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File metadata and controls

146 lines (118 loc) · 9.1 KB

Getting started

Currently we don't publish the binary build with the release, but it is pretty straight forward to build it by following the steps mentioned here. But we do publish the docker image with each release, please check the release page for the same. Currently, release docker images are pushed to to container registry.


You can follow the help flag on etcdbrctl command and its sub-commands to know the usage details. Some of the common use cases are mentioned below. Although examples below use AWS S3 as storage provider, etcd-backup-restore supports AWS, GCS, Azure, Openstack swift and Alicloud OSS object store. It also supports local disk as storage provider for development purposes, but it is not recommended to use this in a production environment.

Cloud Provider Credentials

The procedure to provide credentials to access the cloud provider object store varies for different providers.

  • For AWS S3, the credentials file has to be provided in the ~/.aws directory.

  • For GCP Containers, the service account json file should be provided in the ~/.gcp as a service-account-file.json file.

  • For Azure Blob storage, STORAGE_ACCOUNT and STORAGE_KEY should be made available as environment variables.

  • For Openstack Swift, OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, OS_AUTH_URL, OS_TENANT_ID and OS_DOMAIN_ID or OS_CLOUD should be made available as environment variables.

  • For Alicloud OSS, ALICLOUD_ENDPOINT, ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID, ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET should be made available as environment variables.

  • For Dell EMC ECS, ECS_ENDPOINT, ECS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, ECS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY should be made available as environment variables. For development purposes, the environment variables ECS_DISABLE_SSL and ECS_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY can also be set to "true" or "false".

Taking scheduled snapshot

Sub-command snapshot takes scheduled backups, or snapshots of a running etcd cluster, which are pushed to one of the storage providers specified above (please note that etcd should already be running). One can apply standard cron format scheduling for regular backup of etcd. The cron schedule is used to take full backups. The delta snapshots are taken at regular intervals in the period in between full snapshots as indicated by the delta-snapshot-period flag. The default for the same is 20 seconds.

etcd-backup-restore has two garbage collection policies to clean up existing backups from the cloud bucket. The flag garbage-collection-policy is used to indicate the desired garbage collection policy.

  1. Exponential
  2. LimitBased

If using LimitBased policy, the max-backups flag should be provided to indicate the number of recent-most backups to persist at each garbage collection cycle.

$ ./bin/etcdbrctl snapshot  \
--storage-provider="S3" \
--etcd-endpoints http://localhost:2379 \
--schedule "*/1 * * * *" \
--store-container="etcd-backup" \
--delta-snapshot-period=10s \
--max-backups=10 \

INFO[0000] etcd-backup-restore Version: 0.7.0-dev
INFO[0000] Git SHA: c03f75c
INFO[0000] Go Version: go1.12.7
INFO[0000] Go OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
INFO[0000] Validating schedule...
INFO[0000] Defragmentation period :72 hours
INFO[0000] Taking scheduled snapshot for time: 2019-08-05 21:41:34.303439 +0530 IST
INFO[0000] Successfully opened snapshot reader on etcd
INFO[0001] Successfully initiated the multipart upload with upload ID : xhDeLNQsp9HAExmU1O4C3mCriUViVIRrrlPzdJ_.f4dtL046pNekEz54UD9GLYYOLjQUy.ZLZBLp4WeyNnFndDbvDZwhhCjAtwZQdqEbGw5.0HnX8fiP9Vvqk3_2j_Cf
INFO[0001] Uploading snapshot of size: 22028320, chunkSize: 5242880, noOfChunks: 5
INFO[0001] Triggered chunk upload for all chunks, total: 5
INFO[0001] No of Chunks:= 5
INFO[0001] Uploading chunk with id: 2, offset: 5242880, attempt: 0
INFO[0001] Uploading chunk with id: 4, offset: 15728640, attempt: 0
INFO[0001] Uploading chunk with id: 5, offset: 20971520, attempt: 0
INFO[0001] Uploading chunk with id: 1, offset: 0, attempt: 0
INFO[0001] Uploading chunk with id: 3, offset: 10485760, attempt: 0
INFO[0008] Received chunk result for id: 5, offset: 20971520
INFO[0012] Received chunk result for id: 3, offset: 10485760
INFO[0014] Received chunk result for id: 4, offset: 15728640
INFO[0015] Received chunk result for id: 2, offset: 5242880
INFO[0018] Received chunk result for id: 1, offset: 0
INFO[0018] Received successful chunk result for all chunks. Stopping workers.
INFO[0018] Finishing the multipart upload with upload ID : xhDeLNQsp9HAExmU1O4C3mCriUViVIRrrlPzdJ_.f4dtL046pNekEz54UD9GLYYOLjQUy.ZLZBLp4WeyNnFndDbvDZwhhCjAtwZQdqEbGw5.0HnX8fiP9Vvqk3_2j_Cf
INFO[0018] Total time to save snapshot: 17.934609 seconds.
INFO[0018] Successfully saved full snapshot at: Backup-1565021494/Full-00000000-00009002-1565021494
INFO[0018] Applied watch on etcd from revision: 9003
INFO[0018] Stopping full snapshot...
INFO[0018] Resetting full snapshot to run after 7.742179s
INFO[0018] Will take next full snapshot at time: 2019-08-05 21:42:00 +0530 IST
INFO[0018] Taking delta snapshot for time: 2019-08-05 21:41:52.258109 +0530 IST
INFO[0018] No events received to save snapshot. Skipping delta snapshot.

