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Airflow / Celery

Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.

Install Chart

To install the Airflow Chart into your Kubernetes cluster :

helm install --namespace "airflow" --name "airflow" stable/airflow

After installation succeeds, you can get a status of Chart

helm status "airflow"

If you want to delete your Chart, use this command:

helm delete  --purge "airflow"

Helm ingresses

The Chart provides ingress configuration to allow customization the installation by adapting the values.yaml depending on your setup. Please read the comments in the values.yaml file for more details on how to configure your reverse proxy or load balancer.

Customizable Ingress Rules

This chart enables you to add various paths in the ingress. It includes two values for you to customize these paths, precedingPaths and succeedingPaths. The reason there are two possible paths values is because order of paths in an ingress rule matters and because we always add a default path in this chart that routes to the web interface we need loops that allow us to possibly add routes after or before this default one. An example of this happening is if an instance of traffic is routed to a path that covers multiple paths in the http ingress rule, the instance of traffic will be routed to the first one and then the second one. A common case of this will appear when enabling https for this chart using the ingress controller. For example the aws alb ingress controller's ssl-redirect here needs the redirect route path to be hit before the airflow-web one. So you will set the values of precedingPaths as the following:

  - path: "/*"
    serviceName: "ssl-redirect"
    servicePort: "use-annotation"

Chart Prefix

This Helm automatically prefixes all names using the release name to avoid collisions.

URL prefix

This chart exposes 2 endpoints:

  • Airflow Web UI
  • Flower, a debug UI for Celery

Both can be placed either at the root of a domain or at a sub path, for example:

NOTE: Mounting the Airflow UI under a subpath requires an airflow version >= 2.0.x. For the moment (June 2018) this is not available on official package, you will have to use an image where airflow has been updated to its current HEAD. You can use the following image: stibbons31/docker-airflow-dev:2.0dev. It is rebase regularly on top of the puckel/docker-airflow image.

Please also note that the Airflow UI and Flower do not behave the same:

  • Airflow Web UI behaves transparently, to configure it one just needs to specify the web.baseUrl value. Ingress can be configured with and ingress.web.path.

  • Flower cannot handle this scheme directly and requires a URL rewrite mechanism in front of it. In short, it is able to generate the right URLs in the returned HTML file but cannot respond to these URL. It is commonly found in software that wasn't intended to work under something else than a root URL or localhost port. To use it, see the values.yaml for how to configure your ingress controller to rewrite the URL (or "strip" the prefix path) and flower.urlPrefix.

    Note: unreleased Flower (as of June 2018) does not need the prefix strip feature anymore. It is integrated in docker-airflow-dev:2.0dev image.

Airflow configuration

airflow.cfg configuration can be changed by defining environment variables in the following form: AIRFLOW__<section>__<key>.

See the Airflow documentation for more information

This helm chart allows you to add these additional settings with the value key airflow.config. You can also add generic environment variables such as proxy or private pypi:


If you are using a private image for your dags (see Embedded Dags) or for use with the KubernetesPodOperator (available in version 1.10.0), then add an image pull secret to the airflow config:

    pullSecret: my-docker-repo-secret

Airflow connections

Connections define how your Airflow instance connects to environment and 3rd party service providers. This helm chart allows you to define your own connections at the time of Airflow initialization. For each connection the id and the type has to be defined. All other properties are optional.


  - id: my_aws
    type: aws
    extra: '{"aws_access_key_id": "**********", "aws_secret_access_key": "***", "region_name":"eu-central-1"}'

Note: As connections may require to include sensitive data - the resulting script is stored encrypted in a kubernetes secret and mounted into the airflow scheduler container. It is probably wise not to put connection data in the default values.yaml and instead create an encrypted my-secret-values.yaml. this way it can be decrypted before the installation and passed to helm with -f <my-secret-values.yaml>

Airflow variables

Variables are a generic way to store and retrieve arbitrary content or settings as a simple key value store within Airflow. These variables will be automatically imported by the scheduler when it starts up.


  variables: '{ "environment": "dev" }'

Airflow pools

Some systems can get overwhelmed when too many processes hit them at the same time. Airflow pools can be used to limit the execution parallelism on arbitrary sets of tasks. For more info see the airflow documentation. The feature to import pools has only been added in airflow 1.10.2. These pools will be automatically imported by the scheduler when it starts up.


  pools: '{ "example": { "description": "This is an example of a pool", "slots": 2 } }'

Worker Statefulset

Celery workers uses StatefulSet. It is used to freeze their DNS using a Kubernetes Headless Service, and allow the webserver to requests the logs from each workers individually. This requires to expose a port (8793) and ensure the pod DNS is accessible to the web server pod, which is why StatefulSet is for.

