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1154 lines (880 loc) · 39.9 KB

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1154 lines (880 loc) · 39.9 KB


All notable changes to the time project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.3.34 [2024-12-03]


Computing the local offset on Windows works again. It was broken in some cases in v0.3.32 and v0.3.33.

0.3.33 [2024-02-03]


Builds targeting wasm32-unknown-unknown now work again.

0.3.32 [2024-02-01]


  • Methods to replace the day of the year.
    • Date::replace_ordinal
    • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_ordinal
    • OffsetDateTime::replace_ordinal
  • Modules to treat an OffsetDateTime as a Unix timestamp with subsecond precision for serde.
    • time::serde::timestamp::milliseconds
    • time::serde::timestamp::microseconds
    • time::serde::timestamp::nanoseconds


  • Duration::time_fn is deprecated.

0.3.31 [2023-12-19]


  • OffsetDateTime::new_in_offset
  • OffsetDateTime::new_utc


  • The valid range of UtcOffset has been expanded from ±23:59:59 to ±25:59:59. This is to support the full POSIX range while permitting infallible negation.

0.3.30 [2023-10-13]


  • powerfmt::smart_display::SmartDisplay has been added for the main types in the library. These implementations ensure that values follow the requested fill, width, and alignment when using format! or similar macros. Display is implemented in terms of SmartDisplay.


  • Large values no longer wrap around in release mode when using NumericalDuration or NumericalStdDuration.

0.3.29 [2023-09-24]


  • Niche value optimization for Date has been added. Both Date and Option<Date> are four bytes.
  • Unit conversions have been added. It is now possible to write Second::per(Day), which returns the number of seconds in one day. See the types in the time::convert module for more information.


  • The diagnostic for --cfg unsound_local_offset has been removed.
  • #![feature(no_coverage)] was previously used internally for code coverage. It is no longer used, so it has been removed.
  • The default value for modifier::OffsetHour has been changed. This was unintentionally changed in v0.3.17 and went unnoticed until now. The sign is now only present if needed by default, as was the case previously. This does not affect any situation where format_description! or format_description::parse is used.


  • Adding or subtracting a std::time::Duration to/from an OffsetDateTime will not result in integer overflow internally. It will still panic if the result is out of range.

0.3.28 [2023-08-27]


  • More additional constants for the well-known Iso8601 format description have been added. This avoids the need to manually configure the format.
  • An [end] component has been added. This is ignored during formatting, but is used to indicate the end of input when parsing. If any input remains after this component, an error is returned. This is useful when using the [first] component, as it avoids the need to reorder variants.


  • The exemption for MacOS introduced in 0.3.20 has been removed. This is because some supported versions of MacOS do not meet the requirements for the exemption.
  • The UnexpectedTrailingCharacters error variant has been moved to ParseFromDescription. All previously-existing locations of this variant have been deprecated and will no longer be returned.

0.3.27 [2023-08-22]

This sets the serde dependency requirement to >= 1.0.184 where the binaries have been removed.

0.3.26 [2023-08-18]

This release contains only a single change. serde is required to be a version prior to 1.0.171. This is due to the decision by the maintainer of serde to include pre-built binaries that are executed without the end user's knowledge. As of the time of publishing, the included binary has not even been reproduced. This is a security risk, and the time project strongly opposes this decision. While this may break some users' builds due to conflicting versions, it is a necessary step to ensure the security.

0.3.25 [2023-08-02]


  • Methods such as Time::replace_milliseconds would panic on some out-of-range values. This has been fixed.

0.3.24 [2023-07-30]


  • The subsecond component is taken into account when parsing the unix_timestamp component. If data is conflicting, the subsecond value takes precedence.
  • Parsing a Time with only the hour component is now supported. The minute and second, and subsecond components are assumed to be zero.


  • The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.67.0.
  • The debug output for Parsed has been improved.
  • When parsing, invalid values are now rejected sooner. Previously, the entire input would be parsed before being rejected in the final step. Now, invalid values are rejected as soon as they are encountered. This affects the error variant returned, which may cause minor breakage for any code (incorrectly) relying on the exact error variant.
  • When parsing a Time, an error is returned if components are present but not consecutive. For example, if hours and seconds are present, minutes will not be assumed to be zero.


  • The implementation of Duration::checked_div could return a slightly incorrect result in some cases. This has been fixed.

0.3.23 [2023-07-08]


  • Date::next_occurrence
  • Date::prev_occurrence
  • Date::nth_next_occurrence
  • Date::nth_prev_occurrence
  • Weekday::nth_prev
  • Month::nth_next
  • Month::nth_prev


The minimum supported Rust version policy has been updated. See the README for details.


