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Navigating through examples

Here, is a brief about how to navigate through examples quick and efficiently, and get your hands dirty with xTuring.

Directory structure

    | datasets
    | features/
        | dataset_generation/
        | evaluation/
        | generic/
        | int4_finetuning/
    | models/
    | playground_ui/


This directory consists of multiple ways to generate your custom dataset from a given set of examples.


This directory consists of files with exapmles highlighting speific major features of the library, which can be replicated to any LLM you want.
For example, in dataset_generation/, you will find an example on how to generate your custom dataset from a .jsonl file. In evaluation/, you will find a specific exapmle on how to evaluate your finetuned model, which can then be extended to any LLM and any dataset.


This directory consists of examples specific to each model mentioned.


This directory consists of an example which demonstrates how you can play around with your LLM through a web interface.


Below is a list of all the supported models via BaseModel class of xTuring and their corresponding keys to load them.

Model Key
Bloom bloom
Cerebras cerebras
DistilGPT-2 distilgpt2
Falcon-7B falcon
Galactica galactica
GPT-J gptj
GPT-2 gpt2
LlaMA llama
LlaMA2 llama2
OPT-1.3B opt

The above mentioned are the base variants of the LLMs. Below are the templates to get their LoRA, INT8, INT8 + LoRA and INT4 + LoRA versions.

Version Template
LoRA <model_key>_lora
INT8 <model_key>_int8
INT8 + LoRA <model_key>_lora_int8

** In order to load any model's INT4+LoRA version, you will need to make use of GenericLoraKbitModel class from xturing.models. Below is how to use it:

model = GenericLoraKbitModel('<model_path>')

The model_path can be replaced with you local directory or any HuggingFace library model like facebook/opt-1.3b.