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forked from sylikc/jpegview

Fork of JPEGView by David Kleiner adopted by sylikc. Pivot: focus on slideshow; and add AVIF image format support


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JPEGView - Image Viewer and Editor

This is a mod of sylikc's official re-release of JPEGView to focus on the slideshow aspect and ease of use of the app. Panning is now enabled by default. AVIF image format support (include animated AVIF) has been added for viewing, and 'save as AVIF'.


JPEGView is a lean, fast and highly configurable image viewer/editor with a minimal GUI.

Formats Supported

JPEGView has built-in support the following formats:

  • Popular: JPEG, GIF
  • Lossless: BMP, PNG, TIFF, QOI, ICO (mod only)
  • Web: WEBP, JXL, HEIF/HEIC, AVIF (common subset)
  • Legacy: TGA, WDP, HDP, JXR
  • Camera RAW formats:
    • Adobe (DNG), Canon (CRW, CR2), Nikon (NEF, NRW), Sony (ARW, SR2)
    • Olympus (ORF), Panasonic (RW2), Fujifilm (RAF)
    • Sigma (X3F), Pentax (PEF), Minolta (MRW), Kodak (KDC, DCR)

Many additional formats are supported by Windows Imaging Component (WIC)

Basic Image Editor

Basic on-the-fly image processing is provided - allowing adjusting typical parameters:

  • sharpness
  • color balance
  • rotation
  • perspective
  • contrast
  • local under/over-exposure

Other Features:

  • Small and fast, uses AVX2/SSE2 and up to 4 CPU cores
  • High quality resampling filter, preserving sharpness of images
  • Basic image processing tools can be applied realtime during viewing
  • Movie/Slideshow mode - to play folder of JPEGs as movie

Mod features

  • Slideshow stuff - see next section.
  • Image formats
    • Read/write AVIF, include animated. Dev notes below.
    • View largest icon in ICO
  • Default to panning mode. Dedicated 'Selection mode' can be toggled via remapped 'S' hotkey.
    • Quick zoom to selection mode via remapped hotkey 'Z'.
    • Option for selection box to match image aspect ratio.
  • Toggle 3 transparency modes: TransparencyColor (default), checkerboard pattern or inverse TransparencyColor, via hotkey: SHIFT+V.
  • Navigation
    • ALT+<Left/Right arrow>: Jump back/forward 100 images.
    • CTRL+ALT+<Left/Right arrow>: Jump to previous/next folder.
    • Wrap backwards. Allowed for LoopSameFolderLevel & LoopSubFolders too, not justLoopFolder.
  • Filter
    • Hide small images below MinFilesize. ALT+M to toggle and reload.
      • Enabled by default if MinFilesize > 0, but auto-disabled if 1st image opened is small (< MinFilesize).
    • HideHidden setting: hide hidden images and folders. ALT+H to toggle and reload.
  • Simplified KeyMap.txt format with direct hotkey to command ID mapping.
    • Old format still supported.
    • Use ConvertKeyMap tool to make one-off conversion if desired.
  • Others
    • Release includes all necessary DLLs.
    • Toast notifications.
    • Toggle ascending/descending sorting by pressing the same hotkey for sorting mode.
    • New settings and/or options:
      • Added Auto folder navigation mode to auto-choose LoopSubFolders (if initial folder has subfolder) or LoopSameFolderLevel (otherwise).
        • Command# 6000 (LOOP_FOLDER, hotkey: F7) now toggles between LoopFolder and Auto.
      • Set MinFilesize > 0 to Hide of small images. It auto-disables temporarily if 1st image opened is small (< MinFilesize), so as to view that image as intended.
    • [Experimental]: include a mod of mez0ru's PR for quick image show despite large folder

(Last selectively sync'd up to original's ~31 Jan 2023 updates, with occasional cherry picks going ahead).