Worker secrets

You can add kubernetes secrets which will be mounted as volumes on the worker nodes at secretsDir/<secret name>.

  secretsDir: /var/airflow/secrets
    - redshift-user
    - redshift-password
    - elasticsearch-user
    - elasticsearch-password

With the above configuration, you could read the redshift-user password from within a dag or other function using:

import os
from pathlib import Path

def get_secret(secret_name):
    secrets_dir = Path('/var/airflow/secrets')
    secret_path = secrets_dir / secret_name
    assert secret_path.exists(), f'could not find {secret_name} at {secret_path}'
    secret_data = secret_path.read_text().strip()
    return secret_data

redshift_user = get_secret('redshift-user')

To create a secret, you can use:

$ kubectl create secret generic redshift-user --from-file=redshift-user=~/secrets/redshift-user.txt

Where redshift-user.txt contains the user secret as a single text string.

Database connection credentials

In this chart, postgres is used as the database backing Airflow. Additionally, if you're using the CeleryExecutor then redis is used. By default, insecure username/password combinations are used.

For a real production deployment, it's a good idea to create secure credentials before installing the Helm chart. For example, from the command line, run:

kubectl create secret generic airflow-postgres --from-literal=postgres-password=$(openssl rand -base64 13)
kubectl create secret generic airflow-redis --from-literal=redis-password=$(openssl rand -base64 13)

Next, you can use those secrets with the Helm chart:

# values.yaml

  existingSecret: airflow-postgres

  existingSecret: airflow-redis

This approach has the additional advantage of keeping secrets outside of the Helm upgrade process.

Additional environment variables

It is possible to specify additional environment variables using the same format as in a pod's .spec.containers.env definition. These environment variables will be mounted in the web, scheduler, and worker pods. You can use this feature to pass additional secret environment variables to Airflow.

Here is a simple example showing how to pass in a Fernet key and LDAP password. Of course, for this example to work, both the airflow and ldap Kubernetes secrets must already exist in the proper namespace; be sure to create those before running Helm.

        name: airflow
        key: fernet-key
        name: ldap
        key: password

Local binaries

Please note a folder ~/.local/bin will be automatically created and added to the PATH so that Bash operators can use command line tools installed by pip install --user for instance.

Installing dependencies

Add a requirements.txt file at the root of your DAG project (dags.path entry at values.yaml) and they will be automatically installed. That works for both shared persistent volume and init-container deployment strategies (see below).

DAGs Deployment

Several options are provided for synchronizing your Airflow DAGs.

Mount a Shared Persistent Volume

You can store your DAG files on an external volume, and mount this volume into the relevant Pods (scheduler, web, worker). In this scenario, your CI/CD pipeline should update the DAG files in the PV.

Since all Pods should have the same collection of DAG files, it is recommended to create just one PV that is shared. This ensures that the Pods are always in sync about the DagBag.

This is controlled by setting persistence.enabled=true. You will have to ensure yourself the PVC are shared properly between your pods:

To share a PV with multiple Pods, the PV needs to have accessMode 'ReadOnlyMany' or 'ReadWriteMany'.

Since you're unlikely to be using init-container with this configuration, you'll need to mount a file to /requirements.txt to get additional Python modules for your DAGs to be installed on container start. Use the extraConfigMapMounts configuration option for this.

Git-Sync sidecar container

This is probably the most popular way for airflow users to syncronize there dags. Its a pretty simple set up just a sidecar container in the pods that pulls dags from your repository of choice using git. To do this you must set up all the git values in this chart to a point where you can successfully connect to the repo. These are the values you will definitley need to set after enabling dags.git.gitSync.enabled. dags.git.url dags.git.ref dags.git.gitSync.refreshTime. If you are going the ssh connect route make sure to set the following dags.git.privateKeyName, dags.git.repoHost, dags.git.secret. In the secret have the private key and the known_hosts file as well so the host does not mistake the containers connection as a man in the middle attack and deny connection.

