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232 lines (202 loc) · 18.3 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (202 loc) · 18.3 KB


  • Changed debug level of "Failed message" logging to DEBUG
  • Deprecated LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder, TimeCacheMap, and transactional topologies
  • During "storm jar", whether topology is already running or not is checked before submitting jar to save time (thanks jasonjckn)
  • Added BaseMultiReducer class to Trident that provides empty implementations of prepare and cleanup
  • Bug fix: When an item is consumed off an internal buffer, the entry on the buffer is nulled to allow GC to happen on that data
  • Bug fix: Helper class for Trident MapStates now clear their read cache when a new commit happens, preventing updates from spilling over from a failed batch attempt to the next attempt
  • Bug fix: Fix NonTransactionalMap to take in an IBackingMap for regular values rather than TransactionalValue (thanks sjoerdmulder)
  • Bug fix: Fix NPE when no input fields given for regular Aggregator
  • Bug fix: Fix IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions when a bolt for global aggregation had a parallelism greater than 1 (possible with splitting, stateQuerying, and multiReduce)
  • Bug fix: Fix "fields size" error that would sometimes occur when splitting a stream with multiple eaches
  • Bug fix: Fix bug where a committer spout (including opaque spouts) could cause Trident processing to halt


  • Added Trident, the new high-level abstraction for intermixing high throughput, stateful stream processing with low-latency distributed querying
  • Added executor abstraction between workers and tasks. Workers = processes, executors = threads that run many tasks from the same spout or bolt.
  • Pluggable scheduler (thanks xumingming)
  • Eliminate explicit storage of task->component in Zookeeper
  • Number of workers can be dynamically changed at runtime through rebalance command and -n switch
  • Number of executors for a component can be dynamically changed at runtime through rebalance command and -e switch (multiple -e switches allowed)
  • Use worker heartbeats instead of task heartbeats (thanks xumingming)
  • UI performance for topologies with many executors/tasks much faster due to optimized usage of Zookeeper (10x improvement)
  • Added button to show/hide system stats (e.g., acker component and stream stats) from the Storm UI (thanks xumingming)
  • Stats are tracked on a per-executor basis instead of per-task basis
  • Major optimization for unreliable spouts and unanchored tuples (will use far less CPU)
  • Revamped internals of Storm to use LMAX disruptor for internal queuing. Dramatic reductions in contention and CPU usage.
  • Numerous micro-optimizations all throughout the codebase to reduce CPU usage.
  • Optimized internals of Storm to use much fewer threads - two fewer threads per spout and one fewer thread per acker.
  • Removed error method from task hooks (to be re-added at a later time)
  • Validate that subscriptions come from valid components and streams, and if it's a field grouping that the schema is correct (thanks xumingming)
  • MemoryTransactionalSpout now works in cluster mode
  • Only track errors on a component by component basis to reduce the amount stored in zookeeper (to speed up UI). A side effect of this change is the removal of the task page in the UI.
  • Add TOPOLOGY-TICK-TUPLE-FREQ-SECS config to have Storm automatically send "tick" tuples to a bolt's execute method coming from the __system component and __tick stream at the configured frequency. Meant to be used as a component-specific configuration.
  • Upgrade Kryo to v2.17
  • Tuple is now an interface and is much cleaner. The Clojure DSL helpers have been moved to TupleImpl
  • Added shared worker resources. Storm provides a shared ExecutorService thread pool by default. The number of threads in the pool can be configured with topology.worker.shared.thread.pool.size
  • Improve CustomStreamGrouping interface to make it more flexible by providing more information
  • Enhanced INimbus interface to allow for forced schedulers and better integration with global scheduler
  • Added assigned method to ISupervisor so it knows exactly what's running and not running
  • Custom serializers can now have one of four constructors: (), (Kryo), (Class), or (Kryo, Class)
  • Disallow ":", ".", and "" from topology names
  • Errors in multilang subprocesses that go to stderr will be captured and logged to the worker logs (thanks vinodc)
  • Workers detect and warn for missing outbound connections from assignment, drop messages for which there's no outbound connection
  • Zookeeper connection timeout is now configurable (via storm.zookeeper.connection.timeout config)
  • Storm is now less aggressive about halting process when there are Zookeeper errors, preferring to wait until client calls return exceptions.
  • Can configure Zookeeper authentication for Storm's Zookeeper clients via "storm.zookeeper.auth.scheme" and "storm.zookeeper.auth.payload" configs
  • Supervisors only download code for topologies assigned to them
  • Include task id information in task hooks (thanks velvia)
  • Use execvp to spawn daemons (replaces the python launcher process) (thanks ept)
  • Expanded INimbus/ISupervisor interfaces to provide more information (used in Storm/Mesos integration)
  • Bug fix: Realize task ids when worker heartbeats to supervisor. Some users were hitting deserialization problems here in very rare cases (thanks herberteuler)
  • Bug fix: Fix bug where a topology's status would get corrupted to true if nimbus is restarted while status is rebalancing


