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160 lines (112 loc) · 7.71 KB

File metadata and controls

160 lines (112 loc) · 7.71 KB



  • Unless otherwise mentioned, super replaces ctrl in keybindings on OS X.
  • A mention of a (GO)PATH variable uses a colon(:) as the sepator. This is the PATH separator on Linux and OS X, Windows uses a semi-colon(;)


You may customize GoSublimes behaviour by (creating and) customizing the file file Packages/User/GoSublime.sublime-settings. Default settings are documented in Packages/GoSublime/GoSublime.sublime-settings. WARNING Do not edit any package file outside of Packages/User/, including files inside Packages/GoSublime/ unless you have a reason to. These files are subject to being overritten on update of the respective package and/or Sublime Text itself. You may also inadvertently prevent the respective package from being able to update via git etc.


In some system environment variables are not passed around as expected. The result of which is that some commands e.g go build doesn't work as the command cannot be found or GOPATH is not set. To get around this the simplest thing to do is to set these variables in the settings file. See the documention for the env and/or shell setting, both documented in the default settings file Packages/User/GoSublime.sublime-settings

Code Completion

Completion can be accessed by typing the (default) key combination CTRL+[SPACE] inside a Golang file.

Key Bindings

By default, a number of key bindings are provided. They can be viewed in by opening the command palette and typing GoSublime: or via the key binding ctrl+dot,ctrl+dot (or super+dot,super+dot on OS X). Wherever I refer to a key binding with ctrl+ it is by default defined as super+ on OS X unless stated otherwise.

Useful key bindings

Often when commenting out a line the immediate action following this is to move the cursor to the next line either to continue working or comment out the following line.

With this following key binding, you can have the line commented out and the cursor automatically moved to the next line.

{ "keys": ["ctrl+/"], "command": "gs_comment_forward", "context": [{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.go" }] },

Package Imports

pressing ctrl+dot,ctrl+p will open the package list from which you can quickly import or delete a package import. The usage is the same for both operations. If the package is already imported then it will appear near the top and be marked as a delete operation, so it effect is a toggle. If you want to edit the alias of a package e.g a database driver: first import the package as normal and then press ctrl+dot,ctrl+i to quicky jump the last imported package. Once edited you can return to where you were by pressing ctrl+dot,ctrl+[

Building, Testing and the Go command

GoSublime comes with partial command/shell integration 9o. For more information about 9o, see Packages/GoSublime/ or from within Sublime Text press ctrl+9 or super+9 and type help.

To run package tests you have 3 options.

  • press ctrl+dot,ctrl+t to open the testing quick panel. This offers basic/common options such as running all benchmark functions or running a single test function.

  • inside a _test.go file, press ctrl+shift and left-click on the name of a Test, Benchmark or Example function e.g. TestAbc to execute that function only.

  • if the above options are too minimalistic or you would otherwise like to call go test with your own options, open 9o by pressing ctrl+9 where you have access to the go command.

In the case of building a package, 9o provides a replay(run see for details) command that will execute the command if the pkg is a command pkg (package main) or run all tests if it's a normal pkg. The replay command is bound to ctrl+dot,ctrl+r for easy access.

GoSublime provides an override for the Sublime Text build-system via ctr+b. In the menu Tools > Build System it's named GoSublime. ctrl+b is automaticall handled by Sublime Text, so if you have another Go build system chosen, ctrl+b will execute that instead. To access the GoSublime build system directly press ctrl+dot,ctrl+b. This build system simply opens 9o and expand the last command. i.e. executes the 9o command ^1.

Per-project settings & Project-based GOPATH

If you have a settings object called GoSublime in your project settings its values will override those inside the GoSublime.sublime-settings file. As a side-effect you may set a specific GOPATH for a simple project.


    "settings": {
        "GoSublime": {
            "env": {
            	"GOPATH": "$HOME/my-project"
    "folders": []

If the only setting you use this functionality to change is the GOPATH, then you may be able to find success by adding the string $GS_GOPATH to your global GOPATH setting e.g.

	"env": { "GOPATH": "$HOME/go:$GS_GOPATH" }

GS_GOPATH is a pseudo-environment-variable. It's changed to match a possible GOPATH based on the current file's path. e.g. if your file path is /tmp/go/src/hello/main.go then it will contain the value /tmp/go

Lint/Syntax Check

The source is continuously scanned for syntax errors. It will try to catch some common errors, like forgetting to call flag.Parse (if this causes false positives, please file a bug report).

Apart from the hilighting in the view using a dot icon in the gutter and usually underlining the first character of an error region. You are given an entry in the status bar in the form: GsLint (N) where N is the number of errors found in that file. You can show the list of errors and navigate to then by pressing ctrl+dot,ctrl+e. Errors for the current line are shown in the status bar.


by default ctrl+s and ctrl+shift+s are overridden to fmt the the file before saving it. You may also fmt a file without saving it by pressing ctrl+dot,ctrl+f

Godoc/Goto Definition

To show the source and associated comments(documentation) of a variable press ctrl+dot,ctrl+h or using the mouse ctrl+shift,right-click. This will show an output panel that presents the full definition of the variable or function under the (first) cursor along with its comments. To goto the definition instead, press ctrl+dot,ctrl+g or alternatively using the mouse ctrl+shift,left-click.

Declarations/Code Outline?

A very minimal form of code outline is provided. You can press ctrl+dot,ctrl+d to list all the declartions in the current file.

New File

Pressing ctrl+dot,ctrl+n will create a new Go file with the package declaration filled out. It will try to be intelligent about it, so if the current directory contains package mypkg it will use that as the package name.

Misc. Helper Commands

The following commands can use bound to key bindings to further improve your editing experience.

  • gs_fmt - this command runs gofmt on the current buffer and also available via the key bindings ctrl+dot,ctrl+f

  • gs_fmt_save, gs_fmt_prompt_save_as - these commands will run the go_fmt followed save or prompt_save_as - these are bound to ctrl+s and ctrl+shift+s respectively by default

  • gs_comment_forward - this command will activate the ctrl+/ commenting and move the cursor to the next line, allowing you to comment/uncomment multiple lines in sequence without breaking to move the cursor. You can replace the default behaviour by overriding it in your user key bindings(Preferences > Key Bindings - User) with { "keys": ["ctrl+/"], "command": "gs_comment_forward", "context": [{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.go" }] }