Use init-container

If you enable set dags.init_container.enabled=true, the pods will try upon startup to fetch the git repository defined by dags.git_repo, on branch dags.git_branch as DAG folder.

This is the easiest way of deploying your DAGs to Airflow.

If you are using a private Git repo, you can set dags.gitSecret to the name of a secret you created containing private keys and a known_hosts file.

For example, this will create a secret named my-git-secret from your ed25519 key and known_hosts file stored in your home directory: kubectl create secret generic my-git-secret --from-file=id_ed25519=~/.ssh/id_ed25519 --from-file=known_hosts=~/.ssh/known_hosts

Init-container git connection ssh

This set of instructions will enable you to clone your repository in the initContainer script through an ssh connection.

To do this you must have dags.initContainer.enabled set to true. Then you need to have the following set. dags.git.url This is the repository of your dags. dags.git.ref This is the branch with your dags on your repo. dags.git.secret This is the name of the secret cotaining your private ssh key. With this you need dags.git.privateKeyName, this is the name of the private key in the secret mounted in the keys directory on the initContainer. The last variable you need is this dags.git.repoHost. This is the host of your repo, for example if hosted on gitlab set the value as and if github put This enables us to tell ssh to use our private key when cloning otherwise we would recieve an unable to recognize host bug.

Embedded DAGs

If you want more control on the way you deploy your DAGs, you can use embedded DAGs, where DAGs are burned inside the Docker container deployed as Scheduler and Workers.

Be aware this requires more tooling than using shared PVC, or init-container:

  • your CI/CD should be able to build a new docker image each time your DAGs are updated.
  • your CI/CD should be able to control the deployment of this new image in your kubernetes cluster

Example of procedure:

  • Fork the puckel/docker-airflow repository
  • Place your DAG inside the dags folder of the repository, and ensure your Python dependencies are well installed (for example consuming a requirements.txt in your Dockerfile)
  • Update the value of airflow.image in your values.yaml and deploy on your Kubernetes cluster


By default (logsPersistence.enabled: false) logs from the web server, scheduler, and Celery workers are written to within the Docker container's filesystem. Therefore, any restart of the pod will wipe the logs. For production purposes, you will likely want to persist the logs externally (e.g. S3), which you have to set up yourself through configuration. You can also persist logs using a PersistentVolume using logsPersistence.enabled: true. To use an existing volume, pass the name to logsPersistence.existingClaim. Otherwise, a new volume will be created.

Note that it is also possible to persist logs by mounting a PersistentVolume to the log directory (/usr/local/airflow/logs by default) using airflow.extraVolumes and airflow.extraVolumeMounts.

Refer to the Mount a Shared Persistent Volume section above for details on using persistent volumes.

Using one volume for both logs and DAGs

You may want to store DAGs and logs on the same volume and configure Airflow to use subdirectories for them. One reason is that mounting the same volume multiple times with different subPaths can cause problems in Kubernetes, e.g. one of the mounts gets stuck during container initialisation.

Here's an approach that achieves this:

  • Configure the extraVolume and extraVolumeMount arrays to put the (e.g. AWS EFS) volume at /usr/local/airflow/efs
  • Configure persistence.enabled and logsPersistence.enabled to be false
  • Configure dags.path to be /usr/local/airflow/efs/dags
  • Configure logs.path to be /usr/local/airflow/efs/logs

Service monitor

The service monitor is something introduced by the CoresOS prometheus operator. To be able to expose metrics to prometheus you need install a plugin, this can be added to the docker image. A good one is: This exposes dag and task based metrics from Airflow. For service monitor configuration see the generic Helm chart Configuration.

Additional manifests

It is possible to add additional manifests into a deployment, to extend the chart. One of the reason is to deploy a manifest specific to a cloud provider ( BackendConfig on GKE for example ).

