16,64,256,1024 1,4,8,32,64 1,8,16,32 5 30s

4.2 pbench-uperf


# Run pbench-uperf-runner tests (quick)
./ --server_ip SERVER_IP --client_ip CLIENT_IP --config ${testrun_id#*_} --test_suite_name quick

# More
./ --help

# Reproduce the failure cases from a benchmark report
./ --report-id <Benchmark Report ID>
./ --server_ip SERVER_IP --client_ip CLIENT_IP --config ${testrun_id#*_} --test_suite_name backlog


  • pbench-uperf-runner allows users to use above 0 or mulit options.
  • ${testrun_id#*_} is the remaining part without TestType, so that pbench generates test logs into /var/lib/pbench-agent/TestRunID_* folders.
  • This script can be run multiple times to complete your testing.
  • The different test dimension meet difference test requirements, the details can be found in the table below.
    • "all_types" stands for "stream,maerts,bidirec,rr".
    • It is strongly recommended to put the dimension keywords in TestRunID.
    • To use any customized dimension other than the listed, put the "customized" keyword in TestRunID.
  • The scrip supports run in the backlog mode by specifying --test_suite_name quick as backlog. See the "pbench-fio" section for more information.
Dimension Duration test_types message_sizes protocols instances samples runtime
quick ~ 1h all_types 1 tcp,udp 1 3 20s
standard ~ 6h all_types 1,64 tcp,udp 1,8 5 30s
extended ~ 40h all_types 1,64,1024,16384 tcp,udp 1,8,64 5 60s

5. Deliver TestRun results

You can choose deliver the results to either perf-insight or pbench-server (preferred).

5.1 Store logs on perf-insight


mv /var/lib/pbench-agent/${testrun_id}* ${log_path}
chcon -R -u system_u -t svirt_sandbox_file_t ${log_path}

Notes: The logs will be delieverd to the perf-insight server via NFS.

5.2 Store logs on pbench-server


The default pbench-server is

# Specify the path to the metadata file

# Specify the username on the pbench-server

# Get args for pbench-copy-results
test_machine=$(cat ${metadata_file} | jq -r '."guest-flavor"')
testrun_id=$(cat ${metadata_file} | jq -r '."testrun-id"')

# Copy metadata.json into each subfolder
for d in $(ls -d ${testrun_id}*); do rm -f $d/${metadata_file}; cp ${metadata_file} $d; done

# Upload the logs to pbench-server
pbench-copy-results --user=${pbench_username} --controller=${test_machine} --prefix=${testrun_id}


  • pbench_username should be one of the following values:
    • virt-perftest-test for debugging or demostration;
    • virt-perftest-aws for AWS production;
    • virt-perftest-aliyun for Aliyun production;
    • virt-perftest-azure for Azure production;
    • virt-perftest-esxi for ESXi production;
    • virt-perftest-hyperv for Hyper-V production;
  • Using pbench-copy-results rather than pbench-move-results
  • pbench-copy-results will create *.copied file to avoid duplicate copies.

6. Load TestRun into perf-insight system

Based on where you have delivered the results to, you can either load the results from the perf-insight or import results from the pbench-server (preferred).

6.1 Logs stored on perf-insight


# Load the results from perf-insight
picli testrun-load --testrun-id ${testrun_id}

6.2 Logs stored on pbench-server

The default pbench-server is


# Import a bunch of TestRun results from pbench-server
picli testrun-imports --pbench-user ${pbench_username} --pbench-controller ${test_machine} --pbench-prefix ${testrun_id}


  • picli testrun-imports will help you import all the related testruns.
  • Or you can use picli testrun-import to import testruns manally, that's an old method, in this way:
    • The External URLs will be${pbench_username}/${test_machine}/${testrun_id}/${testrun_id}_*/ if your test machine is inside of the Red Hat network (ex. local VMs).
    • Or, you need to add EC2:: before ${test_machine} in the URL for external test machines (ex. public clouds)

7. Postprocess to the data


# Generate benchmark report
base_id=<Base TestRunID>
picli benchmark-create --test-id ${testrun_id} --base-id ${base_id}

# Get more useful information about the report
if ! (jq --version); then sudo dnf install -y jq; fi

# Report URL (http://...)
picli --output-format json benchmark-inspect --report-id ${report_id} | jq -r '.url'

# Benchmark Conclusion (PASS/FAIL)
picli --output-format json benchmark-inspect --get-statistics true --report-id ${report_id} | jq -r '.statistics.benchmark_result'

# The number of DR cases (0 or 1,2,3,...)
picli --output-format json benchmark-inspect --get-statistics true --report-id ${report_id} | jq -r '.statistics.case_num_dramatic_regression'


  • Don't forget to install the jq package first (it has already been installed on
  • You can get the Report URL to send with your email.