  • Bug fix: Disallow slashes in topology names since it causes Nimbus to break by affecting local filesystem and zookeeper paths
  • Bug fix: Prevent slow loading tasks from causing worker timeouts by launching the heartbeat thread before tasks are loaded


  • Changed debug level of "Failed message" logging to DEBUG
  • Bug fix: Fixed critical regression in 0.7.2 that could cause workers to timeout to the supervisors or to Nimbus. 0.7.2 moved all system tasks to the same thread, so if one took a long time it would block the other critical tasks. Now different system tasks run on different threads.


NOTE: The change from 0.7.0 in which OutputCollector no longer assumes immutable inputs has been reverted to support optimized sending of tuples to colocated tasks

  • Messages sent to colocated tasks are sent in-memory, skipping serialization (useful in conjunction with localOrShuffle grouping) (thanks xumingming)
  • Upgrade to Clojure 1.4 (thanks sorenmacbeth)
  • Exposed INimbus and ISupervisor interfaces for running Storm on different resource frameworks (like Mesos).
  • Can override the hostname that supervisors report using "storm.local.hostname" config.
  • Make request timeout within DRPC server configurable via "drpc.request.timeout.secs"
  • Added "storm list" command to show running topologies at the command line (thanks xumingming)
  • Storm UI displays the release version (thanks xumingming)
  • Added reportError to BasicOutputCollector
  • Added reportError to BatchOutputCollector
  • Added close method to OpaqueTransactionalSpout coordinator
  • Added "storm dev-zookeeper" command for launching a local zookeeper server. Useful for testing a one node Storm cluster locally. Zookeeper dir configured with "dev.zookeeper.path"
  • Use new style classes for Python multilang adapter (thanks hellp)
  • Added "storm version" command
  • Heavily refactored and simplified the supervisor and worker code
  • Improved error message when duplicate config files found on classpath
  • Print the host and port of Nimbus when using the storm command line client
  • Include as much of currently read output as possible when pipe to subprocess is broken in multilang components
  • Lower supervisor worker start timeout to 120 seconds
  • More debug logging in supervisor
  • "nohup" no longer used by supervisor to launch workers (unnecessary)
  • Throw helpful error message if StormSubmitter used without using storm client script
  • Add Values class as a default serialization
  • Bug fix: give absolute piddir to subprocesses (so that relative paths can be used for storm local dir)
  • Bug fix: Fixed critical bug in transactional topologies where a batch would be considered successful even if the batch didn't finish
  • Bug fix: Fixed critical bug in opaque transactional topologies that would lead to duplicate messages when using pipelining
  • Bug fix: Workers will now die properly if a ShellBolt subprocess dies (thanks tomo)
  • Bug fix: Hide the BasicOutputCollector#getOutputter method, since it shouldn't be a publicly available method
  • Bug fix: Zookeeper in local mode now always gets an unused port. This will eliminate conflicts with other local mode processes or other Zookeeper instances on a local machine. (thanks xumingming)
  • Bug fix: Fixed NPE in CoordinatedBolt it tuples emitted, acked, or failed for a request id that has already timed out. (thanks xumingming)
  • Bug fix: UI no longer errors for topologies with no assigned tasks (thanks xumingming)
  • Bug fix: emitDirect on SpoutOutputCollector now works
  • Bug fix: Fixed NPE when giving null parallelism hint for spout in TransactionalTopologyBuilder (thanks xumingming)