  - apiVersion:
    kind: BackendConfig
      name: "{{ .Release.Name }}-test"
        name: "gcp-cloud-armor-policy-test"

Helm chart Configuration

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Airflow chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
airflow.fernetKey Ferney key (see values.yaml for example) (auto generated)
airflow.service.type service type for Airflow UI ClusterIP
airflow.service.annotations (optional) service annotations for Airflow UI {}
airflow.service.externalPort (optional) external port for Airflow UI 8080
airflow.service.nodePort.http (optional) when using service.type == NodePort, an optional NodePort to request ``
airflow.service.sessionAffinity The session affinity for the airflow UI None
airflow.service.sessionAffinityConfig The session affinity config for the airflow UI None
airflow.executor the executor to run Celery
airflow.initRetryLoop max number of retries during container init
airflow.image.repository Airflow docker image puckel/docker-airflow
airflow.image.tag Airflow docker tag 1.10.2
airflow.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
airflow.image.pullSecret Image pull secret
airflow.schedulerNumRuns -1 to loop indefinitively, 1 to restart after each exec
airflow.webReplicas how many replicas for web server 1
airflow.config custom airflow configuration env variables {}
airflow.podDisruptionBudgetEnabled enable pod disruption budget true
airflow.podDisruptionBudget control pod disruption budget {'maxUnavailable': 1}
airflow.extraEnv specify additional environment variables to mount {}
airflow.extraConfigmapMounts Additional configMap volume mounts on the airflow pods. []
airflow.podAnnotations annotations for scheduler, worker and web pods {}
airflow.extraInitContainers additional Init Containers to run in the scheduler pods []
airflow.extraContainers additional containers to run in the scheduler, worker & web pods []
airflow.extraVolumeMounts additional volumeMounts to the main container in scheduler, worker & web pods []
airflow.extraVolumes additional volumes for the scheduler, worker & web pods []
airflow.initdb run airflow initdb when starting the scheduler true
flower.enabled enable flow true
flower.extraConfigmapMounts Additional configMap volume mounts on the flower pod. []
flower.urlPrefix path of the flower ui ""
flower.resources custom resource configuration for flower pod {}
flower.labels labels for the flower deployment {}
flower.annotations annotations for the flower deployment {}
flower.service.type service type for Flower UI ClusterIP
flower.service.annotations (optional) service annotations for Flower UI {}
flower.service.externalPort (optional) external port for Flower UI 5555
flower.securityContext (optional) security context for the flower deployment {}
web.baseUrl webserver UI URL http://localhost:8080
web.resources custom resource configuration for web pod {}
web.labels labels for the web deployment {}
web.annotations annotations for the web deployment {}
web.podAnnotations pod-annotations for the web deployment {}
web.initialStartupDelay amount of time webserver pod should sleep before initializing webserver 60
web.minReadySeconds minReadySeconds in the web deployment 120
web.livenessProbe.periodSeconds interval between probes 60
web.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds time allowed for a result to return 1
web.livenessProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful 1
web.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered failed 5
web.readinessProbe.periodSeconds interval between probes 60
web.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds time allowed for a result to return 1
web.readinessProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful 1
web.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered failed 5
web.initialDelaySeconds initial delay on livenessprobe before checking if webserver is available 360
web.secretsDir directory in which to mount secrets on webserver nodes /var/airflow/secrets
web.secrets secrets to mount as volumes on webserver nodes []
web.securityContext (optional) security context for the web deployment {}
scheduler.resources custom resource configuration for scheduler pod {}
scheduler.labels labels for the scheduler deployment {}
scheduler.annotations annotations for the scheduler deployment {}
scheduler.podAnnotations podAnnotations for the scheduler deployment {}
scheduler.securityContext (optional) security context for the scheduler deployment {}
workers.enabled enable workers true
workers.replicas number of workers pods to launch 1
workers.terminationPeriod gracefull termination period for workers to stop 30
workers.resources custom resource configuration for worker pod {}
workers.celery.instances number of parallel celery tasks per worker 1
workers.labels labels for the worker statefulSet {}
workers.annotations annotations for the worker statefulSet {}
workers.podAnnotations podAnnotations for the worker statefulSet {}
workers.celery.gracefullTermination cancel the consumer and wait for the current task to finish before stopping the worker false
workers.podAnnotations annotations for the worker pods {}
workers.secretsDir directory in which to mount secrets on worker nodes /var/airflow/secrets
workers.secrets secrets to mount as volumes on worker nodes []
workers.securityContext (optional) security context for the worker statefulSet {}
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
affinity Affinity labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
