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Folders and files

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Invoke-FolderEncode - Encode files from a folder for(for example) uploading to the cloud

Used as backups encoding solution.

Encoding performed with 7z password protection

PowerShell 3 PowerShell 4, 5 & Core on Windows build Linux & MacOS build latest version downloads


📘 Commands

Invoke-FolderEncode - Encode folder
  [-DestFolder] <string>
  [-SrcFolder] <string> (Optional)

📃 Usage

/>Invoke-FolderEncode -DestFolder "d:\System\" -SrcFolder "c:\windows\System42"
/> cd c:\Windows; Invoke-FolderEncode "d:\backup\" #use current folder as src


There is no decoding script. Because currently used only for backups and(thank goodness) there was no necessity to decode it. To decrypt manually:

There were no reasons (thank goodness) decoding stored data so currently there no decoder script. If you need - please create GitHub issue and I'll add a script for folder decoding.

Manually files can be decoded with the next algorithm: 1 Concat value from .masterKey and add ':' to the beginning and by using resulting key extract .keys file from .keys.7z

2 Find the appropriate row in .key for a file that should be decoded.

3 Concat first row from .masterKey with the first row from .key file and ':' to beginning

4 Use the key from the previous step as 7z password for decode file

📈 Changelog

  • Added dependencies auto download.
  • Added platform-specific tools for Linux/MacOs
  • Fixed key file check.
  • Moved module to an individual folder.
  • Added module methods description.
  • Created description and usage examples

v0.9 Aug 15, 2015

  • Create Windows folder encoding scripts:




💲 Motivation

The modules are actively maintained during evenings and weekends, so if you found it useful you can Buy me a beer/cup of tea 😊.

Buy Me A Coffee Support by Yandex

📬 Suggestions and feedback

If you have any idea or suggestion - please add a github issue and I'll try to implement it as soon as possible😉