Calibration ... done: 0.06289202072183371 µs/#-overhead % # Format : short, week only (in gmt) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%u" -gmt 1 5 0.623588 µs/# 728468 # 1603622 #/sec 454.264 nett-ms % # Format : short, week only (system zone) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%u" 5 0.972527 µs/# 482947 # 1028249 #/sec 469.679 nett-ms % # Format : short, week only (CEST) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%u" -timezone :CET 5 0.609961 µs/# 743223 # 1639449 #/sec 453.337 nett-ms % # Format : date only (in gmt) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%Y-%m-%d" -gmt 1 2016-12-23 0.663723 µs/# 688224 # 1506652 #/sec 456.790 nett-ms % # Format : date only (system zone) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%Y-%m-%d" 2016-12-23 0.976917 µs/# 480908 # 1023628 #/sec 469.807 nett-ms % # Format : date only (CEST) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%Y-%m-%d" -timezone :CET 2016-12-23 0.642737 µs/# 708696 # 1555846 #/sec 455.505 nett-ms % # Format : time only (in gmt) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%H:%M" -gmt 1 20:45 0.648351 µs/# 703101 # 1542375 #/sec 455.856 nett-ms % # Format : time only (system zone) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%H:%M" 21:45 0.962760 µs/# 487546 # 1038679 #/sec 469.390 nett-ms % # Format : time only (CEST) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%H:%M" -timezone :CET 21:45 0.642294 µs/# 709141 # 1556919 #/sec 455.477 nett-ms % # Format : time only (in gmt) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%H:%M:%S" -gmt 1 20:45:36 0.663076 µs/# 688838 # 1508122 #/sec 456.752 nett-ms % # Format : time only (system zone) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%H:%M:%S" 21:45:36 0.987896 µs/# 475882 # 1012252 #/sec 470.122 nett-ms % # Format : time only (CEST) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%H:%M:%S" -timezone :CET 21:45:36 0.666958 µs/# 685174 # 1499345 #/sec 456.982 nett-ms % # Format : default (in gmt) % clock format 1482525936 -gmt 1 -locale en Fri Dec 23 20:45:36 GMT 2016 1.025427 µs/# 459470 # 975203 #/sec 471.153 nett-ms % # Format : default (system zone) % clock format 1482525936 -locale en Fri Dec 23 21:45:36 CET 2016 1.119806 µs/# 422801 # 893012 #/sec 473.455 nett-ms % # Format : default (CEST) % clock format 1482525936 -timezone :CET -locale en Fri Dec 23 21:45:36 CET 2016 0.919220 µs/# 509163 # 1087878 #/sec 468.033 nett-ms % # Format : ISO date-time (in gmt, numeric zone) % clock format 1246379400 -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z" -gmt 1 2009-06-30T16:30:00 +0000 0.744658 µs/# 619240 # 1342898 #/sec 461.122 nett-ms % # Format : ISO date-time (system zone, CEST, numeric zone) % clock format 1246379400 -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z" 2009-06-30T18:30:00 +0200 1.027139 µs/# 458748 # 973577 #/sec 471.198 nett-ms % # Format : ISO date-time (CEST, numeric zone) % clock format 1246379400 -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z" -timezone :CET 2009-06-30T18:30:00 +0200 0.747843 µs/# 616806 # 1337179 #/sec 461.274 nett-ms % # Format : ISO date-time (system zone, CEST) % clock format 1246379400 -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %Z" 2009-06-30T18:30:00 CEST 1.030478 µs/# 457347 # 970423 #/sec 471.286 nett-ms % # Format : julian day with time (in gmt): % clock format 1246379415 -format "%J %H:%M:%S" -gmt 1 2455013 16:30:15 