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Flipt Docs

The docs directory contains the markdown files used to build the Flipt documentation.

The documentation is built using MkDocs using the mkdocs-material theme.

After making changes to any of the markdown files in the docs directory, run make docs to rebuild the documentation.

Build Requirements

  • Python 2.7
  • pip

Build Setup

pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material pygments


Once you have installed the necessary dependencies, you can run (from project root):

mkdocs serve

This will generate and serve the documentation locally at: http://localhost:8000.


After making changes to the docs, it's a good idea to spellcheck them using the markdown-spellcheck tool.

markdown-spellcheck can be installed with npm:

npm i markdown-spellcheck -g

To run a quick check, issue:

mdspell -r -n -a --en-us */**.md

This will output a list of potentially misspelled words. mdspell uses a .spelling file to track known words, so you may need to edit this file in the project root if mdspell reports a false positive.