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Virtual Makeover 🎭🎭


  • Using the illusion of AR with technologies like facial feature and finger tracking. The program does meticulous work to match real-life colors and textures of beauty products with what pops up on the screen.

  • It is gaining popularity with consumers as the industry expands from pictures to live video feed as it now moves to trying on three-dimensional products like shoes

What is Virtual Makeover❓❓

  • Virtual Makeover means virtually applying a product onto one's face as if they are actually wearing it.


  • These technologies are highly used in -Cosmetics industry -Hair care industry

To accelerate product sale by remote access, more choices and saving the time spent on trying the products.

Different techniques in Virtual Makeover💥💥:

-Using Face Landmark detection via DLIB

-Using Face Landmark detection via PIL

Have an Idea? Wanna contribute your own Virtual Makeover⁉

  • Clone this repository git clone
  • Change Directory cd Virtual_makeover
  • Make a folder and add your code file and a readme file with screenshots.
  • Commit message git commit -m "Enter message"
  • Push your code git push
  • Make Pull request
  • Wait for reviewers to review your PR