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Scylla in Docker for the Mutant Monitoring University Course

Instructions for setting up a Scylla Cluster from this repo. For more details check out the Using Scylla Drivers and Mutant Monitoring System courses in Scylla University.

cd mms
docker-compose up -d

Run bash in the node:

docker exec -it scylla-node1 bash

Followed by scylla commands, like

> nodetool status


> cqlsh

To manually add the tracking keyspace and data:

docker exec -it scylla-node1 cqlsh
CREATE KEYSPACE tracking WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy','DC1' : 3};
use tracking;
CREATE TABLE tracking_data (
       first_name text,
       last_name text,
       timestamp timestamp,
       location varchar,
       speed double,
       heat double,
       telepathy_powers int,
       primary key((first_name, last_name), timestamp))
       AND default_time_to_live = 72000 
       AND gc_grace_seconds = 0
       AND COMPACTION = {'class': 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy',
                                  'compaction_window_unit' : 'HOURS',
                                  'compaction_window_size' : 1}; 
INSERT INTO tracking.tracking_data ("first_name","last_name","timestamp","location","speed","heat","telepathy_powers") VALUES ('Jim','Jeffries','2017-11-11 08:05+0000','New York',1.0,3.0,17) ;
INSERT INTO tracking.tracking_data ("first_name","last_name","timestamp","location","speed","heat","telepathy_powers") VALUES ('Jim','Jeffries','2017-11-11 09:05+0000','New York',2.0,4.0,27) ;
INSERT INTO tracking.tracking_data ("first_name","last_name","timestamp","location","speed","heat","telepathy_powers") VALUES ('Jim','Jeffries','2017-11-11 10:05+0000','New York',3.0,5.0,37) ;
INSERT INTO tracking.tracking_data ("first_name","last_name","timestamp","location","speed","heat","telepathy_powers") VALUES ('Jim','Jeffries','2017-11-11 10:22+0000','New York',4.0,12.0,47) ;
INSERT INTO tracking.tracking_data ("first_name","last_name","timestamp","location","speed","heat","telepathy_powers") VALUES ('Jim','Jeffries','2017-11-11 11:05+0000','New York',4.0,9.0,87) ;
INSERT INTO tracking.tracking_data ("first_name","last_name","timestamp","location","speed","heat","telepathy_powers") VALUES ('Jim','Jeffries','2017-11-11 12:05+0000','New York',4.0,24.0,57) ;

Destroying the Scylla Cluster

cd mms
docker-compose kill
docker-compose rm -f

Importing the MMS keyspaces and data automatically

docker exec scylla-node1 cqlsh -f /mutant-data.txt

The data will be imported after a few seconds.