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Food Delivery App

Sample application introduced in these blog posts:

This sample is deployed to:

This sample demonstrates:

  • packages/workflows/order.ts: A food delivery Workflow.
    • Activity retries and non-retryable failures
    • Signals and a Query
    • Timeouts on state changes using condition()
  • List Workflow API in the getOrders API route handler.
  • Turborepo monorepo, with shared packages in packages/ and 3 apps in apps/:
    • apps/menu/: Customer app with menu and serverless API. Next.js, Tailwind, tRPC.
    • apps/driver/: Driver portal for picking up and delivering meals.
    • apps/worker/: The Worker.

Running this sample

  1. Make sure Temporal Server is running locally (see the quick install guide).
  2. yarn to install dependencies (to install yarn, run npm install --global yarn)
  3. yarn dev to start the Next.js dev servers and the Temporal Worker.
  4. Interact with the sites: