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Inter-node and intra-node Networking Hardware

This chapter is a WIP - Please ignore for now

It's not enough to buy/rent expensive GPUs to train/infer models fast. You need to ensure that your IO, CPU and Network are fast enough to "feed the GPU furnace". If this is not ensured then the expensive GPUs will be underutilized leading to lost $$, slower training time and inference. While it can be any other of the mentioned components, the network is most of the time what causes the bottleneck in the training (assume your DataLoader is fast).

If your model fits on a single GPU, you have little to worry about. But nowadays most models require several GPUs to load and LLM/VLM models require multiple GPU nodes for training and some even for inference.

Most GPU nodes contain 8 GPUs, some 4 and recently there are some that have one super-GPU per node.

When the model spans several GPUs and doesn't leave a single node all you need to worry about is fast Intra-node networking. As soon as the model requires several nodes, which is often the case for training as one can use multiple replicas to parallelize and speed up the training, then fast Inter-node networking becomes the key.

This article covers both types of networking hardware, reports their theoretical and effective speeds and explains how they inter-play with each other.


  • MFU - Model Flops Utilization (e.g. mfu=0.5 at half-precision on A100 comes from getting 156TFLOPs, because peak half-precision spec is 312TFLOPS, and thus 156/312=0.5)
  • Gbps, Gb/s - Gigabits per secs (1Gbps = 1/8GBps) transferred in a channel
  • GBps, GB/s - Gigabyte per secs (1GBps = 8Gbps) transferred in a channel
  • GT/s: GigaTransfers per second - the number of operations transferring data that occur in each second.
  • Unidirectional - a transmission from one point to another in one direction A -> B
  • Bi-directional, Duplex: a transmission from one point to another in both directions A <-> B, typically 2x speed of unidirectional

Understanding why inter-node network speed is of a huge importance

This is probably one of the most important multi-segment section that you really want to understand well. While it seeks out to show how important the inter-node speed is, to build up the case it'll teach on the way many important training-related concepts.

The basics

First, let's get a bit of a feeling what all those Gbps/GBps practically mean.

If your model is 80B parameter large, and you need to transmit every parameter or a gradient on the network even once in float32 (fp32) format, which requires 4 bytes per parameter, so you need to send 80*4 320GB of data, or 2560Gb (*8). If your network's bandwidth is 200Gbps it will take 12.8 seconds (2560/200) to transmit. And if you had 1600Gbps network then it'd take only 1.6 seconds. Why does it matter?

1-GPU training

Let's start with a much smaller model of say 2B params, to train it you'd need at least 18 bytes per parameter in mixed half precision. So 18*2 36GB of memory just for model weights, optimizer states and gradients. Plus you need additional memory for activations and it'll depend on the batch size and sequence length. But with 80GB A100 GPU we can definitely train this model on a single GPU.

We then assume for the moment that the DataLoader is fast enough to be negligible in duration compared to the compute time. And thus we get a close to a perfect MFU (Model FLOPs Utilization):

[DL][  compute  ][DL][  compute  ][DL][  compute  ]
---------------------------------------------------> time

which means that the GPU just needs to do many matmuls and it'd do it amazing fast. In this situation you get the highest ROI (Return on Investment).

Single node training

The previous situation was fantastic due to the close to perfect MFU, but you realize that the training on a single GPU is going to take quite some time, since we are in AI race you'd probably want to finish the training sooner than later. So you'd ask - can I train the model on 8 GPUs instead, and the answer would be - yes, of course. With one caveat - at the end of each iteration you'd need to sync the gradients between the 8 processes (each process for a single GPU), so that each participating process of the training can benefit from what the other 7 have learned during the last iteration.

footnote: You could, of course, use less than 8 GPUs, it is just that most NVIDIA GPU-based compute nodes these days have 8 GPUs so why not get the best return on investment.

footnote: in the ideal world the training on 1 gpu for 8 durations of time, should cost the same as training on 8 gpus for 1 duration of time. That's one would expect to spend the same $$ and to finish 8 times faster. But because of data synchronization requirements.