ingress.enabled enable ingress false hostname for the webserver ui ""
ingress.web.path path of the werbserver ui (read values.yaml) ``
ingress.web.annotations annotations for the web ui ingress {}
ingress.web.livenessPath path to the web liveness probe {{ ingress.web.path }}/health
ingress.web.tls.enabled enables TLS termination at the ingress false
ingress.web.tls.secretName name of the secret containing the TLS certificate & key ``
ingress.web.succeedingPaths additional paths for the ingress coming after the airflow-web path {}
ingress.web.precedingPaths additional paths for the ingress that come before default path to airflow-web {} hostname for the flower ui ""
ingress.flower.path path of the flower ui (read values.yaml) ``
ingress.flower.livenessPath path to the liveness probe (read values.yaml) /
ingress.flower.annotations annotations for the flower ui ingress {}
ingress.flower.tls.enabled enables TLS termination at the ingress false
ingress.flower.tls.secretName name of the secret containing the TLS certificate & key ``
persistence.enabled enable persistence storage for DAGs false
persistence.existingClaim if using an existing claim, specify the name here nil
persistence.subPath (optional) relative path on the volume to use for DAGs (undefined)
persistence.storageClass Persistent Volume Storage Class (undefined)
persistence.accessMode PVC access mode ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size Persistant storage size request 1Gi
logsPersistence.enabled enable persistent storage for logs false
logsPersistence.existingClaim if using an existing claim, specify the name here nil
logsPersistence.subPath (optional) relative path on the volume to use for logs (undefined)
logsPersistence.storageClass Persistent Volume Storage Class (undefined)
logsPersistence.accessMode PVC access mode ReadWriteOnce
logsPersistence.size Persistant storage size request 1Gi
dags.doNotPickle should the scheduler disable DAG pickling false
dags.path mount path for persistent volume /usr/local/airflow/dags
dags.initContainer.enabled Fetch the source code when the pods starts false
dags.initContainer.image.repository Init container Docker image. alpine/git
dags.initContainer.image.tag Init container Docker image tag. 1.0.4
dags.initContainer.installRequirements auto install requirements.txt deps true
dags.initContainer.mountPath Mountpath inside init container for dags /dags
dags.initContainer.syncSubPath Path inside init container used to sync/clone git repo to; appended to dags.initContainer.mountPath ``
dags.git.url url to clone the git repository nil
dags.git.ref branch name, tag or sha1 to reset to master
dags.git.secret name of a secret containing an ssh deploy key nil
dags.git.privateKeyName name of private key mounted in secret(only needed if using ssh to connect to git) ''
dags.git.repoHost Host of git repo you are establish an ssh connection to ex. (only needed if using ssh to connect to git) ''
dags.git.gitSync.enabled Enables a sidecar container that syncs dags false
dags.git.gitSync.image.repository Image of the sidecar container that syncs dags alpine/git
dags.git.gitSync.image.tag Image tag of sidecar container that syncs dags 1.0.4
dags.git.gitSync.refreshTime How often the sidecar container syncs dags up with repository(in seconds) nil
logs.path mount path for logs persistent volume /usr/local/airflow/logs
rbac.create create RBAC resources true
serviceAccount.create create a service account true the service account name ``
serviceAccount.annotations (optional) annotations for the service account {}
postgresql.enabled create a postgres server true
postgresql.existingSecret The name of an existing secret with a key named postgresql.existingSecretKey to use as the password nil
postgresql.existingSecretKey The name of the key containing the password in the secret named postgresql.existingSecret postgres-password
postgresql.uri full URL to custom postgres setup (undefined)
postgresql.postgresHost PostgreSQL Hostname (undefined)
postgresql.postgresqlUsername PostgreSQL User postgres
postgresql.postgresqlPassword PostgreSQL Password airflow
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase PostgreSQL Database name airflow
postgresql.persistence.enabled Enable Postgres PVC true
postgresql.persistence.storageClass Persistent class (undefined)
postgresql.persistence.accessModes Access modes [ ReadWriteOnce ]
redis.enabled Create a Redis cluster true
redis.existingSecret The name of an existing secret with a key named redis.existingSecretKey to use as the password nil
redis.existingSecretKey The name of the key containing the password in the secret named redis.existingSecret redis-password
redis.redisHost Redis Hostname (undefined)
redis.password Redis password airflow
redis.master.persistence.enabled Enable Redis PVC false
redis.master.persistence.accessModes Access modes [ ReadWriteOnce ]
redis.cluster.enabled enable master-slave cluster false
serviceMonitor.enabled enable service monitor false
serviceMonitor.interval Interval at which metrics should be scraped 30s
serviceMonitor.path The path at which the metrics should be scraped /admin/metrics
serviceMonitor.selector label Selector for Prometheus to find ServiceMonitors prometheus: kube-prometheus
prometheusRule.enabled enable prometheus rule false
prometheusRule.groups define alerting rules {}
prometheusRule.additionalLabels add additional labels to the prometheus rule {}
extraManifests add additional manifests to deploy []

