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File metadata and controls

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9. Using libcurl

The engine in the curl command line tool is libcurl. libcurl is also the engine in thousands of tools, services and applications out there today, performing their internet data transfers.

We have designed libcurl to be "transfer-oriented" usually without forcing users to be protocol experts or in fact know much at all about the networking or the protocols involved. That said, networking and protocols are areas with lots of pitfalls and special cases so the more you know about these things, the more you'll be able to understand about libcurl's options and ways of workings. Not to mention when you're debugging and need to understand what to do next when things don't go as you intended them.

The most basic libcurl using application can be as small as just a couple of lines of code, but applications will of course need more code than so.

Basic design

The fundamentals you need to learn with libcurl:

  • First you create an "easy handle", which is your handle to a transfer really.

  • Then you set several options for that handle, that controls how the upcoming transfer will pan out.

  • Finally you fire off the transfer.

After the transfer has completed, you can figure out if it succeeded or not and you can extract stats and various information that libcurl gathered during the transfer.

The actual "perform the transfer phase" can be done using different different means and function calls, depending on what kind of behavior you want in your application and how libcurl is best integrated into your architecture. Those are further described later in this chapter.

API compatibility


curl --libcurl

We actively encourage users to first try out the transfer they want to do with the curl command line tool, and once it works roughly the way you want it to you append the --libcurl [filename] option to the command line and run it again.

The --libcurl command line option will create a C program in the provided file name. That C program is an application that uses libcurl to run the transfer you just had the curl command line tool do. Sure there are some exceptions and it isn't always a 100% match, but you will find that it can serve as an excellent inspiration source for what libcurl options you want or can use and what additional arguments to provide to them.

If you specify the filename as a single dash, as in --libcurl - you will get the program written to stdout instead of a file.

As an example, we run a command to just get

curl --libcurl example.c

This creates example.c in the current directory, looking similar to this:

/********* Sample code generated by the curl command line tool **********
 * All curl_easy_setopt() options are documented at:
#include <curl/curl.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  CURLcode ret;
  CURL *hnd;

  hnd = curl_easy_init();
  curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_URL, "");
  curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L);
  curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "curl/7.45.0");
  curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 50L);
  curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS, "/home/daniel/.ssh/known_hosts");
  curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1L);

  /* Here is a list of options the curl code used that cannot get generated
     as source easily. You may select to either not use them or implement
     them yourself.

  CURLOPT_WRITEDATA set to a objectpointer
  CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION set to a functionpointer
  CURLOPT_READDATA set to a objectpointer
  CURLOPT_READFUNCTION set to a functionpointer
  CURLOPT_SEEKDATA set to a objectpointer
  CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION set to a functionpointer
  CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER set to a objectpointer
  CURLOPT_STDERR set to a objectpointer
  CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION set to a functionpointer
  CURLOPT_HEADERDATA set to a objectpointer


  ret = curl_easy_perform(hnd);

  hnd = NULL;

  return (int)ret;
/**** End of sample code ****/

Header files

There is ever only one header your libcurl using application needs to include:

#include <curl/curl.h>

That file in turn includes a few other public header files but you can basically pretend they don't exist. (Historically speaking, we started out slightly different but over time we've stabilized around this form of only using a single one for includes.)

Global initialization

Before you do anything libcurl related in your program, you should do a global libcurl initialize call with curl_global_init(). This is necessary because some underlying libraries that libcurl might be using need a call ahead to get setup and inited properly.

curl_global_init() is unfortunately not thread safe so you must sure that you only do it once and never simultaneously as another call. It initializes global state so you should only call it once and once your program is completely done using libcurl you can call curl_global_cleanup() to again free and clean up the associated global resources the init call allocated.

libcurl is built to handle that you skip the curl_global_init() call, but it does so by calling it itself instead if you didn't do it before any actual file transfer starts and it then uses its own defaults. But beware that it is still not thread safe even then so it might cause some "interesting" side effects for you. It is much better to call curl_global_init() yourself in a controlled manner.

CURL *handle

The CURL handle is what we usually call an "easy handle". You create one with curl_easy_init() and it is then your handle to a transfer.

CURL *easy = curl_easy_init();

Of course at the point in time when you have created it, it is empty and it doesn't know what transfer it should do. You must then set a few options for it so that it knows what to do when you ask it to perform.

Also, when you use an easy handle to actually perform a transfer it will build up and hold "state". It means it will keep information within the handle that libcurl can use and find. By reusing an easy handle for example, libcurl can reuse that information again.