  • Duration::abs correctly returns Duration::MAX when near the minimum value. The nanoseconds value was previously incorrect.
  • Compliance with ISO 8601 has been improved. Previously, a UTC offset would be incorrectly rejected in some cases.

0.3.22 [2023-06-07]


  • OffsetDateTime::checked_to_offset

0.3.21 [2023-05-05]


  • Any formattable/parsable type can now be used with the time::serde::format_description! macro.
  • Weekday::nth_next


  • The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.65.0.

0.3.20 [2023-02-24]


  • The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.63.0.
  • On Unix-based operating systems with known thread-safe environments, functions obtaining the local offset no longer require a check that the program is single-threaded. This currently includes MacOS, illumos, and NetBSD.


  • [ignore] component in format descriptions. A count modifier is required, indicating the number of bytes to ignore when parsing.
  • [unix_timestamp] component in format descriptions. This is currently only usable with OffsetDateTime. Users can choose between seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds, and whether the sign is mandatory or optional.


  • The API for declaring soundness now uses stricter atomic orderings internally.

0.3.19 [2023-02-16]


This includes the update to the format_description! macro, which was supposed to be included in 0.3.18.

0.3.18 [2023-02-16]


  • The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.62.0.


  • [first] and [optional] items can now be included in format descriptions. To parse this at runtime, you must use the format_description::parse_owned method.
  • format_description::parse_borrowed
  • An API has been added to opt out of soundness checks for obtaining the local offset. This replaces the previous, officially unsupported RUSTFLAGS="--cfg unsound_local_offset". End users may call time::util::local_offset::set_soundness(time::util::local_offset::Soundness::Unsound). This method is unsafe because it enables undefined behavior if its safety requirements are not upheld. Note that libraries must not set this to Unsound, as it is impossible for a library to guarantee end users uphold the required invariants.


  • Correctly parse offset sign when hour is zero. The parse was previously unconditionally positive, even if the sign indicated otherwise.
  • Compilation is fixed for WebAssembly.

0.3.17 [2022-11-06]


  • The amount of code generated by time::serde::format_description! is reduced if not all feature flags are active.
  • cargo test --tests works with any configuration of feature flags. This occurs by spawning a subprocess that passes --all-features. cargo test --doc works with most combinations of feature flags, including the default. The combination of these changes means that crater will now run on time.
  • libc and num_threads are only included as dependencies when needed. They were previously unconditionally included.


  • time::format_description::parse_owned, which returns an OwnedFormatItem. This avoids "lifetime hell", where all your structs now need a lifetime because a single field has one. Note that when possible, the borrowed format item (just called FormatItem) is still preferred, as it has significantly fewer allocations. The new OwnedFormatItem is usable for both formatting and parsing, as you would expect.


  • The parser for runtime format descriptions has been rewritten. A side effect of this is that some errors have slightly changed. No existing API has been altered, so this is not a breaking change. However, you may notice different errors, which are hopefully better! The parser for compile-time format descriptions has not yet been swapped out. If you notice any bugs, please file an issue.

0.3.16 [2022-10-24]


  • The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.60.0.
  • The serde-well-known feature flag is deprecated. The necessary features for an item to be enabled are indicated in documentation.
  • Feature gates have been loosened for well-known formats.


  • consts can now be provided as the format description for time::serde::format_description!. The const must be of type &[FormatItem<'_>], which is what is returned by the time::macros::format_description! macro.

    const TIME_FORMAT_ALT: &[FormatItem<'_>] = time::macros::format_description!("[hour]:[minute]");
    time::serde::format_description!(time_format_alt, Time, TIME_FORMAT_ALT);


  • Some feature flags have been removed. None of these have ever been documented as flags, so any use was unsupported. These flags are:
    • js-sys
    • quickcheck-dep
    • itoa
    • time-macros

0.3.15 [2022-10-03]


  • Better gating for tm_gmtoff extension. This should eliminate build failures on some untested platforms.
  • Debug output for types are now human-readable. While this should not be relied upon, it is currently the same as the output with Display.
  • Eliminate overflows in the constructors for `Duration. When there is an overflow, the methods now panic. This was previously only the case in debug mode.
  • Panic if NaN is passed to Duration::from_secs_f32 or Duration::from_secs_f64.


  • Fix error when deserializing data types from bytes. This affects formats such as JSON.
  • Eliminate a panic in an edge case when converting OffsetDateTime to another UtcOffset. This occurred due to an old assumption in code that was no longer the case.

0.3.14 [2022-08-24]


  • The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.59.0.
  • Duration::unsigned_abs is now const fn.
  • The const parameter for time::format_description::well_known::Iso8601 now has a default. This means Iso8601 is the same as Iso8601::DEFAULT.
  • The Parsed struct has been reduced in size from 56 to 32 bytes (a 43% reduction).