JPEGView has a slideshow mode which can be activated in various ways:

  • hotkey:
    • ALT+R: 'resume'/start slideshow @ default of 1fps.
    • ALT+SHF+R (added in mod): start slideshow @ custom interval configured via SlideShowCustomInterval setting in JPEGView.ini.
    • one of number 1 to 9: start slideshow with corresponding delay in seconds, i.e. 1s to 9s, when not in selection mode.
      • May get rid of these excessive selections and repurpose these hotkeys for something else more useful in future.
    • CTRL+(one of number 1 to 9): start slideshow with corresponding delay in tenth of a second (number x 0.1), i.e. 0.1s to 0.9s.
    • CTRL+SHF+(one of number 1 to 9): start slideshow with corresponding delay in hundredth of a second (number x 0.01), i.e. 0.01s to 0.09s.
    • ESC: exit slideshow.
    • SHIFT+Space (added in mod): start slideshow @ 1fps. This is added via KeyMap.txt file.
    • Plus (added in mod; when in slideshow mode): increase slideshow frame interval, i.e. slow it down, in steps. Steps are the available fps speeds listed below.
    • Minus (added in mod; when in slideshow mode): decrease slideshow frame interval, i.e. speed it down, in steps. Steps are the available fps speeds listed below.
    • Space (modified in mod; when in slideshow mode): pause/resume slideshow. When not in slideshow, it toggles fit to window.
  • context menu: right click image, select "Play folder as slideshow/movie" any of the options available - which are different slideshow speeds.
    • available speeds in fps: 100, 50, 30, 25, 10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, 0.143, 0.1, 0.05, and custom (interval)
    • custom (added in mod): as per SlideShowCustomInterval setting.
  • commandline: JPEGView.exe [optional image/path] /slideshow <interval in secs> Interval must be integer >= 1, or defaults to 5s; no upper limit.
    • E.g.: JPEGView.exe c:\image.png /slideshow 1 starts JPEGView in slideshow with image switching at 1s intervals, beginning with given image or folder.
    • E.g.: JPEGView.exe /slideshow 2 (modified in mod) starts JPEGView in image selection mode, and then starts slideshow with image switching at 2s intervals. (Previously when an image/path is not specified, /slideshow is ignored)
  • Slideshow no longer paused when jumping into an image from a different folder.
  • New Auto option for FolderNavigation setting.
  • During slideshow, block screensaver.
  • A little Android-like toast to inform of new slideshow fps or interval. Also used for other general notifications of interest.
    • PS: there's an existing toast-like display of zoom factor when zooming - just in a smaller font.

This mod makes it easier to manipulate the slideshow, specifically to pause/resume it, and (shift) up/down its speed.

Slideshow Custom Interval

Configure slideshow to run at custom interval via SlideShowCustomInterval setting in JPEGView.ini.

  • Default: 5mins
  • Specify in secs, mins or hrs; default unit: seconds.
    • E.g.: 0.1 = 0.1s = 10fps, 1s = 1sec = 1fps, 5m = 5 mins, 1.5h = 1.5hrs

Can be activated by ALT+SHF+R hotkey.

Alternatively, you may use the /slideshow commandline option to specify arbitrary intervals too; so this feature may not really be needed?


JPEGView hotkeys can be customized via the KeyMap.txt file. WARNING: errors will render all hotkeys disabled.

  • Available #define's are are in src/JPEGView/resource.h. These are the available commands that can be mapped to hotkeys.
  • The bottom section are the hotkey mappings to the above commands.

Other useful customizations, refer to this guide

  • Suggest increasing zoom amount by increasing MouseWheelZoomSpeed to 1.5 from 1.0.

Panning vs Selection Modes

The new default is panning mode.

  • The old pesky 'Selection mode' can be toggled via 'S' hotkey.
    • In selection mode, left mouse click on image starts rectangular area selection. Once a rectangular area is selected, popup menu offers options of * cropping to selection, and * zooming to selection.
    • If you wish to select, hit 'S' to enter selection mode. It lasts until exit (hit 'S' again).
    • Navigation panel's zoom mode button has been changed to selection mode.
    • Press 'Z' to 'quick zoom to selection'. Like this:
      • Press 'Z'
      • Drag to select area
      • Once area is selected (mouse released), zoom immediately occurs.
      • Resume in panning mode. Basically don't ever stay in the pesky selection mode that leave ugly selection boxes defiling the image.
    • Option for selection box to match image aspect ratio.
      • one of number 1 to 9: when in selection mode, selects these aspect ratio:
        1. Free
        2. Same as image
        3. 3:2
        4. 4:3
        5. 5:4
        6. 16:9
        7. 16:10
        8. Fixed size
        9. User predefined in settings
  • Changed hotkeys
    • Reuse 'S' for toggling Selection mode.
      • Dunno what 'save/delete param DB' are, but presuming they're infrequently used junk features, their hotkeys 'S' & 'D' are changed to ALT+S/D. Hence, update the KeyMap.txt for this change to take effect!
    • Reuse 'Z' for Quick Zoom to Selection mode.
      • Random sort hotkey changed to ALT+Z.
    • CTRL+Z to toggle (left mouse drag) zoom mode.
  • ALT+SHIFT+ for forcing 'fine grain' panning.
    • SHIFT+ panning now scales up proportionally to larger panning amounts when image is larger than window.
  • Can pan till 1 pixels on any edge.
    • If you can't find your out of view image, try zooming, and using the zoom mini-map to pan our image back into view.
  • '-'/'=' (i.e. the ones between numbers and backspace) to zoom out/in for keyboards without Numpad -/+ keys.


Currently, alpha channel appears to be blended into RGB pixels. Thus, alpha data is 'lost', and won't be saved. This is done in LoadImageThread.cpp's WebpAlphaBlendBackground(). CJPEGImage does not seem to bother with alpha channel.

For now, added ability to toggle transparency between checkerboard pattern and solid colour background, via SHIFT-V hotkey. Update your KeyMap.txt as usual.

Now calls the blend alpha for all image types.


For simplicity, toggling hide small or hidden images triggers a reload of image and folders, and restarts from beginning. This is to avoid major rework of CFileList to either track these hidden images separately and sort them back into the internal lists as needed; or to have even more complicated (and possibly error prone) looping logic to get the next/previous image.

Configure in JPEGView.ini:

  • Minimum filesize: MinFilesize, default: 30K.
    • Specify in bytes, KB or MB like so: 30720, 30K or 1M
  • Enable hide hidden images and folders: HideHidden, default: true.

[Experimental] Asynchronous FileList

mez0ru has a PR for Issue: Slow startup when opening a file in a highly populated folder.

I've tried it out a mod of it on a folder with 25k small images. Differences:

  • If app is launched with an image specified (instead of a folder), it will show that image (by adding it to the file list) first. Asynchronous loading of files in that image's folder, is started thereafter. This ensures that initial image is quickly displayed.
  • Limit code changes to FileList.cpp/h files only.
  • NextFolder() does NOT play well with async load, as underlying FindFileRecursively() & TryCreateFileList() will mistakenly discard all folders thinking they are empty, and stay in original folder. So we've to force a full load, and lose the benefit of async-load of child/parallel folders. This needs more work!
    • Perhaps rework FindFiles() into 2 parts: (1) return 1st file found (to let FindFileRecursively() succeed in retaining non-empty folders) and (2) return rest of files.

From timing printouts, it does help 'significantly'. However 'by feel', perhaps owing to my defragmented drive, opening an image in a folder with 25k is still very fast (< 1s)! Thus, I can't really test other situations like jumping 100 images, etc. As such, I'll leave this patch as is, for now.


  • Filter images by date, like show newest images only?
  • Gestures?
    • Double finger drag pan while zoom.
    • Swipe gestures to skip images at varying amounts depending on swiping speed. Generally, add control via gestures.
  • Proper support for transparent images.
    • At least preserve transparency for non-edit saves to a different image format?
  • Quality options for 'Save image'. At least save as equivalent quality.
  • Save animated WEBP?

Developer Notes

These notes are here in case anyone wishes to further enhance JPEGView =D and meddle with the troublesome-to-build avif+aom stuff.

AVIF Image Format

(this is an animated AVIF; it doesn't animate if your browser does not support)

Support for viewing of AVIF images is via AOMediaCodec/libavif + Alliance for Open Media.