If the experimental model still contains 2B params like in the previous section and grads are in fp32 then the training program needs to send 8GB (2G * 4B) of data on every iteration. Moreover, since syncing the gradients requires an all_reduce collective collective - it needs to transmit the data twice - the first time sending the gradient data by each gpu, computing the sum of gradients and send this value back to each participating gpu so that each training process will benefit from the learning advancements each of its peers made in the last iteration.

Here is the all-reduce collective visualized:



So we need to send 8GB twice, which means we need to send 16GB of data.

footnote: and to be exact the 2x comms volume for all-reduce is really 2*(n-1)/n where n is the number of participating gpus. So if n=2, the coefficient is just 1 since 2*(2-1)/2=1 and 1.75 for n=8 since 2*(8-1)/8=1.75 and it becomes already very close to 2 at n=64.

footnote: there is also the important issue of latency of the network - which is multiplied several times due to how data is gathered from all participating gpus. But, given that here we are moving a very large payload the latency contributes a very small overhead and for simplicity can be ignored.

How long will it take to send 16GB of data?

  • A100 @ 600GBps: 16/600 = 0.027 secs
  • H100 @ 900GBps: 16/900 = 0.018 secs

which is incredibly fast!

And here is how our timeline will look like:

[DL][  compute ][comms][DL][  compute ][comms][DL][  compute ][comms]|
-----------------------------------------------------------------------> time
|<---- iteration ---->||<---- iteration ---->||<---- iteration ----->|

oh and this whole synchronization protocol is called DDP (DistributedDataParallel) in the PyTorch lingo.

Comms and compute overlap

Even with this really fast comms the network still creates a bottleneck and leads to a short idling of the gpus. To solve this issue the advanced algorithms implement an overlap of comms and compute. Until now we approached the problem as one single transmission, but in reality each model is made of many layers and each layer can transmit the gradients it has computed, while the next layer is computing its gradients. So if you look at the level of the model, what happens in the backward path is:

[   compute   ][   compute   ][   compute   ]
               [comms]        [comms]        [comms]
---------------------------------------------> time
<- layer -1 ->|<- layer -2 ->|<- layer -3 ->|

so once the last layer (-1) computed its gradients it all-reduces them while the 2nd to last layer performs its backward, and so on, until the first layer finished with gradients and it finally sends its gradients out.

So now you understand how overlapping works, So we can now update our bigger picture diagram to be:

Now our timing diagram becomes very similar to the diagram we had for a single gpu:

[DL][  compute  ][DL][  compute  ][DL][  compute  ]
[  comms ]       [  comms]        [  comms]
---------------------------------------------------> time

and we hope that comms are faster than DL+compute, since if they aren't faster than we have the following gpu idling gaps:

[DL][  compute  ][idle][DL][  compute  ][idle][DL][  compute  ][idle]
[         comms       ][         comms       ][         comms       ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------> time
|<---  iteration  --->||<---  iteration  --->||<---  iteration  --->|

Calculating TFLOPS

Calculating TFLOPS answers the question of how long will it take to perform a compute.

There is a bit of nomenclature confusion here as TFLOPS as the final s sometimes means sec and at other times just ops.

For example, when you read, the A100 spec the TFLOPS there means TeraFloatingPointOperations per second.

So let's define these abbreviations exactly:

  • TFLOPS - TeraFLoatingpointOPerations per Second (another way is TFLOP/s)
  • TFLOP - TeraFLoatingpointOPerations (or TFLOPs - lower case s but it's already confusing)

Also see the wiki page for more clarifications.