0.3.13 [2022-08-09]


  • wasm builds other than those using wasm-bindgen work again.

0.3.12 [2022-08-01]


  • js-sys now supports obtaining the system's local UTC offset.


  • Performance of many Date operations has improved when using the large-dates feature.
  • While an internal change, OffsetDateTime now stores the value in the attached UtcOffset, not UTC. This leads to significant performance gains on nearly all OffsetDateTime methods.


  • Subtracting two Times can no longer panic. This previously occurred in some situations where the result was invalid.
  • ISO 8601 parsing rounds the subseconds to avoid incorrectly truncating the value.

0.3.11 [2022-06-21]


  • [#479]: regression when parsing optional values with serde
  • [#481]: Time subtracted from Time can panic. This was caused by a bug that has always existed, in that an internal invariant was not upheld. Memory safety was not violated.

0.3.10 [2022-06-19]


  • Serde support for non-self-describing formats
  • Duration::unsigned_abs, which returns a std::time::Duration
  • ISO 8601 well-known format
  • Duration can now be formatted with a .N specifier, providing a shorter representation when using Display.
  • Parse null as None on serde structs


  • Fix incorrect parsing of UTC offset in Rfc3339.


  • The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.57.0.
  • Performance for Rfc2822 has been improved.
  • Debug assertions have been added in a few places. This should have no user facing impact, as it only serves to catch bugs and is disabled in release mode.

0.3.9 [2022-03-22]


  • time::serde::format_description!
    • This macro is similar to time::format_description!, but it generates a module that can be used in #[serde(with = "foo")]. This makes it far easier to serialize/deserialize a custom format.
  • Date::replace_year
  • Date::replace_month
  • Date::replace_day
  • Time::replace_hour
  • Time::replace_minute
  • Time::replace_second
  • Time::replace_millisecond
  • Time::replace_microsecond
  • Time::replace_nanosecond
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_year
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_month
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_day
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_hour
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_minute
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_second
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_millisecond
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_microsecond
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_nanosecond
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_year
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_month
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_day
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_hour
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_minute
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_second
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_millisecond
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_microsecond
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_nanosecond
  • Parsed::offset_minute_signed
  • Parsed::offset_second_signed
  • Parsed::set_offset_minute_signed
  • Parsed::set_offset_second_signed
  • Parsed::with_offset_minute_signed
  • Parsed::with_offset_second_signed
  • error::InvalidVariant
  • impl FromStr for Weekday
  • impl FromStr for Month
  • impl Display for Duration


The following methods have been deprecated in favor of the new, signed equivalent methods. The pre-existing methods

  • Parsed::offset_minute
  • Parsed::offset_second
  • Parsed::set_offset_minute
  • Parsed::set_offset_second
  • Parsed::with_offset_minute
  • Parsed::with_offset_second


  • Well-known formats that support leap seconds now return the TryFromParsed::ComponentRange error variant if the leap second could not occur at that given moment.

0.3.8 [2022-02-22] [YANKED]

This release is broken and has been yanked.

0.3.7 [2022-01-26]


Solaris and Illumos build again.

0.3.6 [2022-01-20]


  • Date::saturating_add
  • Date::saturating_sub
  • PrimitiveDateTime::saturating_add
  • PrimitiveDateTime::saturating_sub
  • OffsetDateTime::saturating_add
  • OffsetDateTime::saturating_sub
  • PrimitiveDatetime::MIN
  • PrimitiveDatetime::MAX
  • Rfc2822 format description
  • Serde support for well-known formats
    • This is placed behind the new serde-well-known feature flag.


  • MacOS and FreeBSD are supported obtaining the local offset when single-threaded.
    • Starting with this version, this is delegated to the num_threads crate.
  • Leap seconds are now parsed as the final nanosecond of the preceding second.
  • The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.53.0.
  • Deserializers for human readable formats will fall back to the binary format if the human readable format fails to deserialize.


  • Deserialization will no longer fail when given a non-borrowed string.

0.3.5 [2021-11-12]


  • Date::checked_add
  • Date::checked_sub
  • PrimitiveDateTime::checked_add
  • PrimitiveDateTime::checked_sub
  • OffsetDateTime::checked_add
  • OffsetDateTime::checked_sub


  • Attempts to obtain the local UTC offset will now succeed on Linux if the process is single-threaded. This does not affect other Unix platforms. As a reminder, the relevant methods are fallible and may return an Err value for any reason.