0.710684 µs/# 646439 # 1407094 #/sec 459.414 nett-ms % # Format : julian day with time (system zone): % clock format 1246379415 -format "%J %H:%M:%S" 2455013 18:30:15 1.015873 µs/# 463544 # 984374 #/sec 470.902 nett-ms % # Format : locale date-time (en): % clock format 1246379415 -format "%x %X" -locale en 06/30/2009 18:30:15 1.051463 µs/# 448734 # 951056 #/sec 471.827 nett-ms % # Format : locale date-time (de): % clock format 1246379415 -format "%x %X" -locale de 30.06.2009 18:30:15 1.043476 µs/# 451973 # 958335 #/sec 471.623 nett-ms % # Format : locale lookup table month: % clock format 1246379400 -format "%b" -locale en -gmt 1 Jun 0.721517 µs/# 637510 # 1385969 #/sec 459.974 nett-ms % # Format : locale lookup 2 tables - month and day: % clock format 1246379400 -format "%b %Od" -locale en -gmt 1 Jun 30 0.848032 µs/# 548959 # 1179200 #/sec 465.535 nett-ms % # Format : locale lookup 3 tables - week, month and day: % clock format 1246379400 -format "%a %b %Od" -locale en -gmt 1 Tue Jun 30 0.930747 µs/# 503256 # 1074405 #/sec 468.404 nett-ms % # Format : locale lookup 4 tables - week, month, day and year: % clock format 1246379400 -format "%a %b %Od %Oy" -locale en -gmt 1 Tue Jun 30 09 1.005158 µs/# 468191 # 994868 #/sec 470.606 nett-ms % # Format : dynamic clock value (without converter caches): % setup {set i 0} 0 % clock format [incr i] -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" -locale en -timezone :CET 1970-01-01T01:00:01 0.999471 µs/# 470697 # 1000529 #/sec 470.448 nett-ms % cleanup {puts [clock format $i -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" -locale en -timezone :CET]} 1970-01-06T11:44:58 % # Format : dynamic clock value (without any converter caches, zone range overflow): % setup {set i 0} 0 % clock format [incr i 86400] -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" -locale en -timezone :CET 1970-01-02T01:00:00 1.111008 µs/# 425970 # 900083 #/sec 473.256 nett-ms % cleanup {puts [clock format $i -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" -locale en -timezone :CET]} 3136-04-09T01:00:00 % # Format : dynamic format (cacheable) % clock format 1246379415 -format [string trim "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S "] -gmt 1 30.06.2009 16:30:15 1.828475 µs/# 264375 # 546903 #/sec 483.403 nett-ms % # Format : all (in gmt, locale en) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%%a = %a | %%A = %A | %%b = %b | %%h = %h | %%B = %B | %%C = %C | %%d = %d | %%e = %e | %%g = %g | %%G = %G | %%H = %H | %%I = %I | %%j = %j | %%J = %J | %%k = %k | %%l = %l | %%m = %m | %%M = %M | %%N = %N | %%p = %p | %%P = %P | %%Q = %Q | %%s = %s | %%S = %S | %%t = %t | %%u = %u | %%U = %U | %%V = %V | %%w = %w | %%W = %W | %%y = %y | %%Y = %Y | %%z = %z | %%Z = %Z | %%n = %n | %%EE = %EE | %%EC = %EC | %%Ey = %Ey | %%n = %n | %%Od = %Od | %%Oe = %Oe | %%OH = %OH | %%Ok = %Ok | %%OI = %OI | %%Ol = %Ol | %%Om = %Om | %%OM = %OM | %%OS = %OS | %%Ou = %Ou | %%Ow = %Ow | %%Oy = %Oy" -gmt 1 -locale en %a = Fri | %A = Friday | %b = Dec | %h = Dec | %B = December | %C = 20 | %d = 23 | %e = 23 | %g = 16 | %G = 2016 | %H = 20 | %I = 08 | %j = 358 | %J = 2457746 | %k = 20 | %l = 8 | %m = 12 | %M = 45 | %N = 12 | %p = PM | %P = pm | %Q = Stardate 70975.8 | %s = 1482525936 | %S = 36 | %t = | %u = 5 | %U = 51 | %V = 51 | %w = 5 | %W = 51 | %y = 16 | %Y = 2016 | %z = +0000 | %Z = GMT | %n = | %EE = C.E. | %EC = 20 | %Ey = 16 | %n = | %Od = 23 | %Oe = 23 | %OH = 20 | %Ok = 20 | %OI = 08 | %Ol = 08 | %Om = 12 | %OM = 45 | %OS = 36 | %Ou = 05 | %Ow = 05 | %Oy = 16 4.909603 µs/# 100556 # 203682 #/sec 493.690 nett-ms % # Format : all (in CET, locale de) % clock format 1482525936 -format "%%a = %a | %%A = %A | %%b = %b | %%h = %h | %%B = %B | %%C = %C | %%d = %d | %%e = %e | %%g = %g | %%G = %G | %%H = %H | %%I = %I | %%j = %j | %%J = %J | %%k = %k | %%l = %l | %%m = %m | %%M = %M | %%N = %N | %%p = %p | %%P = %P | %%Q = %Q | %%s = %s | %%S = %S | %%t = %t | %%u = %u | %%U = %U | %%V = %V | %%w = %w | %%W = %W | %%y = %y | %%Y = %Y | %%z = %z | %%Z = %Z | %%n = %n | %%EE = %EE | %%EC = %EC | %%Ey = %Ey | %%n = %n | %%Od = %Od | %%Oe = %Oe | %%OH = %OH | %%Ok = %Ok | %%OI = %OI | %%Ol = %Ol | %%Om = %Om | %%OM = %OM | %%OS = %OS | %%Ou = %Ou | %%Ow = %Ow | %%Oy = %Oy" -timezone :CET -locale de %a = Fr | %A = Freitag | %b = Dez | %h = Dez | %B = Dezember | %C = 20 | %d = 23 | %e = 23 | %g = 16 | %G = 2016 | %H = 21 | %I = 09 | %j = 358 | %J = 2457746 | %k = 21 | %l = 9 | %m = 12 | %M = 45 | %N = 12 | %p = NACHM. | %P = nachm. | %Q = Stardate 70975.9 | %s = 1482525936 | %S = 36 | %t = | %u = 5 | %U = 51 | %V = 51 | %w = 5 | %W = 51 | %y = 16 | %Y = 2016 | %z = +0100 | %Z = CET | %n = | %EE = n. Chr. | %EC = 20 | %Ey = 16 | %n = | %Od = 23 | %Oe = 23 | %OH = 21 | %Ok = 21 | %OI = 09 | %Ol = 09 | %Om = 12 | %OM = 45 | %OS = 36 | %Ou = 05 | %Ow = 05 | %Oy = 16 4.895413 µs/# 100844 # 204272 #/sec 493.673 nett-ms ******************************************************************************** Total 32 cases in 16.00 sec. (14.95 nett-sec.): 36.746279 µs/# 16656771 # 1113849.607 #/sec 14954.237 nett-ms Average: 1.148321 µs/# 520524 # 1113849 #/sec 467.320 nett-ms Min: 0.609961 µs/# 743223 # 1639449 #/sec 453.337 nett-ms Max: 4.909603 µs/# 100556 # 203682 #/sec 493.690 nett-ms ******************************************************************************** % # Scan : date (in gmt) % clock scan "25.11.2015" -format "%d.%m.%Y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Wed Nov 25 01:00:00 CET 2015 0.760793 µs/# 607107 # 1314417 #/sec 461.883 nett-ms % # Scan : date (system time zone, with base) % clock scan "25.11.2015" -format "%d.%m.%Y" -base 0 Wed Nov 25 00:00:00 CET 2015 0.961717 µs/# 488044 # 1039807 #/sec 469.360 nett-ms % # Scan : date (system time zone, without base) % clock scan "25.11.2015" -format "%d.%m.%Y" Wed Nov 25 00:00:00 CET 2015 1.287149 µs/# 370389 # 776910 #/sec 476.746 nett-ms % # Scan : greedy match % clock scan "111" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Mon Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 2001 0.690867 µs/# 663437 # 1447455 #/sec 458.347 nett-ms % clock scan "1111" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Thu Jan 11 01:00:00 CET 2001 0.709616 µs/# 647333 # 1409212 #/sec 459.358 nett-ms % clock scan "11111" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Sun Nov 11 01:00:00 CET 2001 0.719457 µs/# 639189 # 1389937 #/sec 459.869 nett-ms % clock scan "111111" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Fri Nov 11 01:00:00 CET 2011 0.725565 µs/# 634237 # 1378236 #/sec 460.180 nett-ms % # Scan : greedy match (space separated) % clock scan "1 1 1" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Mon Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 2001 0.707664 µs/# 648973 # 1413099 #/sec 459.255 nett-ms % clock scan "111 1" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Thu