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Velero Plugin for vSphere

Velero Plugin For vSphere CICD Pipeline


This repository contains the Velero Plugin for vSphere. This plugin is a volume snapshotter plugin that provides crash-consistent snapshots of vSphere block volumes and backup of volume data into S3 compatible storage.


  • Velero - Version 1.3.2 or above
  • vSphere - Version 6.7U3 or above
  • vSphere CSI/CNS driver 1.0.2 or above
  • Kubernetes 1.14 or above (note: the Velero Plug-in for vSphere does not support Guest or Supervisor clusters on vSphere yet)

Installing the plugin

Install the AWS plugin

Volume backups are stored in an S3 bucket. Currently these are stored in the same bucket configured for the AWS plugin. Before installing the vSphere plugin, please install and configure the AWS plugin (

Install the plugin

velero plugin add <plugin-image>

For Version 1.0.1 the command is

velero plugin add vsphereveleroplugin/velero-plugin-for-vsphere:1.0.1

Create a VolumeSnapshotLocation

The VolumeSnapshotLocation will be used to specify the use of the Velero Plug-in for vSphere.

velero snapshot-location create <snapshot location name> --provider

For our examples in this document, we name the VolumeSnapshotLocation vsl-vsphere.

velero snapshot-location create vsl-vsphere --provider

Backup using the plugin

To use the plugin, run a Velero backup and specify the --snapshot-volumes flag and specify the VolumeSnapshotLocation you set above with the --volume-snapshot-locations flag

velero backup create my-backup --include-namespaces=my-namespace --snapshot-volumes --volume-snapshot-locations vsl-vsphere

Your backup will complete after the local snapshots have completed and your Kubernetes metadata has been uploaded to the object store specified. At this point, all of the data may not have been uploaded to your S3 object store. Data movement happens in the background and may take a significant amount of time to complete.

Monitoring data upload progress

For each volume snapshot that is uploaded to S3, an customer resource is generated. These records contain the current state of an upload request. You can list out current requests with

kubectl get -n <velero namespace> -o yaml

An upload record looks like this;

- apiVersion:
  kind: Upload
    creationTimestamp: "2020-03-16T21:12:48Z"
    generation: 1
    name: upload-bcc6e06c-8d2f-4e19-b157-0dbd1ef9fcb2
    namespace: velero
    resourceVersion: "2173887"
    selfLink: /apis/
    uid: e3a2a3ee-67ca-11ea-af6d-005056a56c10
    backupTimestamp: "2020-03-16T21:12:48Z"
    snapshotID: ivd:bb3c52ce-012b-4cb0-86ea-7324145b254e:bcc6e06c-8d2f-4e19-b157-0dbd1ef9fcb2
    phase: New
    progress: {}

Uploads have five phases (status/phase in YAML):

  • New - not processed yet
  • InProgress - data being moved
  • Completed - data moved successfully
  • UploadError - data movement upload failed
  • CleanupFailed - delete snapshot failed, this case will not retry

UploadError uploads will be periodically retried. At that point their phase will return to InProgress. After an upload has been successfully completed, its record will remain for a period of time and eventually be removed.


In order to restore you must have a working Kubernetes cluster on vSphere and have Velero and the Velero Plugin for vSphere installed and configured. There are no special options to the plugin required for restore. The basic restore command is:

velero restore create --from-backup <your-backup-name>

Please refer to the Velero documentation for usage and additional restore options.

Setting a default VolumeSnapshotLocation

If you don't want to specify the VolumeSnapshotLocation for each backup command, follow these steps to set a default VolumeSnapshotLocation.

  1. Run kubectl edit deployment/velero -n <velero-namespace>
  2. Edit the spec.template.spec.containers[*].args field under the velero container as below.
          - args:
            - server
            - --default-volume-snapshot-locations

Uninstall the plugin

To uninstall the plugin, run

velero plugin remove <plugin-image>

to remove the plugin from the Velero deployment. To finish the cleanup, delete the Data Manager daemonset and related CRDs.

kubectl -n velero delete daemonset.apps/datamgr-for-vsphere-plugin
kubectl delete crds

S3 data

Your volume data is stored in the Velero bucket with prefixes beginning with plugins/vsphere-astrolabe-repo Velero versions prior to 1.3.2 will fail when using a bucket that has objects with the plugins prefix. If you have multiple Velero instances sharing a common bucket, please be sure to upgrade all of the to 1.3.2 before making any backups with the vSphere plugin

Backup vSphere CNS File Volumes

The Velero Plugin for vSphere is designed to backup vSphere CNS block volumes. vSphere CNS file volumes should be backed up with the Velero Restic Integration. File volumes must be annotated for Restic backup. Block and file volumes may be backed up together.

To use Restic backup for file volumes, please use the --use-restic flag to velero install command when installing Velero. Annotate all PVs backed by vSphere CNS file volumes before running any velero backup commands by using the following command for each pod that contains one or more file folumes to back up:


Current release:
