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Development Environment

javac 12.0.2
java 12.0.2 2019-07-16
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 12.0.2+10)
MacOS Catalina 10.15 Beta (19A582a)

Compile and Run

~/assignment1$ make
~/assignment1$ java -cp out Assignment2 7 .
~/assignment1$ cat result7.txt



public class Assignment2

Solves Assignment2


public static void main(String[] args)

Main function. Find a solution of N-Queens problem and write result on file.
@param args args[0] is parameter N of N-queens problem, and args[1] is absolute path of output file.


class NQueenState

Represents a board state of N-Queens problem.


class NQueenSolver


@Nullable NQueenState run(int boardSize)

Solves N-Queens problem and returns a solution which is firstly found.
@param boardSize Size of the board.
@return If solution is found, return a NQueenState object describes the state of board. Otherwise, return null.


@NotNull private NQueenState getBestNextState(NQueenState currentState)

Get best next state of given board.
@param currentState Current state.
@return Next state that minimizes the value of getLoss.


private float getLoss(NQueenState state)

Get loss of the state.
This version of implementation uses naive implementation, which is counting the number of violations of N-queens rule.
@param state The board state.
@return Loss of state.


➜  assignment2 git:(master) ✗ java -cp out Assignment2 11 . && cat result11.txt
> Hill Climbing
Location: 10 4 6 3 0 7 1 8 5 2 9
Elapsed time: 0.215s

➜  assignment2 git:(master) ✗ java -cp out Assignment2 11 . && cat result11.txt
> Hill Climbing
Location: 2 7 1 3 0 8 10 5 9 6 4
Elapsed time: 0.121s

➜  assignment2 git:(master) ✗ java -cp out Assignment2 11 . && cat result11.txt
> Hill Climbing
Location: 6 9 1 4 0 8 3 7 10 2 5
Elapsed time: 0.189s
  • Because of its random behavior, results were different for each run.
  • Hill climbing method can find solution much faster than BFS, DFS.
  • As N increases, number of restarts increased exponentially. It means there are many local minima.