0.3.4 [2021-10-26]


  • error::DifferentVariant and Error::DifferentVariant
  • impl From<Component> for FormatItem<'_>
  • impl TryFrom<FormatItem<'_>> for Component
  • impl<'a> From<&'a [FormatItem<'_>]> for FormatItem<'a>
  • impl<'a> TryFrom<FormatItem<'a>> for &[FormatItem<'a>]
  • impl PartialEq<Component> for FormatItem<'_>
  • impl PartialEq<FormatItem<'_>> for Component
  • impl PartialEq<&[FormatItem<'_>]> for FormatItem<'_>
  • impl PartialEq<FormatItem<'_>> for &[FormatItem<'_>]
  • impl TryFrom<Error> for error::TryFromParsed
  • impl TryFrom<Error> for error::Parse
  • impl TryFrom<Error> for error::ParseFromDescription
  • impl TryFrom<Error> for error::InvalidFormatDescription
  • impl TryFrom<Error> for error::IndeterminateOffset
  • impl TryFrom<Error> for error::Format
  • impl TryFrom<Error> for error::ConversionRange
  • impl TryFrom<Error> for error::ComponentRange
  • impl TryFrom<error::TryFromParsed> for error::ComponentRange
  • impl TryFrom<error::Parse> for error::TryFromParsed
  • impl TryFrom<error::Parse> for error::ParseFromDescription
  • impl TryFrom<error::Format> for std::io::Error
  • impl Sum for Duration
  • impl Sum<&Duration> for Duration
  • A const fn default() has been added to all modifiers that are structs. These methods exist to permit construction in const contexts and may be removed (without being considered a breaking change) once impl const Default is stabilized.
  • FormatItem::Optional, which will consume the contained value if present but still succeed otherwise.
  • FormatItem::First, which will consume the first successful parse, ignoring any prior errors.


  • Cross-building to Windows now succeeds.
  • A parse error on a UtcOffset component now indicates the error comes from the offset.
  • Some arithmetic no longer panics in edge cases.

0.3.3 [2021-09-25]


  • Parsed::parse_item
  • Parsed::parse_items
  • Parsed::parse_literal
  • Builder methods for Parsed
  • The format_description! macro now supports the case_sensitive modifier.


The minimum supported version is now 1.51.0.

0.3.2 [2021-08-25]


  • Instant is now #[repr(transparent)]


  • Constructing a Date from its ISO year, week, and weekday now returns the correct value in all circumstances. Previously, dates with an ISO year less than zero may have returned incorrect values. This affects both the Date::from_iso_week_date method and the date! macro.

0.3.1 [2021-08-06]


  • Month now implements TryFrom<u8>
  • From<Month> is now implemented for u8
  • The parser now accepts "5 PM" and similar as a valid time. Only the 12-hour clock hour and the AM/PM suffix may be present; any other components representing a time will cause an error (this exact behavior is not guaranteed).
  • The time! macro accepts the "5 PM" syntax with the same restriction.


  • Macros that have a time component (time! and datetime!) no longer accept "0:00 AM" and similar. This was previously erroneously accepted.

0.3.0 [2021-07-30]


  • datetime! macro, which allows the construction of a statically verified PrimitiveDateTime or OffsetDateTime.
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_time
  • PrimitiveDateTime::replace_date
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_time
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_date
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_date_time
  • OffsetDateTime::replace_offset
  • #![no_alloc] support
  • Date::to_iso_week_date, replacing Date::iso_year_week
  • Date::MIN
  • Date::MAX
  • UtcOffset::from_hms
  • UtcOffset::from_whole_seconds
  • UtcOffset::as_hms
  • UtcOffset::whole_hours
  • UtcOffset::whole_minutes
  • UtcOffset::minutes_past_hour
  • UtcOffset::seconds_past_minute
  • UtcOffset::is_utc
  • UtcOffset::is_positive
  • UtcOffset::is_negative
  • OffsetDateTime::sunday_based_week
  • OffsetDateTime::monday_based_week
  • PrimitiveDateTime::to_calendar_date
  • PrimitiveDateTime::to_ordinal_date
  • PrimitiveDateTime::to_iso_week_date
  • PrimitiveDateTime::to_julian_day
  • OffsetDateTime::to_calendar_date
  • OffsetDateTime::to_ordinal_date
  • OffsetDateTime::to_iso_week_date
  • OffsetDateTime::to_julian_day
  • Time::as_hms
  • Time::as_hms_milli
  • Time::as_hms_micro
  • Time::as_hms_nano
  • PrimitiveDateTime::as_hms
  • PrimitiveDateTime::as_hms_milli
  • PrimitiveDateTime::as_hms_micro
  • PrimitiveDateTime::as_hms_nano
  • OffsetDateTime::to_hms
  • OffsetDateTime::to_hms_milli
  • OffsetDateTime::to_hms_micro
  • OffsetDateTime::to_hms_nano
  • Duration::saturating_add
  • Duration::saturating_sub
  • Duration::saturating_mul
  • util::days_in_year_month
  • Month
  • Instant::into_inner
  • impl AsRef<StdInstant> and impl Borrow<StdInstant> for Instant
  • Support for obtaining the local UTC offset on Unix-like systems has been re-added under a user-provided flag. This functionality is not tested in any way and is not guaranteed to work. Library authors are unable to enable this feature, as it must be passed via RUSTFLAGS. Further information is available in the documentation.


