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Please see to set the basic configuration parameters, prior to customizing your instance of AnyNews.

AnyNews Customization

Although the AnyNews Progressive Web App (PWA) functions properly with the basic configuration data you provided initially, you may wish to make additional customizations. Most require simple configuration changes, not Javascript coding.

Level Zero

You'll almost certainly want your own icons for users who save your PWA to their home screen. These files are in SVG format, are placed in the src/assets/icons directory and should be named logo.svg and logoinverted.svg (the latter supporting Dark Mode). If you do not have SVG-format files, remove the default versions of these two files and replace them with a single file in either JPG or PNG format, with the name logo.jpg or logo.png appropriately. After replacing the supplied icons with your own files, the npm installation script will generate all the necessary icon file sizes required for iOS, Android and desktop. Run

npm run serve

Clear your device of any existing instance of your progressive web app. Then point your browser to localhost:8080/#/flavor/default and, once loaded, use "install to home screen". Your application icons will show instead of the default AnyNews icons.

Level One

Assure a Default Image (for Each Feed Item)

AnyNews prefers that each content item in your feed includes a link to an image to display in all feed listings and as the header image for the full content display. AnyNews looks, first, for an <enclosure> element in each feed <item>. Failing to find one, it will look for the first <img> HTML tag in the item's content. Failing to find that, it will check the feed's <channel> elements for the <image> element. Even this may not always succeed.

To provide a default image to use when no other sources are available, edit the config.js file, adding the full path to your default image as the value of the flavors.default.defaultImage element:

module.exports = {
    flavors: {
        default: {
			// --* use a fully-qualified URL here
    		defaultImage: "",

Enable Categories

Categories let the PWA show multiple RSS feeds from the same site. For example, you might offer "latest news" as your main feed, with separate feeds for "sports" and "entertainment". Categories show up on the Categories page of the PWA (which only appears when Categories are enabled and present). Each category gets its own item list on the Categories page.

Category feeds are just RSS feeds. You decide what's in them, and you define the category name using the channel title element in your RSS. Note that because categories are selected from a scrolling horizontally-displayed list, it is best to keep category names short (for example, "Sports" instead of "The Brunswick News World Renowned Sports Page").

Categories are enabled with two changes in config.js. First, assure the enableCategories element of the module.exports object is set to true. Next add your category feed addresses as an array of url elements in a new element. These should be full URL paths, and your category content must be served from the same domain as your core content.

Here's a new config.js illustrating just the category additions:

module.exports = {
	// --* set to true if providing additional feeds as categories
    enableCategories: true,
    flavors: {
        default: {
            categories: [
            	// --* add your category or categories here
            	{ url: "/rss/entertainment.xml" },
                { url: "/rss/sports.xml" }            

If you are using multiple flavors, it is not necessary that each flavor has the same categories, or has categories at all. See the document for intermixing categories and flavors.

Now run

npm run serve

Clear your device of any existing instance of your progressive web app. Then point your browser to localhost:8080/#/flavor/default and, once loaded, use "install to home screen". Select the Categories page that now appears to see your category feed(s).

Enable Proxying

Some will prefer to offer their RSS feeds via a CDN-based proxy to improve performance, circumvent censorship or distribute load. While implementing a fully-proxied approach is beyond our descriptive ability here, if you already have a feed proxy set up, it can be engaged in the following manner.

You'll be editing the proxies.js file to engage proxying. At the top of this file, you'll find the class ProxyHandlerClass and in its constructor method the field this.proxies - a simple array of URLs. You can supply as many as you are offering. Upon startup, the PWA will sense that proxying is on and select one at random to use.

You'll also see the field proxiedUrls. This is the URL providing the proxied content. Modify this to your site's base URL.

Here's a simplified version of what proxies.js should look like:

(function () {
    class ProxyHandlerClass {
        constructor() {
            this.proxies =  [
            	// *-- remove (comment out) for production
                // *-- if proxying, your proxy/proxies here
            // *-- the URLs you are proxying here
            this.proxiedUrls = [
    this.ProxyHandler = new ProxyHandlerClass();

There's no local testing for this configuration, so you'll need to deploy a new instance of AnyNews to test your proxies. Run

npm run build

and deploy your new instance to your core domain. Point your browser to that location, load the new PWA and 'install to home screen'. Use your CDN provider's console to verify that the PWA is acquiring the feed from the CDN proxy instead of the master CMS.

Style Modifications (CSS)

If you feel good about your CSS skills, you can directly edit the style files in the src/assets/css. A gentle reminder that playing around with the CSS files that define the look and layout of AnyNews will require prior CSS experience. Entries in the CSS files often "cascade" to impact other entries. Caution advised.

Remember to return your public/proxies.js file to local proxying while you test. Once ready for testing, run

npm run serve

Clear your device of any existing instance of your progressive web app. Then point your browser to localhost:8080 and, once loaded, use "install to home screen". Your CSS changes will be immediately visible.