For GPT-family of decoder transformers models we can use the math described in this BLOOM-176 docs:

Here is how many TFLOP are processed per second:

tflops = model_size_in_B * 4 * 2 * seqlen * global_batch_size / (time_in_sec_per_interation * total_gpus * 1e3)

This formula assume one uses activation recomputation which saves GPU memory while introducing a smallish overhead. If one doesn't use it then replace 4 with 3 as the model has to do only 1x compute per forward and 2x per backward (since the grads are calculated twice - once for inputs and once for weights). With activation recomputation the forward is done twice and thus you have an additional path which leads to a multiplier of 4 instead of 3

footnote: activation recomputation and gradient checkpointing both refer to the same technique.

so let's remove the time component, which will give us the total TFLOP

tflop = model_size_in_B * 4 * 2 * seqlen * global_batch_size / (total_gpus * 1e3)

So let's say we have:

  • seqlen=2048 (sequence length)
  • global_batch_size=16

and we already defined:

  • total_gpus=8
  • model_size_in_B=2

This gives us:

tflops = 2 * 4 * 2 * 2048 * 16 / (8 * 1e3) = 65.536 TFLOP

So if we do a mixed half-precision training and most of the operations are done in half-precision then we can roughly say that we do 312 TFLOPS on A100 and usually a well optimized framework on a well-tuned hardware will do at least 50% MFU - that is it'll be able to compute at about 1/2 peak performance.

footnote: It's a ~3x 989 TFLOPS on H100 (scroll to the end) and also it shows a misleading 2x numbers for sparsity so you have to mentally divide it by 2.

So continuing this train of thought it means that the setup will have about 156TFLOPS - and so it'll take 0.42 secs to process a single iteration (2x forward and 2x backward compute) if we ignore the overhead of the DataLoader (which we hope is close to instant).

Earlier we said that a typical A100 node has an intra-node NVLink connection of 600GBps, and thus we said that to send 16GB of grads will take 16/600 = 0.027 secs.

And we measured our compute to be 0.42 secs, so here are we good as 0.027 < 0.42 so the comms will be faster than compute and not be a bottleneck.

You can now do several thought experiments - for example if you halve the batch size or the sequence length you will halve the compute time.

footnote: this is a very rough suggestions since GPUs work the fastest when the matrices they multiple are huge. But this is good enough for a simplified thought experiment we are having here. In reality halving the dimension will not halve the compute time.

OK, but hopefully at this point it's quite clear that if you remain at the boundaries of a single node, you don't need to worry about your GPUs idling.

But what if you want to speed up the training even more and throw say 4 8-gpu nodes at it. (and of course you don't have a choice but to use multiple nodes if you have a much larger model). Suddenly, the comms can become a bottleneck.

Multiple node training

So here we are continuing with the idea of 2B param model and we will now use 32 gpus across 4 nodes to speed up the training even more.

While each group of 8 gpus is still connected with super-fast NVLink technology, the inter-node connections are usually in an order of magnitude slower.

Let's say you have a 200Gbps connection. Let's repeat the math from the previous section of how long it'll take to reduce 16GB of gradients.

16GB is 128Gb, and so at 200Gbps this will take 0.64 seconds.

And if stick to the compute taking 0.42 seconds, here we end up with comms taking longer than compute since 0.64 > 0.42.

Let's bring both use cases together:

nodes comms compute comms is a bottleneck
1 0.027 0.42 no
4 0.64 0.42 yes

on this 200Gbps inter-node setup the comms are 23x slower than the same performed on an intra-node NVlink connections.

In this case even though we still have the much faster NVLink connection, we don't really benefit from it, since the whole ensemble communicates at the speed of the slowest link. And that slowest link is the inter-node connection.

So in this particular situation if you were able to get a 400Gbps inter-node the speed would double and the comms will finish in 0.32 secs and thus will be faster than that 0.42 secs the compute would take.

footnote: you will never be able to get the advertised speed fully on the application level, so if it's advertised as 400Gbps in the best case expect to get 320Gbps (about 80%). So make sure to take this into the account as well.

And remember this was all handling a pretty tiny as considered these days 2B param model.

Now do the same math with 20B and 200B parameter model and you will see that you need to have a much much faster inter-node connectivity to efficiently scale.

