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An enhanced version of Semantic Object Map (SOMA) package. SOMAs can include objects, regions of interest (ROI), and trajectories.


  • MongoDB (>=2.6)
  • mongodb_store - use the source version from github
  • ROS's navigation stack (only map server)
  • Qt5 (sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev)

Getting started (general steps)

  1. Start the ros core:

    $ roscore
  2. Launch the ROS datacentre:

    $ roslaunch mongodb_store mongodb_store.launch db_path:=<path_to_db>

SOMA map manager

  1. SOMA2 is currently based on the assumption that all the detected objects are in a 2D global map frame. So it is required to run the soma map manager for using SOMA2. This node is used for storing, reading and publishing 2D map:
$ rosrun soma_map_manager

If there are any stored 2D occupancy maps in the datacenter, then map manager will let you choose the map to be published. If not, it will wait for map_server. Run the map_server with a 2D map:

$ rosrun map_server map_server <map.yaml>

where map.yaml specifies the map you want to load. After running the map_server, you should save the published map using the SOMA map manager.

  1. If you want to check the published map, start RVIZ, add a Map display type and subscribe to the soma2/map topic:
$ rosrun rviz rviz

SOMA ROI manager

  1. If you want to create SOMA ROIs, run the SOMA ROI manager:

    $ rosrun soma_roi_manager <config>

where config denotes an object configuration. By default, the configuration file soma_roi_manager/config/default.json is used to initialize the list of available ROI types. Alternatively, the following command can be used to use a different configuration file:

$ rosrun soma_roi_manager -t /path/to/config/file <config>

2D map information will be gathered from soma2/map_info service of SOMA map manager. 6. In RVIZ, add an InteractiveMarker display type, and subscribe to the /soma2_roi/update topic: 7. Add, delete, modify ROIs in RVIZ using the interactive marker and the context menu (right-mouse-click)


ROS Services

The other nodes can communicate with SOMA2 using the SOMA2 service calls. In order to use these services, one should run the soma data manager:

SOMA data manager

  1. Run the soma data manager:
$ rosrun soma_manager <db_name> <collection_name>

The parameters db_name and collection_name are optional which can be used to define the database and collection name for data storage.

Data insertion

One or multiple SOMA2 objects can be inserted using the SOMA2 service call /soma2/insert_objects. The unique mongodb ids and a boolean value are returned. The boolean return value determines whether the request was successfully completed or not.

Data deletion

One or multiple SOMA2 objects can be deleted using the SOMA2 service call /soma2/delete_objects. The SOMA2 object ids are used for deletion. The boolean return value determines whether the request was successfully completed or not.

Data update

A SOMA2 object can be updated using the SOMA2 service call /soma2/update_object. The boolean return value determines whether the request was successfully completed or not.

Data query

SOMA2 objects and ROIs could be queried using SOMA2 service call /soma2/query_db. The query request should be filled according to the spatio-temporal constraints. The results are returned based on the query type and constraints.


Semantic Object Maps (SOMA)






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