  • The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.48.0. Per the policy in the README, this may be bumped within the 0.3 series without being a breaking change.
  • rand has been updated to 0.8.
  • quickcheck has been updated to 1.0.
  • Macros are placed behind the macros feature flag.
  • Renamed
    • OffsetDatetime::timestampOffsetDateTime::unix_timestamp
    • OffsetDatetime::timestamp_nanosOffsetDateTime::unix_timestamp_nanos
    • Date::try_from_ymdDate::from_calendar_date
    • Date::try_from_yoDate::from_ordinal_date
    • Date::try_from_iso_ywdDate::from_iso_week_date
    • Date::as_ymdDate::to_calendar_date
    • Date::as_yoDate::to_ordinal_date
    • Date::try_with_hmsDate::with_hms
    • Date::try_with_hms_milliDate::with_hms_milli
    • Date::try_with_hms_microDate::with_hms_micro
    • Date::try_with_hms_nanoDate::with_hms_nano
    • Time::try_from_hmsTime::from_hms
    • Time::try_from_hms_milliTime::from_hms_milli
    • Time::try_from_hms_microTime::from_hms_micro
    • Time::try_from_hms_nanoTime::from_hms_nano
    • UtcOffset::try_local_offset_atUtcOffset::local_offset_at
    • UtcOffset::as_secondsUtcOffset::whole_seconds
    • OffsetDateTime::try_now_localOffsetDateTime::now_local
    • Date::weekDate::iso_week
    • PrimitiveDateTime::weekPrimitiveDateTime::iso_week
    • OffsetDateTime::weekOffsetDateTime::iso_week
    • Date::julian_dayDate::to_julian_day
    • All Duration unit values, as well as the minimum and maximum, are now associated constants.
    • OffsetDateTime::unix_epoch()OffsetDateTime::UNIX_EPOCH
    • Time::midnight()Time::MIDNIGHT
  • Now const fn (on at least newer compilers)
    • Date::weekday
    • Date::next_day
    • Date::previous_day
    • PrimitiveDateTime::assume_offset
    • PrimitiveDateTime::weekday
    • Duration::checked_add
    • Duration::checked_sub
    • Duration::checked_mul
    • OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp
    • OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp_nanos
    • OffsetDateTime::date
    • OffsetDateTime::time
    • OffsetDateTime::year
    • OffsetDateTime::month
    • OffsetDateTime::day
    • OffsetDateTime::ordinal
    • OffsetDateTime::to_iso_week_date
    • OffsetDateTime::week
    • OffsetDateTime::weekday
    • OffsetDateTime::hour
    • OffsetDateTime::minute
    • OffsetDateTime::second
    • OffsetDateTime::millisecond
    • OffsetDateTime::microsecond
    • OffsetDateTime::nanosecond
    • OffsetDateTime::unix_timestamp
    • OffsetDateTime::unix_timestamp_nanos
  • The following functions now return a Result:
    • Date::from_julian_day
    • OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp
    • OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp_nanos
  • The following functions now return an Option:
    • Date::next_day
    • Date::previous_day
  • The range of valid years has changed. By default, it is ±9999. When using the large-dates feature, this is increased to ±999,999. Enabling the feature has performance implications and introduces ambiguities when parsing.
  • The following are now gated under the local-offset feature:
    • UtcOffset::local_offset_at
    • OffsetDateTime::now_local
  • Instant is now guaranteed to be represented as a tuple struct containing a std::time::Instant.
  • Macros are guaranteed to be evaluated at compile time.
  • Date::to_julian_day now returns an i32 (was i64).
  • Date::from_julian_day now accepts an i32 (was i64).
  • Extension traits are only implemented for some types and are now sealed. As they are intended to be used with value literals, the breakage caused by this should be minimal.
  • The new Month enum is used instead of numerical values where appropriate.


  • v0.1 APIs, previously behind an enabled-by-default feature flag
    • PreciseTime
    • SteadyTime
    • precise_time_ns
    • precise_time_s
    • Instant::to
    • Duration::num_weeks
    • Duration::num_days
    • Duration::num_hours
    • Duration::num_minutes
    • Duration::num_seconds
    • Duration::num_milliseconds
    • Duration::num_microseconds
    • Duration::num_nanoseconds
    • Duration::span
    • Duration::from_std
    • Duration::to_std
  • Panicking APIs, previously behind a non-default feature flag
    • Date::from_ymd
    • Date::from_yo
    • Date::from_iso_ywd
    • Date::with_hms
    • Date::with_hms_milli
    • Date::with_hms_micro
    • Date::with_hms_nano
    • Time::from_hms
    • Time::from_hms_milli
    • Time::from_hms_micro
    • Time::from_hms_nano
  • APIs that assumed an offset of UTC, previously enabled unconditionally
    • Date::today
    • Time::now
    • PrimitiveDateTime::now
    • PrimitiveDateTime::unix_epoch
    • PrimitiveDateTime::from_unix_timestamp
    • PrimitiveDateTime::timestamp
    • OffsetDateTime::now
    • impl Sub<SystemTime> for PrimitiveDateTime
    • impl Sub<PrimitiveDateTime> for SystemTime
    • impl PartialEq<SystemTime> for PrimitiveDateTime
    • impl PartialEq<PrimitiveDateTime> for SystemTime
    • impl PartialOrd<SystemTime> for PrimitiveDateTime
    • impl PartialOrd<PrimitiveDateTime> for SystemTime
    • impl From<SystemTime> for PrimitiveDateTime
    • impl From<PrimitiveDateTime> for SystemTime
    • UtcOffset::local_offset_at — assumed UTC if unable to determine local offset
    • OffsetDateTime::now_local — assumed UTC if unable to determine local offset
  • Other APIs deprecated during the course of 0.2, previously enabled unconditionally
    • Duration::sign
    • PrimitiveDateTime::using_offset
    • Sign
  • Re-exports of APIs moved during the course of 0.2
    • days_in_year
    • is_leap_year
    • validate_format_string
    • weeks_in_year
    • ComponentRangeError
    • ConversionRangeError
    • IndeterminateOffsetError
    • ParseError
    • NumericalDuration
    • NumericalStdDuration
    • NumericalStdDurationShort
    • All top-level macros
  • Lazy formatting, which was unidiomatic as a failure would have returned fmt::Error, indicating an error unrelated to the time crate.
    • Time::lazy_format
    • Date::lazy_format
    • UtcOffset::lazy_format
    • PrimitiveDateTime::lazy_format
    • OffsetDateTime::lazy_format
  • Support for stdweb has been removed, as the crate is unmaintained.
  • The prelude module has been removed in its entirety.
  • Date::iso_year_week in favor of Date::to_iso_week_date
  • PrimitiveDateTime::iso_year_week
  • OffsetDateTime::iso_year_week
  • UtcOffset::east_hours
  • UtcOffset::west_hours
  • UtcOffset::hours
  • UtcOffset::east_minutes
  • UtcOffset::west_minutes
  • UtcOffset::minutes
  • UtcOffset::east_seconds
  • UtcOffset::west_seconds
  • UtcOffset::seconds
  • Date::month_day
  • PrimitiveDateTime::month_day
  • OffsetDateTime::month_day
  • Weekday::iso_weekday_number (identical to Weekday::number_from_monday)
  • ext::NumericalStdDurationShort

0.2.26 [2021-03-16]


  • #316, where the build script was wrongly unable to determine the correct compiler version
  • Dependencies have been bumped to the latest patch version, ensuring compatibility.

0.2.25 [2021-01-24]


  • Fix #309, which can cause panics in certain situations.

0.2.24 [2021-01-08]


  • The implementation of OffsetDateTime::timestamp, OffsetDateTime::unix_timestamp, PrimitiveDatetime::timestamp, and OffsetDateTime::unix_timestamp have been corrected. This affects all negative timestamps with a nonzero subsecond value.

0.2.23 [2020-11-17]

Compatibility notes

Due to #293, any method that requires knowledge of the local offset will now fail on Linux. For try_ methods, this means returning an error. For others, it means assuming UTC.


  • UtcOffset::timestamp (moved to UtcOffset::unix_timestamp)
  • UtcOffset::timestamp_nanos (moved to UtcOffset::unix_timestamp_nanos)
  • date (moved to macros::date)
  • time (moved to macros::time)
  • offset (moved to macros::offset)
  • OffsetDateTime::now_local (assumes UTC if unable to be determined)
  • UtcOffset::local_offset_at (assumes UTC if unable to be determined)
  • UtcOffset::current_local_offset (assumes UTC if unable to be determined)

0.2.22 [2020-09-25]


  • Solaris & Illumos now successfully build.
  • Duration::new could previously result in an inconsistent internal state. This led to some odd situations where a Duration could be both positive and negative. This has been fixed such that the internal state maintains its invariants.