Large model training

Of course, when we train large models we don't use DDP, because we simply can't fit the whole model on a single gpu so various other techniques are used. The details are discussed in a dedicated chapter on Model Parallelism, but the only important thing to understand immediately is that all scalability techniques incur a much larger comms overhead, because they all need to communicate a lot more than just gradients. and therefore the amount of traffic on the network can easily grow 3x and more as compared to the DDP protocol overhead we have been exploring so far.

It can be difficult to do even approximate math as we did in this chapter, because the actual compute time depends on the efficiency of the chosen framework, how well it was tuned, how fast the DataLoader can feed the batches and many other things, therefore there is no standard MFU that one can use in the math and you will discover your MFU when you configure and run the first few steps of the large model training. and then you will read the Performance chapters and improve your MFU even more.

As I have shown in these sections it should be possible to be able to do a back-of-envelope calculations once you understand the specific scalabiity technique and its networking costs, so that you could know ahead of time which Inter-node network speed you need to require from your acquisition manager. Of course, you also need to understand the particular model architecture and calculate how many TFLOP it will take to do a single iteration.

Intra-node networking

Note to the reader: my notes currently include only NVIDIA intra-node hardware, since I'm yet to find access to AMD MI* nodes - if you are with AMD and you want me to extend this writing to AMD hardware please contact me with access to such hardware as it seems impossible to find.

On the server nodes with NVIDIA GPUs there is pretty much just 2 pieces of hardware - NVLink and NVSwitch. There is of course PCIe but it's about an order of magnitude slower so it's never used on modern GPU servers to perform GPU-to-GPU communications.


I found the wiki pages quite difficult to follow, so I will try to help bring clarity into this.

footnote: Pay attention that 1 GBps = 8 Gbps

Effective payload rate of Intra-node GPU-to-GPU communication hardware:

Interconnect Lane/Direction Lanes Links Unidirection Duplex
NVlink 2 6.250 GBps 4 6 150 GBps 300 GBps
NVlink 3 6.250 GBps 4 12 300 GBps 600 GBps
NVlink 4 6.250 GBps 4 18 450 GBps 900 GBps
Interconnect Lane/Direction Lanes Unidirection Duplex
PCIe 4 ~2.0 GBps 16 31 GBps 62 GBps
PCIe 5 ~4.0 GBps 16 63 GBps 126 GBps
PCIe 6 ~7.5 GBps 16 121 GBps 241 GBps
PCIe 7 ~15.0 GBps 16 242 GBps 484 GBps

NVlink 2, 3 and 4 use the same hardware of 4 lanes of 6.250 GBps each per link. Each has a unidirectional bandwidth of 25GB/s per link, and therefore 50GB/s per duplex link. The only difference is in the number of links:

  • NVLink 2 has 6 links => 25* 6=> 150 GBps unidirectional and 300 GBps bi-directional
  • NVLink 3 has 12 links => 25*12=> 300 GBps unidirectional and 600 GBps bi-directional
  • NVLink 4 has 18 links => 25*18=> 450 GBps unidirectional and 900 GBps bi-directional

The largest PCIe 16x slot has 16 lanes. Smaller slots have less lanes, 1x == 1 lane.

As of this writing NVIDIA Hopper nodes typically come equipped with PCIe 5 and NVLink 4. So there NVlink is 7x faster than PCIe.

Let's look at some actual A100 and H100 nodes and correlate the theory with reality.