  • JPEGView uses avif.dll from libavif; JPEGView requires avif.lib from libavif.
    • Load AVIF image: libavif\examples\avif_example_decode_file.c example is adapted into JPEGView's ImageLoadThread.cpp, CImageLoadThread::ProcessReadAVIFRequest() method, with reference to ProcessReadWEBPRequest().
    • Save As AVIF image: libavif\examples\avif_example_encode.c example is adapted into JPEGView's SaveImage.cpp, CAvifEncoder class.
      • Save is extremely slow, so have patience!
      • JPEGView's 'Save As' dialog box is simplistic, so no choice of image quality.
        • JPEGView uses WTL's CFileDialog instead of MFC's. The latter has AddEditBox() et al, that could be used to add options selection. WTL's can't; so much rework is needed to add customizable options.
        • Choice of lossy or lossless is via file extension filter selection.
        • AVIF save quality defaults to 60 (on a scale up to 100).
      • Can now save animated AVIF too.
  • libavif issues:
    • [Resolved] c-based, using malloc/free for image buffer allocation - this has been modded in JPEGView to follow the latter's convention in using new[]/delete[] so as to let it (CJPEGImage) manage freeing of the memory itself.
    • [Resolved] uses char filenames, unlike JPEGView which uses wchar_t. Switched to use of avifDecoderSetIOMemory instead of avifDecoderSetIOFile, so images with unicode filenames can now be opened.
      • Though the original way letting libavif handle file read seems a tad more stable. There's less chance of animated AVIF image frame load error when switching image rapidly.
  • aom's aom.lib seems statically linked into libavif to produce avif.lib, so its aom.dll is not needed by JPEGView.
  • Tested on AVIF sample images from
    • Afternote: incorporated qbnu's portion using alternate HEIC/dav1d decoder, most if not all flavours AVIFs can now be decoded.
      • libavif+aom will still be used for reading/writing animated AVIF, and writing to AVIF.
    • CJPEGImage class only handles 8bpp images? So higher bpp images are 'downgraded' to 8bpp.
  • Added code for EXIF data extraction using Helpers::FindEXIFBlock(pBuffer, nFileSize), but Not yet tested.

Building aom

Roughly follow the steps in aom's guide and roughly as such (for building in Win 7):

  • Clone aom repo
  • These tools are needed. Install them:
    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. Don't use VS2017, something will fail.
    • CMake. Must be sufficiently new version in order to have (VS project generator for >= VS2019).
    • NASM
    • Strawberry Perl. There's another Perl listed by but that's troublesome needing registration to download.
  • Open Developer Tools for VS2019 command prompt, launch CMake GUI from it.
    • For 'Where the source code is', select the cloned aom folder.
    • Create a new folder, say 'aom_build', elsewhere for CMake & build output.
    • Check the (key) Name-Value pairs to ensure these are properly (detected and) filled in:
      • AS_EXECUTABLE = <path to NASM's exe>
      • PERL_EXECUTABLE = <path to Perl's exe>
    • Click the 'Configure' button. Hopefully there're no errors, so as to be able to move to the next step. If not, good luck resolve any errors.
    • Click the 'Generate' button to generate VS solution and projects files. If all goes well, click the 'Open Project' button to open in VS2019 =)
    • Probably only need to initate build on the aom project to get aom.lib. Build will take quite some time as dependencies are built.
      • Desired output: aom_build/Release/aom.lib which is needed by libavif below.

Building libavif

  • Download and unzip one of libavif's latest release.
  • These tools are needed. Install them:
    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
    • CMake. Must be sufficiently new version in order to have (VS project generator for >= VS2019).
  • These libraries are needed. Find, download and unzip them. Not sure if they're really needed for avif.lib, but CMake will scream and break if their Name-Value info aren't filled in. The (key) Name's in CMake are:
  • Open Developer Tools for VS2019 command prompt, launch CMake GUI from it.
    • For 'Where the source code is', select the unzipped libavif folder.
    • Create a new folder, say 'libavif_build', elsewhere for CMake & build output.
    • Check these (key) Name-Value pairs to ensure these are properly (detected and) filled in: JPEG_LIBRARY_, PNG_LIBRARY_ and ZLIB_LIBRARY_*
    • Tick these (key) Name's:
      • AOM_INCLUDE_FOLDER: fill in the 'aom' folder path from earlier, like c:/aom.
      • AOM_LIBRARY: fill in the earlier, like c:/aom_build/Release/aom.lib
    • Click the 'Configure' button. Hopefully there're no errors, so as to be able to move to the next step. If not, good luck resolve any errors.
    • Click the 'Generate' button to generate VS solution and projects files. If all goes well, click the 'Open Project' button to open in VS2019 =)
    • Probably only need to initate build on the ext/avif/avif project to get avif.lib & avif.dll.
      • Optional: build ext/avid/examples/avif_example_decode_file project to get a .EXE to test decoding AVIF images.
      • Many project may fail to build (like owing to bad jpeg libs, etc), but they probably don't matter / aren't needed.
      • Desired output: libavif_build/avif.lib and avif.dll, which are needed by JPEGView =)

Building JPEGView

The above avif.lib then goes into src\JPEGView\libavif\lib64. avif.dll goes to src\JPEGView\bin\x64\Release and/or Debug folder. These are added in JPEGView.vcxproj's configuration.

