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File metadata and controls

182 lines (181 loc) · 5.91 KB

Data Structure

  • Time complexity
    • O(1) : Constant
    • O(logn) : Logarithmic
    • O(n) : linear
    • O(nlogn) : Linear Logarithmic
    • O(n^2) : Quadratic
    • O(n^3) : Cubic
    • O(n^k) : Polynomial
    • O(a^n) : Exponential
    • O(n!)
  • Space complexity
  • Array
    • Lookup --> O(1)
    • Insert --> O(1)
      • If need growth --> O(n)
    • Delete --> O(1)
      • If need shift items --> O(n)
  • Linked-List
    • Lookup
      • By value --> O(n)
      • By index --> O(n)
    • Insertion
      • At the end --> O(n)
        • With tail node --> O(1)
      • At the beginning --> O(1)
      • In the middle --> O(n)
    • Delete
      • At the beginning --> O(1)
      • At the end
        • If we have to find the node before the last node --> O(n) else O(1)
      • In the middle --> O(n)
    • Problems
      • Find the Kth node form the end
        • hint: use two pointers with K-1 distance
  • Stack
    • All operations run in O(1)
    • Balanced Expression
  • Queue
    • All operations run in O(1)
    • Implementation
      • Using a circular array with two pointers for where items to get and where to put
      • Using two stacks, one for enqueue and one for dequeue
    • Problems
      • Reverse items in a queue
        • hint: use a stack
    • Priority queue
      • Use array or heap to implement
  • Hash table
    • Hash functions are deterministic
    • Use an array to store items internally
    • All operations run in O(1) unless you iterate over the values. It will be O(n)
    • Collision
      • Chaining
      • Open addressing
        • Linear probing
        • Quadratic probing
        • Double hashing
    • Problems
      • Find first non-repeated char
      • Remove duplicate items in an array or find the first repeated char
        • hint: use a Set
  • Bubble sort
  • Selection sort
    • O(n^2)
  • Insertion sort
    • Like cards
    • O(n^2)
  • Merge sort
    • Time --> O(nlogn)
    • Space --> O(n)
  • Quick sort (definition of pivot, pros, and cons VS merge-sort)
  • Linear search
    • O(n)
  • Binary search
    • Implementation Types
      • Recursive
      • Iterative
    • Time --> O(logn)
    • Space complexity in case of recursive implementation --> O(logn)
    • Space complexity in case of iterative implementation --> O(1)
      • Number of recursive calls
  • Binary search tree
    • The Value of any node is always greater than the left and less than the right child; on the other hand value of each node is greater than the left subtree and less than the right subtree
    • Lookup, Insert and Delete --> O(logn)
  • Traversing a tree approaches:
    • Breadth first
      • Also called as level order
      • Visit all the nodes at the same level before visiting the nodes at the next level
    • Depth first
      • Pre-order --> Root -> Left -> Right
      • Post-order --> Left -> Right -> Root
      • In-order --> Left -> Root -> Right
        • Is in ascending order
        • If we want descending order swap the left with right --> Right -> Root -> Left
  • Binary Tree Problems
    • Find the min value in Binary Tree
    • Validating a Binary Tree if it is a Binary Search Tree
    • Nodes at distance K from the root
  • Balanced tree
    • Self Balancing Trees
      • AVL Tree
      • Red-Black Tree
      • B-Tree
  • Heaps
    • Is a Complete Binary Tree that satisfies the Heap Property
    • Insert and Delete --> O(logn) or O(h) (h:height)
    • Because Heaps don't have holes, it is more efficient to implement them with an array
    • Heap sort
    • Priority Queue
      • With Array implementation, Insert is O(n), and Delete is O(1)
      • With Heap implementation, Insert is O(logn) and Delete is O(logn)
    • Problems
      • Finding the Kth largest item in a list
        • hint: Use a max heap
      • Implement a heapify algorithm
        • Means transforming an array into a heap in place
  • Tries
    • Also called Digital or Radix or Prefix tree
    • It's not a binary tree
    • Use Tries to implement autocomplete
    • Lookup, Insert and Delete is O(L), where L is the length of the word we are searching for
    • If we want to print all the words, then use Pre-Order traversal
    • If we want to delete a word, then use Post-Order traversal
  • Graphs
    • To represent connected objects
    • A tree is a kind of a graph without a cycle
    • A node is called Vertex
    • Adjacent or neighbor
    • Dense Graph
    • Adjacency matrix
      • Two dimensional array
      • Suitable when you know ahead of time how many nodes you need
      • Space --> O(n^2)
      • Add and Remove Node --> O(V^2) (V: vertices)
      • Add and Remove Edge --> O(1)
      • Find all the adjacent nodes of a node --> O(V)
    • Adjacency List
      • Array of Linked-List
      • Suitable if you are dealing with a Dense Graph
      • Space is O(V+E) but in the case of the Dense Graph is O(V^2)
      • Add node is O(1)
      • Remove node is O(V+E), but in the case of Dense Graph is O(V^2)
      • Add and remove edge is O(V)
      • Check to see if two nodes are connected --> O(V)
      • Find adjacent node --> O(K) or O(V)
    • Traverse
      • Depth-First
        • Start from a node and recursively visit all of its neighbors, going really deep in the graph
        • Use hashset to keep track of visited items
        • Use recursion or iteration to implement
      • Breadth-First
        • Visit a node and all its neighbors before going further from that node
        • Implement using a queue or iteration
    • Topological sort
      • Use Depth-First traversal
      • Use a stack
    • Cycle detection
    • Problems
      • Find the shortest path between two nodes
      • Show a node best friend
        • hint: by finding an adjacent with a higher weight
  • String Manipulation
    • Count vowels
      • Use a for loop
    • Reverse
      • Iterate from start
      • Iterate from End
      • Use a stack
    • Reverse words in a sentence
      • Use a stack
      • Iterate from ends in words array
    • Remove Duplicates
      • Use a hashset to check whether an item is visited or not before
    • Most repeated char
      • Use a hashmap to count the visitation
      • Use int[] and ASCII values
        • Allocate an array with size 256 (ASCII size)
        • int['a']++
        • Find the max value in an array