  • A100 topology:
$ nvidia-smi topo -m
      GPU0  GPU1  GPU2  GPU3  GPU4  GPU5  GPU6  GPU7  CPU Affinity  NUMA Affinity
GPU0   X    NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12   0-23         0
GPU1  NV12   X    NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12   0-23         0
GPU2  NV12  NV12   X    NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12   0-23         0
GPU3  NV12  NV12  NV12   X    NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12   0-23         0
GPU4  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12   X    NV12  NV12  NV12  24-47         1
GPU5  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12   X    NV12  NV12  24-47         1
GPU6  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12   X    NV12  24-47         1
GPU7  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12  NV12   X    24-47         1

You can see there are 12 NVLinks and 2 NUMA Groups (2 CPUs w/ 24 cores each)

  • H100 topology:
$ nvidia-smi topo -m
      GPU0  GPU1  GPU2  GPU3  GPU4  GPU5  GPU6  GPU7  CPU Affinity  NUMA Affinity
GPU0   X    NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18   0-51         0
GPU1  NV18   X    NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18   0-51         0
GPU2  NV18  NV18   X    NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18   0-51         0
GPU3  NV18  NV18  NV18   X    NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18   0-51         0
GPU4  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18   X    NV18  NV18  NV18  52-103        1
GPU5  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18   X    NV18  NV18  52-103        1
GPU6  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18   X    NV18  52-103        1
GPU7  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18  NV18   X    52-103        1

You can see there are 18 NVLinks and 2 NUMA Groups (2 CPUs w/ 52 cores each)

Of course, other A100 and H100s servers may be different, e.g. different number of cpu cores.


NVSwitch can connect more than 8 GPUs at the speed of NVLink. It's advertised to connect up to 256 GPUs in the future generations of the switch.

The benefit of connecting more than 8 GPUs at the speed of NVLink is that it allows all-to-all GPU communications at a much faster speed than any intra-node hardware can provide. And with ever increasing compute speeds the network is the likely bottleneck leading to underutilized super-expensive GPUs.

For example, in the universe of Tensor Parallelism (Megatron), one doesn't use TP degree of more than 8, because TP is only efficient at NVLink speed. ZeRO-DP (Depspeed/FSDP) would also run much faster if the whole cluster uses NVLink speed and involves no slow inter-node connections.

The current NVIDIA DGX H100 has a 3.6 TBps of full-duplex NVLink Network bandwidth provided by 72 NVLinks (NVLink 4). The normal NVlink 4 has 18 NVLinks (0.9 TBps duplex). So this setup has 4 switches (18*4=72) and therefore 0.9*4=3.6 TBps. Note, that this server has 8 GPUs, so here we get a much faster intra-node communications as compared to the standard NVlink 4.0 which provides only 0.9 TBps all-to-all connectivity for 8 GPUs.

NVIDIA DGX A100 has 6 switches of 12 NVlinks => 72.

DGX H100 SuperPOD combines 32 DGX H100 servers, for a total of 256 GPUs. It looks like here they use only half the NVLinks they used for a single DGX H100, so only 1.8 GBps per node, for a total of 57.6 GBps in total.


According to Gaudi2 spec, these servers provide 8x 21 NICs of 100GbE RoCE v2 ROMA for a total of 2.1TBps and each card connected with each of the other 7 cards at 262.5 GBps.

NUMA Affinity

Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) is a computer memory design used in multiprocessing, where the memory access time depends on the memory location relative to the processor. As modern servers have more than one CPU to get the best performance GPUs residing in the same block as the corresponding CPU should have the processes bound to that NUMA node.

Here is a typical A100 8x GPUs server, as visualized by hwloc:

a100 server numa nodes

As you can see it has 2 CPUs, each defining a NUMA block, and each such block contains a group of 4 GPUs. The GPUs are the grey blocks that say CoProc with 108 compute units (SMs) and 79GB of memory.

footnote: was generated by lstopo a100.png

Software Tools

note-to-self: probably belongs in its own chapter?


The Hardware Locality (hwloc) software project aims at easing the process of discovering hardware resources in parallel architectures. It offers command-line tools and a C API for consulting these resources, their locality, attributes, and interconnection. hwloc primarily aims at helping high-performance computing (HPC) applications, but is also applicable to any project seeking to exploit code and/or data locality on modern computing platforms.

