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0 Introduction

This is a DWT-inspired solution to the Kaggle's 2018 DS Bowl I produced within approximately 1 week before the end of the compeititon.

Most prominently it features a dockerized PyTorch implementation of approach similar to Deep Watershed Transform.

Since the target metric was highly unstable (average mAP on 0.5 - 0.95 thresholds) and the private LB contained data mostly not related to the train dataset, it's a bit difficult to evaluate code performance, but it's safe to say that:

  • Without ensembling, on one fold and without manual data annotation - this approach scored in the top 500(out of 4000+ contestants) on the public LB (mAP 0.42);
  • The core model achieves an F1 score of 0.91-0.92 and a local score of (mAP 0.62+);
  • I suspect that significant local / LB discrepancy is due to lack of external data / manual annotation;
  • A similar approach was mostly used by the majority of the competition leaders;
  • I did not invest time in ensembling / folding / annotation etc because I entered late and it was obvious that second stage would be a gamble given the quality of the dataset and organization;

1 Hardware requirements


  • 6+ core modern CPU (Xeon, i7) for fast image pre-processing (in this case distance transform takes some time for each nuclei);
  • The models were trained on 2 * GeForce 1080 Ti;
  • Training time on my setup ~ 6-8 hours per one fold;
  • Disk space - 10GB should be more than enough, ~20GB for built docker image;


  • 6+ core modern CPU (Xeon, i7) for fast image pre-processing;
  • On 2 * GeForce 1080 Ti inference takes 2-3 minutes for the public test dataset (65 images);

2 Preparing and launching the Docker environment

Clone the repository

git clone .

This repository contains a Dockerfile used when training models

  • /dockerfiles/Dockerfile - this is my main Dockerfile

Build a Docker image

cd dockerfiles docker build -t aveysov .

Install the latest nvidia docker

Follow instructions from here. Please prefer nvidia-docker2 for more stable performance.

To test all works fine run:

docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi

(IMPORTANT) Run docker container (IMPORTANT)

Unless you use this exact command (with --shm-size flag) (you can change ports and mounted volumes, of course), then the PyTorch generators WILL NOT WORK.

  • nvidia-docker 2: docker run --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -it -v /path/to/cloned/repository:/home/keras/notebook -p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 --shm-size 8G aveysov
  • nvidia-docker: nvidia-docker -it -v /path/to/cloned/repository:/home/keras/notebook -p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 --shm-size 8G aveysov

To start the stopped container

docker start -i YOUR_CONTAINER_ID

3 Preparing the data and the machine for running scripts

  • Ssh into the docker container via docker exec -it YOUR_CONTAINER_ID
  • Cd to the root folder of the repo
  • Dowload the data into data/ (create a folder if it does not exist)
  • Note that data already contains pickled train dataframes with meta-data (for convenience only)
  • If kaggle removes the data download links from the competition page, you can download the data from here

After all of your manipulations your directory should look like:

├──          <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── data
│   ├── stage1_train                <- A folder with stage1 train data
│   ├── stage1_test                 <- A folder with stage1 test data
│   ├── stage2_test                 <- A folder with stage2 test data
│   ├── test_df_stage1_meta         <- A pickled dataframe with stage1 test meta data
│   └── train_df_stage1_meta        <- A pickled dataframe with stage1 train meta data
│       ├─ f8e74d4006dd68c1dbe68df7be905835e00d8ba4916f3b18884509a15fdc0b55
│       │  ├──  images
│       │  └──  masks


│       └─ ff599c7301daa1f783924ac8cbe3ce7b42878f15a39c2d19659189951f540f48
├── dockerfiles                               <- A folder with Dockerfiles
└── src                                       <- Source code

4 Training the model

You see the list of the available model presets in src/models/

If all is ok, then use the following command to train the model

  • Ssh into the docker container via docker exec -it YOUR_CONTAINER_ID
  • Cd to the root folder of thre repo
  • cd src
  • optional - turn on tensorboard for monitoring progress tensorboard --logdir='ds_bowl_2018/src/tb_logs --port=6006 via jupyter notebook console or via tmux + docker exec (model converges in 100-150 epochs)
  • then for example train on 2 folds
echo 'python3 \
	--arch unet16_160_7_dc --epochs 150 --workers 10 \
	--channels 7 --batch-size 12 --fold_num 0 \
	--lr 1e-3 --optimizer adam \
	--bce_weight 0.9 --dice_weight 0.1 --ths 0.5 \
	--print-freq 1 --lognumber unet16_160_7_dc_ths5_energy_distance_gray_final \
	--tensorboard True --tensorboard_images True --is_distance_transform True --is_boundaries True \
	--freeze True \

python3 \
	--arch unet16_160_7_dc --epochs 150 --workers 10 \
	--channels 7 --batch-size 12 --fold_num 1 \
	--lr 1e-3 --optimizer adam \
	--bce_weight 0.9 --dice_weight 0.1 --ths 0.5 \
	--print-freq 1 --lognumber unet16_160_7_dc_ths5_energy_distance_gray_final \
	--tensorboard True --tensorboard_images True --is_distance_transform True --is_boundaries True \
	--freeze True \' >
  • sh

5 Making predictions / evaluation

  • Ssh into the docker container via docker exec -it YOUR_CONTAINER_ID
  • Cd to the root folder of the repo
  • cd src
  • then
echo 'python3 \
	--arch unet16_64_7_dc --channels 7 --batch-size 1 --ths 0.5 \
	--lognumber unet16_64_7_dc_ths5_energy_distance_gray_longer_rerun \
	--workers 0 --predict' >
  • sh

  • note that the lognumber is the lognumber you specified when training

  • please check which fold is used in the prediction loop

  • You can also run evaluation-only scripts like this

python3 \
    --evaluate \
    --resume weights/unet16_160_7_dc_ths5_energy_distance_gray_final_fold2_best.pth.tar \
	--arch unet16_160_7_dc --epochs 50 --workers 10 \
	--channels 7 --fold_num 2 \
	--ths 0.5 --is_distance_transform True --is_boundaries True \
	--print-freq 10 --lognumber eval_validation --tensorboard_images True \

6 Watershed

  • The model is analogous to DWT since it uses predicted energy for watershed;
  • The best performing wateshed post-processing scripts is in utils.watershed.energy_baseline;
  • All the other functions in utils.watershed performed worse;

6 Additional notes

  • The model randomly crops images when training and resizes them when predicting;
  • An unfinished src/ is also available. It works, but produces inferior quality;

7 Jupyter notebooks

Use these notebooks on your own risk!

  • src/bowl.ipynb - general debugging notebook with new models / generators / etc