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Release Scripts and Helpers

This folder contains a number of items that will assist in the production of Brooklyn releases.

Release scripts - and will update version numbers across the whole distribution. It is recommended to use this script rather than "rolling your own" or using a manual process, as you risk missing out some version numbers (and accidentally changing some that should not be changed). will produce the release artifacts with appropriate signatures. It is recommended to use this script rather than "rolling your own" or using a manual process, as this script codifies several Apache requirements about the release artifacts.

These scripts are fully documented in Release Process pages on the website.

Vagrant configuration

The Vagrantfile and associated files settings.xml and gpg-agent.conf are for setting up a virtual machine hosting a complete and clean development environment. You may benefit from using this environment when making the release, but it is not required that you do so.

The environment is a single VM that configured with all the tools needed to make the release. It also configures GnuPG by copying your gpg.conf, secring.gpg and pubring.gpg into the VM; also copied is your .gitconfig. The GnuPG agent is configured to assist with the release signing by caching your passphrase, so you will only need to enter it once during the build process. A Maven settings.xml is provided to assist with the upload to Apache's Nexus server. Finally the canonical Git repository for Apache Brooklyn is cloned into the home directory.

You should edit settings.xml before deployment, or ~/.m2/settings.xml inside the VM after deployment, to include your Apache credentials.

Assuming you have VirtualBox and Vagrant already installed, you should simply be able to run vagrant up to create the VM, and then vagrant ssh to get a shell prompt inside the VM. Finally run vagrant destroy to clean up afterwards.

This folder is mounted at /vagrant inside the VM - this means the release helpers are close to hand, so you can run for example /vagrant/make-release/

Pull request reporting

The files in pull-request-reports, mainly pr_report.rb (and associated files Gemfile and Gemfile.lock) uses the GitHub API to extract a list of open pull requests, and writes a summary into pr_report.tsv. This could then be imported into Google Sheets to provide a handy way of classifying and managing outstanding PRs ahead of making a release.