The command mentioned above takes hourly snapshots and pushs it to S3 bucket named "etcd-backup". It is configured to keep only last 10 backups in bucket.

Exponential policy stores the snapshots in a condensed manner as mentioned below:

  • All full backups and delta backups for the previous hour.
  • Latest full snapshot of each previous hour for the day.
  • Latest full snapshot of each previous day for 7 days.
  • Latest full snapshot of the previous 4 weeks.
$ ./bin/etcdbrctl snapshot \
--storage-provider="S3" \
--endpoints http://localhost:2379 \
--schedule "*/1 * * * *" \
--store-container="etcd-backup" \
--delta-snapshot-period=10s \

INFO[0000] etcd-backup-restore Version: 0.7.0-dev
INFO[0000] Git SHA: c03f75c
INFO[0000] Go Version: go1.12.7
INFO[0000] Go OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
INFO[0000] Validating schedule...
INFO[0001] Taking scheduled snapshot for time: 2019-08-05 21:50:07.390127 +0530 IST
INFO[0001] Defragmentation period :72 hours
INFO[0001] There are no updates since last snapshot, skipping full snapshot.
INFO[0001] Applied watch on etcd from revision: 9003
INFO[0001] Stopping full snapshot...
INFO[0001] Resetting full snapshot to run after 52.597795s
INFO[0001] Will take next full snapshot at time: 2019-08-05 21:51:00 +0530 IST
INFO[0001] Taking delta snapshot for time: 2019-08-05 21:50:07.402289 +0530 IST
INFO[0001] No events received to save snapshot. Skipping delta snapshot.
INFO[0001] Stopping delta snapshot...
INFO[0001] Resetting delta snapshot to run after 10 secs.
INFO[0011] Taking delta snapshot for time: 2019-08-05 21:50:17.403706 +0530 IST
INFO[0011] No events received to save snapshot. Skipping delta snapshot.
INFO[0011] Stopping delta snapshot...
INFO[0011] Resetting delta snapshot to run after 10 secs.
INFO[0021] Taking delta snapshot for time: 2019-08-05 21:50:27.406208 +0530 IST
INFO[0021] No events received to save snapshot. Skipping delta snapshot.

The command mentioned above stores etcd snapshots as per the exponential policy mentioned above.

Etcd data directory initialization

Sub-command initialize does the task of data directory validation. If the data directory is found to be corrupt, the controller will restore it from the latest snapshot in the cloud store. It restores the full snapshot first and then incrementally applies the delta snapshots. For more information regarding data restoration, please refer to this guide.

$ ./bin/etcdbrctl initialize \
--storage-provider="S3" \
--store-container="etcd-backup" \
INFO[0000] Checking for data directory structure validity...
INFO[0000] Checking for revision consistency...
INFO[0000] Etcd revision inconsistent with latest snapshot revision: current etcd revision (770) is less than latest snapshot revision (9002): possible data loss
INFO[0000] Finding latest set of snapshot to recover from...
INFO[0001] Removing data directory(default.etcd.part) for snapshot restoration.
INFO[0001] Restoring from base snapshot: Backup-1565021494/Full-00000000-00009002-1565021494
2019-08-05 21:45:49.646232 I | etcdserver/membership: added member 8e9e05c52164694d [http://localhost:2380] to cluster cdf818194e3a8c32
INFO[0008] No delta snapshots present over base snapshot.
INFO[0008] Removing data directory(default.etcd) for snapshot restoration.
INFO[0008] Successfully restored the etcd data directory.

Etcdbrctl server

With sub-command server you can start a http server which exposes an endpoint to initialize etcd over REST interface. The server also keeps the backup schedule thread running to keep taking periodic backups. This is mainly made available to manage an etcd instance running in a Kubernetes cluster. You can deploy the example helm chart on a Kubernetes cluster to have a fault-resilient, self-healing etcd cluster.