Full and up-to-date documentation can be found in the comments of the values.yaml file.


To 6.0.0

This version updates postgresql and redis dependencies. There are a few config key changes, in order to upgrade from a 5.x chart, modify your values.yaml by mapping the keys as follows:

5.x.x 6.x.x Notes
postgresql.postgresUser postgresql.postgresqlUsername
postgresql.postgresPassword postgresql.postgresqlPassword
postgresql.postgresDatabase postgresql.postgresqlDatabase
postgresql.persistence.accessMode postgresql.persistence.accessModes Instead of a single value, now the config accepts an array
redis.master.persistence.accessMode redis.master.persistence.accessModes Instead of a single value, now the config accepts an array

To 5.0.0

This version splits the configuration for webserver and flower web UI from ingress configurations for separation of concerns.

Two new parameters:

  • web.baseUrl
  • flower.urlPrefix

This upgrade will fail if a custom ingress path is set for web and/or flower and web.baseUrl and/or flower.urlPrefix

To 4.0.0

This version splits the specs for the NodeSelector, Affinity and Toleration features. Instead of being global, and injected in every component, they are now defined by component to provide more flexibility for your deployments. As such, the migration steps are really simple. Just copy and paste your node/affinity/tolerance definitions in the four airflow components, which are worker, scheduler, flower and web. The default values file should help you with locating those.

To 3.0.0

This version introduces a simplified way of managing secrets, including the database credentials to postgres and redis. With the default settings in prior versions, database credentials were generated and stored in an Airflow-managed Kubernetes secret. However, these credentials were also stored in postgres- and redis-managed secrets (created by the respective subcharts), leading to duplication. Moreover, it was tricky to bring your own passwords and to load additional secrets as environment variables.

To deal with these issues, we've removed the Airflow-managed Kubernetes secret (templates/secret-env.yaml). If your deployment was called airflow, this upgrade will delete the airflow-env secret. Instead, the pods now source the database secrets from the postgres- and redis-managed secrets, i.e. the postgres password is in the airflow-postgres secret. This upgrade shouldn't break the deployment, but you may need to make some adjustments if you were doing something nonstandard.

For production, it's better create random passwords before installing the Helm chart. You can use these passwords by specifying the newly added postgres.existingSecret and redis.existingSecret parameters.

We've also added airflow.extraEnv, which provides a flexible way to inject environment variables into your pods. This parameter is great for things like the Fernet key and LDAP password.

The following parameters are no longer necessary and have been removed: airflow.defaultSecretsMapping, airflow.secretsMapping, airflow.existingAirflowSecret. If you were using them, you'll have to migrate your settings to postgres.existingSecret, redis.existingSecret, and airflow.extraEnv, which are described in greater depth in the documentation above.

To 2.8.3+

The parameter airflow.service.type no longer applies to the Flower service, but the default of ClusterIP has been maintained. If using a custom values file and have changed the service type, also specify flower.service.type.

To 2.0.0

The parameter workers.pod.annotations has been renamed to workers.podAnnotations. If using a custom values file, rename this parameter.