When you're done with the handle, like if you've done your transfers and you don't plan to do any more with this same handle, you need to free it to remove and clean up all related resources. You do this with curl_easy_cleanup(). We encourage applications to reuse handles as much as possible for performance and efficiency purposes.

In case of problem (like perhaps out of memory), curl_easy_init() returns NULL and that is of course a serious error for any application. You need to write your program to take this risk into account.

Set handle options

You set options in the easy handle to control how that transfer is going to be done or in some cases you can actually set options and modify the transfer's behavior while it is in progress. You set options with curl_easy_setopt() and you provide the handle, the option you want to set and the argument to the option. All options take exactly one argument and you must always pass exactly three parameters to the curl_easy_setopt() calls.

Since the curl_easy_setopt() call accepts several hundred different options and the various options accept a variety of different types of arguments, it is very important to read up on the specifics and provide exactly the argument type the specific option supports and expects. Passing in the wrong type can lead to unexpected side-effects or hard to understand hiccups.

The perhaps most important option that every transfer needs, is the URL. libcurl cannot perform a transfer without knowing which URL it concerns so you must tell it. The URL option name is CURLOPT_URL as all options are prefixed with CURLOPT_ and then the descriptive name - all using uppercase letters. An example line setting the URL to get the "" HTTP contents could look like:

CURLcode ret = curl_easy_setopt(easy, CURLOPT_URL, "");

Again: this only sets the option in the handle. It will not do the actual transfer or anything. It will basically just tell libcurl to copy the string and if that works it returns OK.

It is of course good form to check the return code to see that nothing went wrong.

Setting numerical options

Since curl_easy_setopt() is a vararg function where the 3rd argument can use different types depending on the situation, normal C language type conversion cannot be done. So you must make sure that you truly pass a 'long' and not an 'int' if the documentation tells you so. On architectures where they are the same size, you may not get any problems but not all work like that. Similarly, for options that accept a 'curl_off_t' type, it is crucial that you pass in an argument using that type and no other.

Enforce a long:

curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5L); /* 5 seconds timeout */

Enforce a curl_off_t:

curl_off_t no_larger_than = 0x50000;
curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_MAXFILE_LARGE, no_larger_than);

Get handle options

No, there's no general method to extract the same information you previously set with curl_easy_setopt()! If you need to be able to extract the information again that you set earlier, then we encourage you to keep track of that data yourself in your application.

CURLcode return code

Many libcurl functions return a CURLcode. That's a special libcurl typedefed variable for error codes. It returns CURLE_OK (which has the value zero) if everything is fine and dandy and it returns a non-zero number if a problem was detected. There are almost one hundred CURLcode errors in use, and you can find them all in the curl/curl.h header file and documented in the libcurl-errors man page.

You can convert a CURLcode into a human readable string with the curl_easy_strerror() function - but be aware that these errors are rarely phrased in a way that is suitable for anyone to expose in a UI or to an end user:

const char *str = curl_easy_strerror( error );
printf("libcurl said %s\n", str);

Another way to get a slightly better error text in case of errors, is to set the CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER option to point out a buffer in your program and then libcurl will store a related error message there before it returns an error:

curl error[CURL_ERROR_SIZE]; /* needs to be at least this big */
CURLcode ret = curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, error);

Verbose operations

Okay, we just showed how to get the error as a human readable text as that is an excellent help to figure out what went wrong in a particular transfer and often explains why it can be done like that or what the problem is for the moment.

The next life safer when writing libcurl applications that everyone needs to know about and needs to use extensively, at least while developing libcurl applications or debugging libcurl itself, is to enable "verbose mode" with CURLOPT_URL:

CURLcode ret = curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);

When libcurl is told to be verbose it will mention transfer related details and information to stderr while the transfer is ongoing. This is awesome to figure out why things fail and to learn exactly what libcurl does when you ask it different things. You can redirect the output elsewhere by changing stderr with CURLOPT_STDERR or you can get even more info in a fancier way with the debug callback (explained further in a later section).

HTTP Cookies


HTTP multipart formposts


Connection reuse




Write callback


Read callback


Progress callbacks


Header callback


Debug callback


SSL context callback


ioctl and seek callbacks


Convert to and from network callbacks


Convert from UTF8 callback


Sockopt callback


Opensocket and closesocket callbacks


SSH key callback


RTSP interleave callback


FTP chunk callbacks


FTP matching callback


Easy API


Easy examples


Multi API


Multi examples


multi_socket API


multi_socket examples


Common mistakes


When things don't run the way you thought they would