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Sourcegraph SvelteKit

This folder contains the experimental SvelteKit implementation of the Sourcegraph app.

NOTE: This is a very early prototype and it will change a lot.


# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Generate GraphQL types
pnpm run -w generate
# Run dev server
pnpm run dev

You can also build the OSS or dotcom version by running pnpm run dev:oss and pnpm run dev:dotcom respectively, but they don't really differ in functionality yet.

The dev server can be accessed on http://localhost:5173. API requests and signin/signout are proxied to an actual Sourcegraph instance, by default (can be overwritten via the SOURCEGRAPH_API_URL environment variable.

Using code from @sourcegraph/*

There are some things to consider when using code from other @sourcegraph packages:

  • Since we use the barrel style of organizing our modules, many (unused) dependencies are imported into the app. This isn't really available, and at best will only increase the initial loading time. But some modules, especially those that access browser specific features during module initialization, can even cause the dev build to fail.
  • Reusing code is great, but also potentially exposes someone who modifies the reused code to this package and therefore Svelte (if the reused code changes in an incompatible way, this package needs to be updated too). To limit the exposure, a module of any @sourcegraph/* package should only be imported once into this package and only into a TypeScript file. The current convention is to import any modules from @sourcegraph/common into src/lib/common.ts, etc.


There are no tests yet. It would be great to try out Playwright but it looks like this depends on getting the production build working first (see below).

Formatting and linting

This package defines its own rules for formatting (which includes support for Svelte components) and linting. The workspace rules linting and formatting commands have not been updated yet to keep this experiment contained.


pnpm run lint
pnpm run format

inside this directory.

There is also the pnpm run check command which uses svelte-check to validate TypeScript, CSS, etc in Svelte components. This currently produces many errors because it also validates imported modules from other packages, and we are not explicitly marking type-only imports with type in other parts of the code base (which is required by this package).

Production build

A production version of this app can be built with

pnpm run build

Currently SvelteKit is configured to create a client-side single page application.