0.2.21 [2020-09-20]


  • Implementation details of some error types have been exposed. This means that data about a component being out of range can be directly obtained, while an invalid offset or conversion error is guaranteed to be a zero-sized type.
  • The following functions are const fn on rustc ≥ 1.46:
    • Date::try_from_iso_ywd
    • Date::iso_year_week
    • Date::week
    • Date::sunday_based_week
    • Date::monday_based_week
    • Date::try_with_hms
    • Date::try_with_hms_milli
    • Date::try_with_hms_micro
    • Date::try_with_hms_nano
    • PrimitiveDateTime::iso_year_week
    • PrimitiveDateTime::week
    • PrimitiveDateTime::sunday_based_week
    • PrimitiveDateTime::monday_based_week
    • util::weeks_in_year

0.2.20 [2020-09-16]


  • OffsetDateTime::timestamp_nanos
  • OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp_nanos


A bug with far-reaching consequences has been fixed. See #276 for complete details, but the gist is that the constructing a Date from a valid Julian day may result in an invalid value or even panic. As a consequence of implementation details, this affects nearly all arithmetic with Dates (and as a result also PrimitiveDateTimes and OffsetDateTimes).


  • Document how to construct an OffsetDateTime from a timestamp-nanosecond pair

0.2.19 [2020-09-12]


  • The build script now declares a dependency on the COMPILING_UNDER_CARGO_WEB environment variable.
  • Parsing the %D specifier no longer requires padding on the month. Previously, Err(InvalidMonth) was incorrectly returned.
  • A std::time::Duration that is larger than time::Duration::max_value() now correctly returns Ordering::Greater when compared.
  • Multiplying and assigning an integer by Sign::Zero now sets the integer to be zero. This previously left the integer unmodified.

0.2.18 [2020-09-08]


  • The following functions are const fn on rustc ≥ 1.46:
    • Date::try_from_ymd
    • Date::try_from_yo
    • Time::try_from_hms
    • Time::try_from_hms_milli
    • Time::try_from_hms_micro
    • Time::try_from_hms_nano
  • An error module has been created where all existing error types are contained. The Error suffix has been dropped from these types.
  • An ext module has been created where extension traits are contained.
  • A util module has been created where utility functions are contained.
  • error::ComponentRange now implements Copy.

For back-compatibility, all items that were moved to newly-contained modules have been re-exported from their previous locations (and in the case of the error module, with their previous name).


Parsing format::Rfc3339 now correctly handles the UTC offset (#274).

0.2.17 [2020-09-01]


The following functions are const fn on rustc ≥ 1.46:

  • Date::year
  • Date::month
  • Date::day
  • Date::month_day
  • Date::ordinal
  • Date::as_ymd
  • Date::as_yo
  • Date::julian_day
  • Duration::checked_div
  • PrimitiveDateTime::year
  • PrimitiveDateTime::month
  • PrimitiveDateTime::day
  • PrimitiveDateTime::month_day
  • PrimitiveDateTime::ordinal
  • Weekday::previous
  • Weekday::next


  • size_of::<Date>() has been reduced from 8 to 4. As a consequence, size_of::<PrimitiveDatetime>() went from 16 to 12 and size_of::<OffsetDateTime>() from 20 to 16. This change also results in a performance improvement of approximately 30% on the Date::year and Date::ordinal methods.
  • cfg-if has been removed as a dependency.


  • cfg flags passed to rustc will no longer collide with other crates (at least unless they're doing something very stupid).
  • The crate will successfully compile with any combination of feature flags. Previously, some combinations would fail.

0.2.16 [2020-05-12]


OffsetDateTimes can now be represented as Unix timestamps with serde. To do this, you can use the time::serde::timestamp and time::serde::timestamp::option modules.

0.2.15 [2020-05-04]


cargo-web support works, and is now explicitly checked in CI. A previous change was made that made a method call ambiguous.

0.2.14 [2020-05-02]


Adding/subtracting a core::time::Duration now correctly takes subsecond values into account. This also affects PrimitiveDateTime and OffsetDateTime.

0.2.13 [2020-05-01]


Panicking APIs are re-exposed.

0.2.12 [2020-04-30]


Subtracting Instants can correctly result in a negative duration, rather than resulting in the absolute value of it.

0.2.11 [2020-04-27]


  • OffsetDateTime::now_utc


  • OffsetDateTime::now due to the offset not being clear from the method name alone.


