diff --git a/rollingUpdate.yaml b/rollingUpdate.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be0bded --- /dev/null +++ b/rollingUpdate.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' +Resources: + ELBSecurityGroup: + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup + Properties: + GroupDescription: Allow http to client host + GroupName: ELBSecurityGroup + VpcId: + Ref: MyVPCId + SecurityGroupIngress: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 80 + ToPort: 80 + CidrIp: + SecurityGroupEgress: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 0 + ToPort: 65535 + CidrIp: + InstanceSecurityGroup: + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup + Properties: + GroupDescription: Allow http to client host + GroupName: AppInstanceSecurityGroup + VpcId: + Ref: MyVPCId + SecurityGroupIngress: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 80 + ToPort: 80 + CidrIp: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 22 + ToPort: 22 + CidrIp: + SecurityGroupEgress: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 0 + ToPort: 65535 + CidrIp: + DependsOn: + - ELBSecurityGroup + ELB: + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer + Properties: + IpAddressType: ipv4 + Name: + Ref: InternalELBName + Scheme: internet-facing + SecurityGroups: [ + Ref: ELBSecurityGroup ] + Subnets: + Ref: Subnets + Type: application + ELBTargetGroup: + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup + Properties: + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10 + HealthCheckPath: "/" + HealthCheckPort: '80' + HealthCheckProtocol: HTTP + HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds: 5 + HealthyThresholdCount: 5 + Matcher: + HttpCode: '200' + Name: APP + Port: 80 + Protocol: HTTP + TargetGroupAttributes: + - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds + Value: '20' + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2 + VpcId: + Ref: MyVPCId + DependsOn: + - ELB + ELBDefaultListener: + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener + Properties: + LoadBalancerArn: + Ref: ELB + DefaultActions: + - Type: forward + TargetGroupArn: + Ref: ELBTargetGroup + Port: 80 + Protocol: HTTP + DependsOn: + - ELB + - ELBTargetGroup + AutoScalingGroup: + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup + Properties: + MaxSize: + Ref: ASGMaxSize + MinSize: + Ref: ASGMinSize + DesiredCapacity: + Ref: ASGSize + HealthCheckType: ELB + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 120 + LaunchConfigurationName: + Ref: LaunchConfiguration + VPCZoneIdentifier: + Ref: Subnets + TargetGroupARNs: [ + Ref: ELBTargetGroup ] + TerminationPolicies: + - Default + CreationPolicy: + ResourceSignal: + Count: 1 + Timeout: PT10M + UpdatePolicy: + AutoScalingRollingUpdate: + MaxBatchSize: '1' + MinInstancesInService: '1' + PauseTime: PT10M + SuspendProcesses: + - AlarmNotification + WaitOnResourceSignals: true + Tags: + - PropagateAtLaunch: true + Value: AppServer + Key: Purpose + DependsOn: + - LaunchConfiguration + LaunchConfiguration: + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration + Properties: + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true + BlockDeviceMappings: + - DeviceName: "/dev/xvda" + Ebs: + DeleteOnTermination: true + VolumeSize: 8 + VolumeType: gp2 + EbsOptimized: false + ImageId: + Fn::FindInMap: + - RegionMap + - Ref: AWS::Region + - AMI + InstanceMonitoring: true + InstanceType: + Ref: InstanceType + KeyName: + Ref: KeyName + SecurityGroups: [ + Ref: InstanceSecurityGroup ] + UserData: + Fn::Base64: !Sub | + #!/bin/bash + yum update -y + yum install httpd -y + systemctl start httpd.service + systemctl enable httpd.service + echo "

Hello World welcome to App deployed using rolling update

" > /var/www/html/index.html + DependsOn: + - InstanceSecurityGroup + +Parameters: + MyVPCId: + Description: VPC Id + Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id + Subnets: + Description: List of subnets + Type: List + InternalELBName: + Description: Internal ELB Name Assigned + Type: String + Default: my-internal-elb + ASGSize: + Description: Desired number of EC2 instances in Auto Scaling Group + Type: Number + Default: 2 + ASGMinSize: + Description: Min number of EC2 instances in Auto Scaling Group + Type: Number + Default: 1 + ASGMaxSize: + Description: Max number of EC2 instances in Auto Scaling Group + Type: Number + Default: 4 + InstanceType: + Description: EC2 instance type + Type: String + Default: t2.micro + AllowedValues: + - t1.micro + - t2.micro + KeyName: + Description: EC2 key pair + Type: String + Default: my_ec2_key + VersionParameter: + Description: Software version to deploy + Type: String + +Mappings: + RegionMap: + us-east-1: + AMI: ami-098f16afa9edf40be + +Outputs: + ELB: + Value: + Fn::Join: + - '' + - - http:// + - Fn::GetAtt: + - ELB + - DNSName + Description: Load Balancer URL