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SPTK 4.0 (Under Construction)

The Speech Signal Processing Toolkit (SPTK) is a software for speech signal processing tools for UNIX environments.


See this page for a reference manual.


  • GCC 4.8+


The latest release can be installed through Git:

git clone
make -j 4  # Please change the number of jobs depending on your environment.

Then the SPTK commands can be used by adding SPTK/bin/ directory to the PATH environment variable. If you would like to use a part of the SPTK library, please link the static library SPTK/lib/libsptk.a.


The SPTK provides some examples. Go to an example directory and execute, e.g.,

cd egs/analysis_synthesis/mgc

The below is a simple example that decreases the volume of input audio. You may need to install sox command on your system.

sox -t wav input.wav -c 1 -t s16 -r 16000 - | \
   x2x +sd | sopr -m 0.5 | x2x +ds -r | \
   sox -c 1 -t s16 -r 16000 - -t wav output.wav

If you would like to draw figures, please prepare a python environment.

cd tools; make env; cd ..
. ./tools/venv/bin/activate
impulse -l 32 | fdrw -ms 2 impulse.png

Changes from SPTK3

  • Input and output types are changed to double from float
  • New features:
    • Provide signal processing classes written in C++
    • Support conversion from/to log area ratio (lar2par and par2lar)
    • Support nonrecursive MLPG (mlpg)
    • Support pitch extraction by DIO used in WORLD (pitch)
    • Entropy calculation (entropy)
    • Huffman coding (huffman, huffman_encode, and huffman_decode)
    • Subband decomposition (pqmf and ipqmf)
    • Mel-filter-bank extraction (fbank)
    • Mel-cepstrum postfilter (mcpf)
  • Obsoleted commands:
    • acep, agcep, and amcep -> amgcep
    • bell ->
    • c2sp -> mgc2sp
    • cat2 and echo2 ->
    • da ->
    • ds, us, us16, and uscd -> sox
    • fig ->
    • gc2gc -> mgc2mgc
    • gcep, mcep, and uels -> mgcep
    • glsadf, lmadf, and mlsadf -> mglsadf
    • ivq -> imsvq
    • lsp2sp -> mglsp2sp
    • mgc2mgclsp and mgclsp2mgc -> mgc2mgc
    • raw2wav, wav2raw, wavjoin, and wavsplit -> sox
    • smcep ->
    • vq -> msvq
  • Separated commands:
    • dtw -> dtw and dtw_merge
    • mglsadf -> mglsadf and imglsadf
    • train -> train and mseq
    • ulaw -> ulaw and iulaw
    • vstat -> vstat and median
  • Renamed commands:
    • c2ir -> c2mpir
    • mgclsp2sp -> mglsp2sp

Relationship at a glance





This software is released under the Apache License 2.0.