Jan 11 01:00:00 CET 2001 0.719975 µs/# 638767 # 1388937 #/sec 459.896 nett-ms % clock scan "1 111" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Thu Nov 01 01:00:00 CET 2001 0.729336 µs/# 631218 # 1371110 #/sec 460.370 nett-ms % clock scan "1 11 1" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Thu Nov 01 01:00:00 CET 2001 0.723366 µs/# 636011 # 1382425 #/sec 460.069 nett-ms % clock scan "1 11 11" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Tue Nov 01 01:00:00 CET 2011 0.745721 µs/# 618426 # 1340984 #/sec 461.173 nett-ms % clock scan "11 11 11" -format "%d%m%y" -base 0 -gmt 1 Fri Nov 11 01:00:00 CET 2011 0.745210 µs/# 618816 # 1341903 #/sec 461.148 nett-ms % # Scan : time (in gmt) % clock scan "10:35:55" -format "%H:%M:%S" -base 1000000000 -gmt 1 Sun Sep 09 12:35:55 CEST 2001 0.781947 µs/# 594547 # 1278859 #/sec 464.904 nett-ms % # Scan : time (system time zone, with base) % clock scan "10:35:55" -format "%H:%M:%S" -base 1000000000 Sun Sep 09 10:35:55 CEST 2001 0.967832 µs/# 485147 # 1033236 #/sec 469.541 nett-ms % # Scan : time (gmt, without base) % clock scan "10:35:55" -format "%H:%M:%S" -gmt 1 Thu Jan 05 11:35:55 CET 2017 0.978851 µs/# 480015 # 1021606 #/sec 469.863 nett-ms % # Scan : time (system time zone, without base) % clock scan "10:35:55" -format "%H:%M:%S" Thu Jan 05 10:35:55 CET 2017 1.295417 µs/# 368134 # 771952 #/sec 476.887 nett-ms % # Scan : date-time (in gmt) % clock scan "25.11.2015 10:35:55" -format "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" -base 0 -gmt 1 Wed Nov 25 11:35:55 CET 2015 0.997098 µs/# 471751 # 1002910 #/sec 470.382 nett-ms % # Scan : date-time (system time zone with base) % clock scan "25.11.2015 10:35:55" -format "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" -base 0 Wed Nov 25 10:35:55 CET 2015 1.170620 µs/# 405386 # 854248 #/sec 474.553 nett-ms % # Scan : date-time (system time zone without base) % clock scan "25.11.2015 10:35:55" -format "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" Wed Nov 25 10:35:55 CET 2015 1.422991 µs/# 336525 # 702745 #/sec 478.872 nett-ms % # Scan : julian day in gmt % clock scan 2451545 -format %J -gmt 1 Sat Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 2000 0.927197 µs/# 505060 # 1078519 #/sec 468.290 nett-ms % # Scan : julian day in system TZ % clock scan 2451545 -format %J Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 2000 1.300255 µs/# 366828 # 769079 #/sec 476.970 nett-ms % # Scan : julian day in other TZ % clock scan 2451545 -format %J -timezone +0200 Fri Dec 31 23:00:00 CET 1999 0.907625 µs/# 515247 # 1101776 #/sec 467.651 nett-ms % # Scan : julian day with time: % clock scan "2451545 10:20:30" -format "%J %H:%M:%S" Sat Jan 01 10:20:30 CET 2000 1.379699 µs/# 346625 # 724796 #/sec 478.238 nett-ms % # Scan : julian day with time (greedy match): % clock scan "2451545 102030" -format "%J%H%M%S" Sat Jan 01 10:20:30 CET 2000 1.323276 µs/# 360735 # 755700 #/sec 477.352 nett-ms % # Scan : century, lookup table month % clock scan {1970 Jan 2} -format {%C%y %b %d} -locale en -gmt 1 Fri Jan 02 01:00:00 CET 1970 1.177708 µs/# 403066 # 849107 #/sec 474.694 nett-ms % # Scan : century, lookup table month and day (both entries are first) % clock scan {1970 Jan 01} -format {%C%y %b %Od} -locale en -gmt 1 Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 1970 1.243688 µs/# 382710 # 804059 #/sec 475.972 nett-ms % # Scan : century, lookup table month and day (list