Simply build using the VS solution file.

ICO Image Format

ICO file can contain multiple icons of various sizes. WICLoader can read the 'frame' count, i.e. number of images. It has been modified to find the largest one amongst them and extract that image.


Official Releases

Official releases will be made to sylikc's GitHub Releases page. Each release includes:

Mod Releases

2 zip files:

  • - (one purely of the executable and DLLs) for updating your copy, without overriding your existing configuration files.
    • You will have to merge new config settings yourselves. E.g.: SlideShowCustomInterval.
  • - full package for unzip and run. Includes above Plus all config/translation/etc files.


JPEGView does not require installation to run. Just unzip, and run either the 64-bit version, or the 32-bit version depending on which platform you're on. It can save the settings to the extracted folder and run entirely portable.


With the addition of support for AVIF and especially JPEG XL, additional VC redistributable DLLs are needed. This is owing to their dependency on Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022's trio of vcruntime140.dll, vcruntime140_1.dll, and msvcp140.dll - which in turn requires many other VC DLLs!

These DLLs are now packed in the mod's

  •'s extras folder in case you need them.
    • Try running JPEGView without using them - you may already have the VCRedist installed for other apps.
    • If fail, move the DLLs out from extras folder to the same folder as JPEGView.exe. It should then work.
  • JPEGView.Setup.msi installer - this will by default install the DLLs in JPEGView's folder.
    • If you already have a proper VCRedist installation, you may skip this set's installation by going into Advanced options and deselect "VCRedist for AVIF and JXL".

Mod Update Portable Apps Version

Strangely, there's a portable app version of JPEGView on

To use this mod, simply replace the JPEGView.exe, *.DLL, JPEGView.ini and KeyMap.txt in the App/JPEGView sub-folder.

MSI Installer

For those who prefer to have JPEGView installed for All Users, a 32-bit/64-bit installer is available to download starting with v1.0.40.

(Unfortunately, I don't own a code signing certificate yet, so the MSI release is not signed. Please verify checksums!)


If you're on Windows 11, or Windows 10 (build 1709 or later), you can also download it directly from the official Microsoft WinGet tool repository. This downloads the latest MSI installer directly from GitHub for installation.

Example Usage:

C:> winget search jpegview

Name     Id              Version  Source
JPEGView sylikc.JPEGView 1.1.43  winget

C:> winget install jpegview

Found JPEGView [sylikc.JPEGView] Version 1.1.43
This application is licensed to you by its owner.
Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages.
  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦  4.23 MB / 4.23 MB
Successfully verified installer hash
Starting package install...
Successfully installed


Another option is to use the official JPEGView on PortableApps package. The PortableApps launcher preserves user settings in a separate directory from the extracted application directory. This release is signed.

System Requirements

  • 64-bit version: Windows 7/8/10/11 64-bit or later Mod only tested for >= Win 7 64 bit.

What's New

Brief History

This GitHub repo continues the legacy (is a "fork") of the excellent project JPEGView by David Kleiner. Unfortunately, starting in 2020, the SourceForge project has essentially been abandoned, with the last update being 2018-02-24 (1.0.37). It's an excellent lightweight image viewer that I use almost daily!

The starting point for this repo was a direct clone from SourceForge SVN to GitHub Git. By continuing this way, it retains all previous commits and all original author comments.

I'm hoping with this project, some devs might help me keep the project alive! It's been awhile, and could use some new features or updates. Looking forward to the community making suggestions, and devs will help with some do pull requests as some of the image code is quite a learning curve for me to pick it up. -sylikc

Special Thanks

Thanks to sylikc, qbnu et al for maintaining JPEGView =D

Thanks to Alliance for Open Media for libavif + aom for AVIF image read/write.


Fork of JPEGView by David Kleiner adopted by sylikc. Pivot: focus on slideshow; and add AVIF image format support







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