Dates are now uniformly random when using the rand crate. Previously, both the year and day within the year were uniform, but this meant that any given day in a leap year was slightly less likely to be chosen than a day in a non-leap year.


  • MSRV is lowered to 1.32.0.

0.2.10 [2020-04-19]


  • Support for formatting and parsing OffsetDateTimes as RFC3339.
  • Lazy formatting. To avoid exposing implementation details, we're just returning impl Display, rather than a concrete type.
  • Add support for Illumos.


  • Deprecated APIs from time v0.1 are public again. They were previously hidden by accident in 0.2.9.

0.2.9 [2020-03-13]


cfg-if now has a mandatory minimum of 0.1.10, rather than just 0.1. This is because compilation fails when using 0.1.9.

0.2.8 [2020-03-12]


  • cargo_web support has been added for getting a local offset. A general catch-all defaulting to UTC has also been added.
  • Error::source has been implemented for the wrapper time::Error.
  • UtcOffset::try_local_offset, UtcOffset::try_current_local_offset, OffsetDateTime::try_now_local() provide fallible alternatives when the default of UTC is not desired. To facilitate this change, IndeterminateOffsetError has been added.
  • Support for parsing and formatting subsecond nanoseconds.


  • #[non_exhaustive] is simulated on compilers prior to 1.40.0.

0.2.7 [2020-02-22]


  • Display has been implemented for Date, OffsetDateTime, PrimitiveDateTime, Time, UtcOffset, and Weekday.
  • Hash is now derived for Duration.
  • SystemTime can be converted to and from OffsetDateTime. The following trait implementations have been made for interoperability:
    • impl Sub<SystemTime> for OffsetDateTime
    • impl Sub<OffsetDateTime> for SystemTime
    • impl PartialEq<SystemTime> for OffsetDateTime
    • impl PartialEq<OffsetDateTime> for SystemTime
    • impl PartialOrd<SystemTime> for OffsetDateTime
    • impl PartialOrd<OffsetDateTime> for SystemTime
    • impl From<SystemTime> for OffsetDateTime
    • impl From<OffsetDateTime> for SystemTime
  • All structs now impl Duration<T> for Standard, allowing usage with the rand crate. This is gated behind the rand feature flag.
  • Documentation can now be built on stable. Some annotations will be missing if you do this.
  • NumericalDuration has been implemented for f32 and f64. NumericalStdDuration and NumericalStdDurationShort have been implemented for f64 only.
  • UtcOffset::local_offset_at(OffsetDateTime), which will obtain the system's local offset at the provided moment in time.
    • OffsetDateTime::now_local() is equivalent to calling OffsetDateTime::now().to_offset(UtcOffset::local_offset_at(OffsetDateTime::now())) (but more efficient).
    • UtcOffset::current_local_offset() will return the equivalent of OffsetDateTime::now_local().offset().


  • All formatting and parsing methods now accept impl AsRef<str> as parameters, rather than just &str. time::validate_format_string does this as well.
  • The requirement of a Date being between the years -100,000 and +100,000 (inclusive) is now strictly enforced.
  • Overflow checks for Duration are now enabled by default. This behavior is the identical to what the standard library does.
  • The time, date, and offset macros have been added to the prelude.


  • Sign has been deprecated in its entirety, along with Duration::sign.

    To obtain the sign of a Duration, you can use the Duration::is_positive, Duration::is_negative, and Duration::is_zero methods.

  • A number of functions and trait implementations that implicitly assumed a timezone (generally UTC) have been deprecated. These are:

    • Date::today
    • Time::now
    • PrimitiveDateTime::now
    • PrimitiveDateTime::unix_epoch
    • PrimitiveDateTime::from_unix_timestamp
    • PrimitiveDateTime::timestamp
    • impl Sub<SystemTime> for PrimitiveDateTime
    • impl Sub<PrimitiveDateTime> for SystemTime
    • impl PartialEq<SystemTime> for PrimitiveDateTime
    • impl PartialEq<PrimitiveDateTime> for SystemTime>
    • impl PartialOrd<SystemTime> for PrimitiveDateTime
    • impl PartialOrd<PrimitiveDateTime> for SystemTime>
    • impl From<SystemTime> for PrimitiveDateTime
    • impl From<PrimitiveDateTime> for SystemTime


  • Avoid panics when parsing an empty string (#215).
  • The nanoseconds component of a Duration is now always in range. Previously, it was possible (via addition and/or subtraction) to obtain a value that was not internally consistent.
  • Time::parse erroneously returned an InvalidMinute error when it was actually the second that was invalid.
  • Date::parse("0000-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d") incorrectly returned an Err (#221).


Prior to v0.2.7, changes were listed in GitHub releases.