scan: entries with position 12 / 31) % clock scan {2016 Dec 31} -format {%C%y %b %Od} -locale en -gmt 1 Sat Dec 31 01:00:00 CET 2016 1.339217 µs/# 356633 # 746704 #/sec 477.609 nett-ms % # Scan : ISO date-time (CEST) % clock scan "2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00" -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" Tue Jun 30 18:30:00 CEST 2009 1.555152 µs/# 309036 # 643023 #/sec 480.598 nett-ms % clock scan "2009-06-30T18:30:00 CEST" -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z" Tue Jun 30 18:30:00 CEST 2009 1.598075 µs/# 301049 # 625752 #/sec 481.099 nett-ms % # Scan : ISO date-time (UTC) % clock scan "2009-06-30T18:30:00Z" -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" Tue Jun 30 20:30:00 CEST 2009 1.527706 µs/# 314480 # 654576 #/sec 480.433 nett-ms % clock scan "2009-06-30T18:30:00 UTC" -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z" Tue Jun 30 20:30:00 CEST 2009 1.686012 µs/# 286148 # 593115 #/sec 482.449 nett-ms % # Scan : locale date-time (en): % clock scan "06/30/2009 18:30:15" -format "%x %X" -gmt 1 -locale en Tue Jun 30 20:30:15 CEST 2009 1.167113 µs/# 406539 # 856814 #/sec 474.477 nett-ms % # Scan : locale date-time (de): % clock scan "30.06.2009 18:30:15" -format "%x %X" -gmt 1 -locale de Tue Jun 30 20:30:15 CEST 2009 1.495887 µs/# 330033 # 668499 #/sec 493.692 nett-ms % # Scan : dynamic format (cacheable) % clock scan "25.11.2015 10:35:55" -format [string trim "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S "] -base 0 -gmt 1 Wed Nov 25 11:35:55 CET 2015 2.233709 µs/# 217724 # 447685 #/sec 486.332 nett-ms % break ******************************************************************************** Total 35 cases in 17.50 sec. (16.49 nett-sec.): 38.703511 µs/# 16385365 # 993744.311 #/sec 16488.512 nett-ms Average: 1.105815 µs/# 468153 # 993744 #/sec 471.100 nett-ms Min: 0.690867 µs/# 663437 # 1447455 #/sec 458.347 nett-ms Max: 2.233709 µs/# 217724 # 447685 #/sec 486.332 nett-ms ******************************************************************************** % # FreeScan : relative date % clock scan "5 years 18 months 385 days" -base 0 -gmt 1 Thu Jul 21 02:00:00 CEST 1977 1.838891 µs/# 262927 # 543806 #/sec 483.494 nett-ms % # FreeScan : relative date with relative weekday % clock scan "5 years 18 months 385 days Fri" -base 0 -gmt 1 Fri Jul 22 02:00:00 CEST 1977 2.142751 µs/# 226703 # 466689 #/sec 485.768 nett-ms % # FreeScan : relative date with ordinal month % clock scan "5 years 18 months 385 days next 1 January" -base 0 -gmt 1 Sat Jan 21 01:00:00 CET 1978 2.466238 µs/# 197706 # 405475 #/sec 487.590 nett-ms % # FreeScan : relative date with ordinal month and relative weekday % clock scan "5 years 18 months 385 days next January Fri" -base 0 -gmt 1 Fri Jan 27 01:00:00 CET 1978 2.811407 µs/# 173962 # 355693 #/sec 489.078 nett-ms % # FreeScan : ordinal month % clock scan "next January" -base 0 -gmt 1 Fri Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 1971 1.091372 µs/# 433217 # 916277 #/sec 472.801 nett-ms % # FreeScan : relative week % clock scan "next Fri" -base 0 -gmt 1 Fri Jan 09 01:00:00 CET 1970 1.197379 µs/# 396775 # 835157 #/sec 475.090 nett-ms % # FreeScan : relative weekday and week offset % clock scan "next January + 2 week" -base 0 -gmt 1 Fri Jan 15 01:00:00 CET 1971 1.617251 µs/# 297613 # 618333 #/sec 481.315 nett-ms % # FreeScan : time only with base % clock scan "19:18:30" -base 148863600 -gmt 1 Thu Sep 