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113 lines (104 loc) · 6.07 KB

File metadata and controls

113 lines (104 loc) · 6.07 KB

1.2.0 (Not released yet)

  • [Enhancement] Added a dedicated key to attach/detach (H)
  • [Enhancement] Explosives can be attached without a tool
  • [Enhancement] Added different color to attach and drop
  • [Enhancement] Added an dedicated icon for detaching
  • [Enhancement] Detaching a part with a parent or a child(s) is now possible
  • [Enhancement] Added colors to the target part and his parent on detach
  • [Enhancement] Added a ModuleKISItem parameter : allowStaticAttach (0:false / 1:true / 2:Attach tool needed)
  • [Enhancement] Added a ModuleKISItem parameter : allowPartAttach (0:false / 1:true / 2:Attach tool needed)

1.1.5 (31 May, 2015)

  • [Enhancement] Disable jetpack mouse input while dragging
  • [Enhancement] Converted parts textures to DDS
  • [Enhancement] AVC is now used for version check
  • [Enhancement] Added a KAS version dependancy check
  • [Enhancement] Added more stackable module (KASModuleHarpoon, ModuleRecycleablePart, CollisionFX)
  • [Fix] launchID is now correctly set for stored parts
  • [Fix] Prevent removing the launch vessel flag of stored parts
  • [Fix] Stored parts must now be recognized by contracts
  • [Fix] Fix static part not attaching when dragged from an inventory
  • [Fix] Prevent vessel switching while dragging an item
  • [Fix] Engineer report take into account the mass update
  • [Fix] OnKISAction method use BaseEventData (prevent KAS crash if KIS is missing)
  • [Fix] Fix two typos in the user manual
  • [Fix] Fix wording for removing helmets. (thanks to iPeer)

1.1.4 (14 May, 2015)

  • [Fix] fix delayed ship explosion after attaching parts from inventory in deep space

1.1.3 (14 May, 2015)

  • [Fix] fix explosion after moving/attaching a part (hopefully)
  • [Fix] Prevent equipped part to explode after loading (when using equipmode = part)
  • [Fix] Prevent item to be carried even if no slot is available
  • [Fix] Explosive now show up in the left hand according to the equip slot
  • [Fix] Prevent unequipping when dragging an item on another
  • [Fix] Eva propellant will now remove resource from the equipped part (when using equipmode = part)
  • [Change] Guide and wrench item moved to engineering101 tech node
  • [Change] Created a SendKISMessage method (to communicate with KAS or other mods)

1.1.2 (8 May, 2015)

  • Compatibility fix for KSP 1.0.2
  • [Feature] Add "mountedPartNode" parameter in module "ModuleKISPartMount" to set the part node used on mount
  • [Feature] Allow mount to be set on a moving attach node (KAS compatibility)
  • [Feature] Send messages on part drop/attach (KAS compatibility)
  • [Fix] Fix velocity reset on part creation in space
  • [Fix] Prevent part node to be changed on mount
  • [Fix] Prevent KIS dll reference error after recompile
  • [Fix] Ingame user guide updated to 1.1
  • [Fix] Some spelling fixes
  • [Change] Move KIS static item module to part module
  • [Change] Allow carried container to be used

1.1.1 (1 May, 2015)

  • [Fix] Fixed (again) wrong mass calculation for part with resources
  • [Fix] Fixed "Escape" not correctly spelled

1.1.0 (30 April, 2015)

  • KSP 1.0 Compatibility
  • [New Part] 2.5m inline container (20 000L)
  • [New Part] Ground base (similar to KAS Pylon)
  • [Feature] Part snapping on stack nodes (electric screwdriver only)
  • [Feature] Containers snapping on mount (removed "item drag to mount" behaviour)
  • [Feature] Small containers can now be carried on kerbal's back (but kerbal speed is limited on ground)
  • [Feature] Allow part from editor scene to be dragged to inventory (for tweaking them before storing them)
  • [Feature] Added multiple node support for PartMount module
  • [Feature] Added TweakScale compatibility
  • [Feature] Added ability to name containers
  • [Feature] Added a button in the kerbal inventory to put/remove helmet
  • [Feature] Added ability to set equip to "model"(default), "part" or "physic" in ModuleKISItem
  • [Feature] New item module to tweak some kerbal parameters when item is equipped (for modding)
  • [Feature] Current attach node is now displayed on the cursor
  • [Feature] Show science data of stored items
  • [Feature] Settings.cfg file is now loaded as a confignode (allow module manager to add partModules to the Stackable list)
  • [Feature] Show content resources, cost, mass and science data for stored containers
  • [Change] Disabled surface attach for stack part nodes
  • [Change] Disabled surface attach for part not allowing it
  • [Change] Increased default grab range to 3 meters
  • [Change] Part cost, mass and r&d updated for KSP 1.0
  • [Change] Reduced the number of slots of the small container
  • [Fix] "Open inventory" context menu max distance now use the grab distance from settings.cfg
  • [Fix] Disabled editor set quantity item context menu when part is not stackable
  • [Fix] Fixed a crash when trying to store a command pod from the editor
  • [Fix] Fixed item icon not returning to default rotation
  • [Fix] Prevent a crash if an item is added in the same slot on loading
  • [Fix] Re-arrange inventories when size is changed
  • [Fix] Removed a double when changing attach node
  • [Fix] Prevent storing a container in itself
  • [Fix] Prevent attaching a part on itself
  • [Fix] Fixed incorrect checking of volume available when stacking in the same inventory

1.0.2 (5 April, 2015)

  • Fix wrong mass calculation for part with resources

1.0.1 (31 March, 2015)

  • Change volume unit from M3 to L
  • Check kerbal skill instead of trait name for tools
  • Added default kerbal mass parameter in settings.cfg
  • Disable drag for greyed parts in the editor to prevent storing them without bought them from research in hard mode
  • Add decimals to maxVolume for the inventory module tooltip
  • Prevent a part to be mounted on itself
  • Fix grab not working in some specific situations
  • Fix crash when dragging a container from a mount to another mount
  • Fix crash when attaching a docking node
  • Fix container mass calculation
  • Fix inventory click-through not working correctly
  • Fix framerate drops while hovering inventory in flight
  • Fix debug menu not working
  • Fix exception thrown on first time entering VAB
  • Fix exception thrown after loading
  • Fix exception thrown when using release on empty mount

1.0.0 (14 March, 2015)

  • Initial release