Diagnostics: to take a snapshot of the server NUMA topology and save it as an image (supports many other formats)

lstopo a100.png

NUME node binding: hwloc-bind - binding processes, threads and memory

Bind an existing process to a specific numa node:

hwloc-bind --pid 1234 numa:0

similar software: numactl/libnuma

some suggestions in pytorch docs

Inter-node networking

As inter-node hardware is about of an order of magnitude slower than intra-node hardware in this universe Gbps are used instead of GBps. (1 GBps = 8 Gbps)

When it comes to inter-node networking hardware, there are the well established InfiniBand from NVIDIA and a few other players and there are many new comers that mainly are coming from compute cloud providers who can't compete on the slim margin renting out someone else's hardware so they build their own (EFA, and others not yet disclosed).


Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) is a recent technology created by AWS.

  • EFA v1 0.4 Tbps (effective 340 Gbps for all_reduce tests) (P4 AWS instances)
  • EFA v2 3.2 Tbps (since Q3-2023, P5 AWS instances)


Now InfiniBand has been around for a few decades so there are many available configurations that can be found out there. So that if someone says they have InfiniBand that is insufficient information. What you need to know is the rate and the number of IB links.

Here the most recent signaling rates which you are likely to see in the current hardware offerings:

Signaling rate of Duplex links in Gbps

1 00 200 400
4 400 800 1600
8 800 1600 3200
12 1200 2400 4800

Latency in usecs:

0.5 0.6 ??

InfiniBand provides RDMA.

Here are some examples of NVIDIA devices with the fastest IB:

One configuration of NVIDIA DGX H100 comes with 8x NVIDIA ConnectX-7 Ethernet/InfiniBand ports each of 200Gbps, for a total of 1.6 Gbps to connect with other DGX servers.

For DGX H100 SuperPOD the ConnectX-7s across all 32 DGX servers and associated InfiniBand switches provide 25.6 TBps of full duplex bandwidth for use within the pod or for scaling out the multiple SuperPODs - that is an equivalent of 0.8 TBps per node (6.4Tbps!).


According to Gaudi2 spec, these servers provide 24 NICs of 100GbE RoCE v2 ROMA for a total of 2.4Tbps of inter-node connectivity with other Gaudi2 servers.


OmniPath. Originally by Intel, the technology got sold to Cornelis Networks.

case study: I used this technology at JeanZay HPC in France in 2022. It was only 135Gbps and while the vendor tried to fix it a year later it was still the same speed. Hopefully the issue has been resolved and the speed is much faster nowadays. Because it was so slow we had to use Megatron-Deepspeed for training BLOOM-176B instead of the much easier to use DeepSpeed ZeRO).

As of this writing I see that the product comes with either 100 or 200Gbps bandwidth. So it's unlikely you will see anybody offering this solution for ML workloads, unless they manage to install many NICs perhaps?

Omni-Path provides RDMA.

Important nuances

Node Proximity

If you get 2 random nodes from the cloud they may not reside on the same subnet and there will be an additional latency incurred for all transmissions.

You want to make sure that the nodes used for a single training all reside on the same subnet/spine so they are all one hop away from each other.

When you plan to eventually have a large cluster but starting small make sure that your provider can expand the cluster while keeping all the nodes close to each other.

Shared internode network

If you use a shared HPC environment, or even if you have your own cluster but sharing it with your colleagues expect the network bandwidth to be unreliable and fluctuate at different time of the day.

This situation unfortunately makes it extremely difficult to finetune the performance of your training setup. Since every time you run a test the TFLOPs will vary, so how do you do the optimization? Unfortunately I don't have a magic trick here. If you have a working solution please kindly share.

case study: we had this issue at JeanZay HPC when we were doing preliminary experiments before we started training BLOOM-176B. As that HPC has many users it was pretty much impossible to do speed optimizations, as even running the exact same setup again and again gave different throughput results. Luckily just before we launched BLOOM-176B training we were given an exclusive access to the new at that time A100 partition so we were the only users and we were able to greatly optimize the throughput.