19 20:18:30 CET 1974 0.826637 µs/# 562163 # 1209720 #/sec 464.705 nett-ms % # FreeScan : time only without base, gmt % clock scan "19:18:30" -gmt 1 Thu Jan 05 20:18:30 CET 2017 1.085600 µs/# 435395 # 921149 #/sec 472.665 nett-ms % # FreeScan : time only without base, system % clock scan "19:18:30" Thu Jan 05 19:18:30 CET 2017 1.408519 µs/# 339835 # 709965 #/sec 478.664 nett-ms % # FreeScan : date, system time zone % clock scan "05/08/2016 20:18:30" Sun May 08 20:18:30 CEST 2016 1.511234 µs/# 317659 # 661711 #/sec 480.057 nett-ms % # FreeScan : date, supplied time zone % clock scan "05/08/2016 20:18:30" -timezone :CET Sun May 08 20:18:30 CEST 2016 1.261471 µs/# 377571 # 792725 #/sec 476.295 nett-ms % # FreeScan : date, supplied gmt (equivalent -timezone :GMT) % clock scan "05/08/2016 20:18:30" -gmt 1 Sun May 08 22:18:30 CEST 2016 1.240293 µs/# 383707 # 806261 #/sec 475.909 nett-ms % # FreeScan : date, supplied time zone gmt % clock scan "05/08/2016 20:18:30" -timezone :GMT Sun May 08 22:18:30 CEST 2016 1.229487 µs/# 386916 # 813347 #/sec 475.708 nett-ms % # FreeScan : time only, numeric zone in string, base time gmt (exchange zones between gmt / -0500) % clock scan "20:18:30 -0500" -base 148863600 -gmt 1 Fri Sep 20 02:18:30 CET 1974 2.360838 µs/# 206303 # 423578 #/sec 487.048 nett-ms % # FreeScan : time only, zone in string (exchange zones between system / gmt) % clock scan "19:18:30 GMT" -base 148863600 Fri Sep 20 20:18:30 CET 1974 2.917262 µs/# 167783 # 342787 #/sec 489.467 nett-ms % # FreeScan : fast switch of zones in cycle - GMT, MST, CET (system) and EST % clock scan "19:18:30 MST" -base 148863600 -gmt 1; clock scan "19:18:30 EST" -base 148863600; Sat Sep 21 01:18:30 CET 1974 9.478675 µs/# 52403 # 105499 #/sec 496.711 nett-ms ******************************************************************************** Total 17 cases in 8.50 sec. (8.17 nett-sec.): 36.485305 µs/# 5218638 # 638571.332 #/sec 8172.365 nett-ms Average: 2.146194 µs/# 306978 # 638570 #/sec 480.727 nett-ms Min: 0.826637 µs/# 562163 # 1209720 #/sec 464.705 nett-ms Max: 9.478675 µs/# 52403 # 105499 #/sec 496.711 nett-ms ******************************************************************************** % # Bad zone % catch {clock scan "1 day" -timezone BAD_ZONE -locale en} 1 7.339339 µs/# 67549 # 136252 #/sec 495.765 nett-ms % # Scan : julian day (overflow) % catch {clock scan 5373485 -format %J} 1 4.173722 µs/# 118022 # 239594 #/sec 492.591 nett-ms % # Scan : test rotate of GC objects (format is dynamic, so tcl-obj removed with last reference) % set i 0; time { clock scan "[incr i] - 25.11.2015" -format "$i - %d.%m.%Y" -base 0 -gmt 1 } 50 11.2 microseconds per iteration 120.391 µs/# 4151 # 8306.2 #/sec 499.745 nett-ms % # Scan : test reusability of GC objects (format is dynamic, so tcl-obj removed with last reference) % set i 50; time { clock scan "[incr i -1] - 25.11.2015" -format "$i - %d.%m.%Y" -base 0 -gmt 1 } 50 3.06 microseconds per iteration 116.875 µs/# 4276 # 8556.2 #/sec 499.756 nett-ms ******************************************************************************** Total 4 cases in 2.00 sec. (1.99 nett-sec.): 248.779061 µs/# 193998 # 97591.527 #/sec 1987.857 nett-ms Average: 62.194765 µs/# 48499 # 97591 #/sec 496.964 nett-ms Min: 4.173722 µs/# 118022 # 239594 #/sec 492.591 nett-ms Max: 120.391 µs/# 4151 # 8306.2 #/sec 499.745 nett-ms ******************************************************************************** **OK**