  • Implemented shell spout (thanks tomo)
  • Shell bolts can now asynchronously emit/ack messages (thanks tomo)
  • Added hooks for when a tuple is emitted, acked, or failed in bolts or spouts.
  • Added activate and deactivate lifecycle methods on spouts. Spouts start off deactivated.
  • Added isReady method to ITransactionalSpout$Coordinator to give the ability to delay the creation of new batches
  • Generalized CustomStreamGrouping to return the target tasks rather than the indices. Also parameterized custom groupings with TopologyContext. (not backwards compatible)
  • Added localOrShuffle grouping that will send to tasks in the same worker process if possible, or do a shuffle grouping otherwise.
  • Removed parameter from TopologyContext#maxTopologyMessageTimeout (simplification).
  • Storm now automatically sets TOPOLOGY_NAME in the config passed to the bolts and spouts to the name of the topology.
  • Added TOPOLOGY_AUTO_TASK_HOOKS config to automatically add hooks into every spout/bolt for the topology.
  • Added ability to override configs at the command line. These config definitions have the highest priority.
  • Error thrown if invalid (not json-serializable) topology conf used.
  • bin/storm script can now be symlinked (thanks gabrielgrant)
  • Socket timeout for DRPCClient is now configurable
  • Added getThisWorkerPort() method to TopologyContext
  • Added better error checking in Fields (thanks git2samus)
  • Improved Clojure DSL to allow destructuring in bolt/spout methods
  • Added Nimbus stats methods to LocalCluster (thanks KasperMadsen)
  • Added rebalance, activate, deactivate, and killTopologyWithOpts methods to LocalCluster
  • Added custom stream groupings to LinearDRPC API
  • Simplify multilang protocol to use json for all messages (thanks tomoj)
  • Bug fix: Fixed string encoding in ShellBolt protocol to be UTF-8 (thanks nicoo)
  • Bug fix: Fixed race condition in FeederSpout that could lead to dropped messages
  • Bug fix: Quoted arguments with spaces now work properly with storm client script
  • Bug fix: Workers start properly when topology name has spaces
  • Bug fix: UI works properly when there are spaces in topology or spout/bolt names (thanks xiaokang)
  • Bug fix: Tuple$Seq now returns correct count (thanks travisfw)


  • Transactional topologies: a new higher level abstraction that enables exactly-once messaging semantics for most computations. Documented on the wiki.
  • Component-specific configurations: Can now set configurations on a per-spout or per-bolt basis.
  • New batch bolt abstraction that simplifies the processing of batches in DRPC or transactional topologies. A new batch bolt is created per batch and they are automatically cleaned up.
  • Introduction of base classes for various bolt and spout types. These base classes are in the backtype.storm.topology.base package and provide empty implementations for commonly unused methods
  • CoordinatedBolt generalized to handle non-linear topologies. This will make it easy to implement a non-linear DRPC topology abstraction.
  • Can customize the JVM options for Storm UI with new ui.childopts config
  • BigIntegers are now serializable by default
  • All bolts/spouts now emit a system stream (id "__system"). Currently it only emits startup events, but may emit other events in the future.
  • Optimized tuple trees for batch processing in DRPC and transactional topologies. Only the coordination tuples are anchored. OutputCollector#fail still works because CoordinatedBolt will propagate the fail to all other tuples in the batch.
  • CoordinatedBolt moved to backtype.storm.coordination package
  • Clojure test framework significantly more composable
  • Massive internal refactorings and simplifications, including changes to the Thrift definition for storm topologies.
  • Optimized acking system. Bolts with zero or more than one consumer used to send an additional ack message. Now those are no longer sent.
  • Changed interface of CustomStreamGrouping to receive a List rather than a Tuple.
  • Added "storm.zookeeper.retry.times" and "storm.zookeeper.retry.interval" configs (thanks killme2008)
  • Added "storm help" and "storm help {cmd}" to storm script (thanks kachayev)
  • Logging now always goes to logs/ in the Storm directory, regardless of where you launched the daemon (thanks haitaoyao)
  • Improved Clojure DSL: can emit maps and Tuples implement the appropriate interfaces to integrate with Clojure's seq functions (thanks schleyfox)
  • Added "ui.childopts" config (thanks ddillinger)
  • Bug fix: OutputCollector no longer assumes immutable inputs [NOTE: this was reverted in 0.7.2 because it conflicts with sending tuples to colocated tasks without serialization]
  • Bug fix: DRPC topologies now throw a proper error when no DRPC servers are configured instead of NPE (thanks danharvey)
  • Bug fix: Fix local mode so multiple topologies can be run on one LocalCluster
  • Bug fix: "storm supervisor" now uses supervisor.childopts instead of nimbus.childopts (thanks ddillinger)
  • Bug fix: supervisor.childopts and nimbus.childopts can now contain whitespace. Previously only the first token was taken from the string
  • Bug fix: Make TopologyContext "getThisTaskIndex" and "getComponentTasks" consistent
  • Bug fix: Fix NoNodeException that would pop up with task heartbeating under heavy load
  • Bug fix: Catch InterruptedExceptions appropriately in local mode so shutdown always works properly
  • 0.6.2

