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Here are my personal maintained scripts.

  • ascii
    • shell script wrapper for asciinema
  • bstr
    • python script - convert binary string to character string in given encoding and vice versa
  • clip-ytb-video
    • shell script - clip youtube live stream video on demand
  • dart_lsp_server
    • shell script - start dart lsp server
  • findr
    • shell script - find in bottom up direction until /
  • ggclonet
    • shell script - deprecated git clone using ssh tunnel
  • git-sview
    • zx script - see zx_scripts/git-sview.mjs
  • ip4to6
    • python script - convert ipv4 address to ipv6 address
  • machineid
    • shell script - display machine id (windows, linux, macOS)
  • mark
    • shell script - vim-like bookmark for path
  • num2zh
    • python script - convert number to traditional Chinese
  • open
    • shell script - a cross-platform open implementation for Windows WSL and macOS
  • osccp
    • shell script - copy file via terminal OSC52 control sequence
  • pbcopy
    • shell script - a cross-platform pbcopy implementation for Linux and MacOS
  • pbpaste
    • shell script - a cross-platform pbpaste implementation for Linux and MacOS
  • sshtunnel
    • shell script - setup github ssh tunnel using vps for ggclonet
  • temperature
    • shell script - convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa
  • truecolor
    • shell script - test the true color support for current terminal
  • yearp
    • python script - display year progress
  • bashfuck