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Integrates the tslint linter for the TypeScript language into VS Code.

Please refer to the tslint documentation for how to configure the linting rules.


The extension requires that tslint is installed either locally or globally.

Tip: if you get the error that "failed to load tslint", but you have tslint installed locally, then try to install tslint and its typescript dependency globally using npm install -g tslint typescript.

The recommended version of tslint is 3.2.1.

Configuration options

  • tslint.enable - enable/disable tslint.
  • tslint.rulesDirectory - an additional rules directory, for user-created rules.
  • tslint.configFile - the configuration file that tslint should use instead of the default tslint.json.
  • tslint.ignoreDefinitionFiles - control if TypeScript definition files should be ignored.
  • tslint.exclude - configure glob patterns of file paths to exclude from linting.
  • tslint.validateWithDefaultConfig - validate a file for which there was no custom tslint confguration found. The default is false.

Quick fixes

The extension supports some quick fixing of warnings. For warnings which support a quick fix a light bulp is shown when the cursor is positioned inside the warning's range. You can apply the quick fix by either clicking the light bulp or by executing the Quick Fix command. The following quick fixes are currently supported:

  • missing whitespace
  • missing semicolon
  • missing trailing comma
  • ' should be "
  • " sould be '
  • trailing whitespace
  • file should end with a newline
  • forbidden 'var' keyword

Release Notes


  • Only prompt for installing tslint, when the workspace root includes a tslint.json file.


  • Clear errors when document is closed.


  • More quick fixes.


  • Add support for quick fixing some warnings.


  • Updated to version 2.0 of the vscode language protocol.


  • Added the setting tslint.validateWithDefaultConfig.

Release Notes


  • Added setting tslint.validateWithDefaultConfig.
  • Added setting tslint.ignoreDefinitionFiles.


  • Watch for changes in the tslint.json when the file is located outside of the workspace.


  • Handle the case where a user edits a tslint.json configuration file and it is in an intermediate inconsistent state gracefully.


  • protect against exceptions thrown by tslint.


  • tslint.json is now validated using a JSON schema.
  • Diagnostic messages produced by tslint are now tagged with tslint.


  • Added the tslint.configFile option.