    • Automatically delete old files in Nimbus's inbox. Configurable with "nimbus.cleanup.inbox.freq.secs" and "nimbus.inbox.jar.expiration.secs"
    • Redirect System.out and System.err to log4j
    • Added "topology.worker.child.opts" config, for topology-configurable worker options.
    • Use Netflix's Curator library for Zookeeper communication. Workers now reconnect to Zookeeper rather than crash when there's a disconnection.
    • Bug fix: DRPC server no longer hangs with too many concurrent requests. DPRC server now requires two ports: "drpc.port" and "drpc.invocations.port"
    • Bug fix: Multilang resources are now extracted from the relevant jar on the classpath when appropriate. Previously an error would be thrown if the resources/ dir was in a jar in local mode.
    • Bug fix: Fix race condition in unit testing where time simulation fails to detect that Storm cluster is waiting due to threads that are not alive
    • Bug fix: Fix deadlock in Nimbus that could be triggered by a kill command.


    • storm client "activate" and "deactivate" commands
    • storm client "rebalance" command
    • Nimbus will automatically detect and cleanup corrupt topologies (this would previously give an error of the form "file storm...ser cannot be found").
    • "storm" client will not run unless it's being used from a release.
    • Topology jar path now passed in using a java property rather than an environment variable.
    • LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is now set on worker processes appropriately.
    • Replaced jvyaml with snakeyaml. UTF-8 YAML files should now work properly.
    • Upgraded httpclient, httpcore, and commons-codec dependencies.


    • New serialization system based on Kryo
    • Component and stream ids are now strings
    • Pluggable stream groupings
    • Storm now chooses an unused port for Zookeeper in local mode instead of crashing when 2181 was in use.
    • Better support for defining topologies in non-JVM languages. The Thrift structure for topologies now allows you to specify components using a Java class name and a list of arguments to that class's constructor.
    • Bug fix: errors during the preparation phase of spouts or bolts will be reported to the Storm UI
    • Bug fix: Fixed bugs related to LinearDRPC topologies where the last bolt implements FinishedCallback
    • Bug fix: String greater than 64K will now serialize properly
    • Generalized type of anchors in OutputCollector methods to Collection from List.
    • Improved logging throughout.
    • In the "worker.childopts" config, %ID% will be replaced by the worker port.
    • Significant internal refactorings to clean up the codebase.


    • LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder, a polished DRPC implementation,
    • Improved custom serialization support. no longer need to provide "token" ids.
    • Fallback on Java serialization by default. Can be turned off by setting "" to false.
    • Improved "storm kill" command. Can override the wait time with "-w" flag.
    • Display topology status in Storm UI
    • Changed Thrift namespace to avoid conflicts
    • Better error messages throughout
    • Storm UI port is configurable through "ui.port"
    • Minor improvements to Clojure DSL


    • Nimbus and supervisor daemons can now share a local dir.
    • Greatly improved Clojure DSL for creating topologies.
    • Increased the default timeouts for startup of workers and tasks.
    • Added the commands "localconfvalue", "remoteconfvalue", and "repl" to the storm script.
    • Better error message when "storm jar" can't find the nimbus host in the configuration.


    • No longer need any native dependencies to run Storm in local mode. Storm now uses a pure Java messaging system in local mode
    • Fixed logging configurations so that logging is no longer suppressed when including the Storm release jars on the classpath in local mode.


    • Changed ISerialization's "accept" interface to not annotate the Class with the generic type
    • Made Config class implement Map and added helper methods for setting common configs


    • Initial release!