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Our Logit Standardization with CTKD

This is the repository for the experiments of our logit standardization's facilitating the distillation of CTKD. It is from the pytorch implementation for "Curriculum Temperature for Knowledge Distillation" (AAAI 2023)


  • Python 3.8
  • Pytorch 1.11.0
  • Torchvision 0.12.0


  1. Download the pretrained teacher models and put them to ./save/models.
Dataset Download
CIFAR teacher models [Baidu Yun]
ImageNet teacher models [Baidu Yun]

If you want to train your teacher model, please consider using ./scripts/ or ./scripts/

After the training process, put your teacher model to ./save/models.

  1. Training on CIFAR-100:
  • Download the dataset and change the path in ./dataset/ line 27 to your current dataset path.
  • Modify the script scripts/ according to your needs.
  • Run the script.
    sh scripts/  
  1. Training on ImageNet-2012:
  • Download the dataset and change the path in ./dataset/ line 21 to your current dataset path.
  • Modify the script scripts/ according to your needs.
  • Run the script.
    sh scripts/  

Model Zoo

We provide complete training configs, logs, and models for your reference.


  • Combing CTKD with existing KD methods, including vanilla KD, PKT, SP, VID, CRD, SRRL, and DKD.
    (Teacher: RN-56, Student: RN-20)
    [Baidu Yun] [Google]


  • Combing CTKD with vanilla KD:
    [Baidu Yun] [Google]