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README Build Status

JUMLY is a JavaScript library.
Using JUMLY, you can easily embed UML diagram on your HTML document.
All you need are just two things you use everyday.

  • Text editor you get used to use.
  • A modern browser like WebKit-base brwoser and Opera.
    (working for Firefox now)

For more information, see
The auther's blog is

Getting Started

Copy following code, paste it at the place of your HTML document, and open the document.

    <link href='' rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src=''></script>
    <script src=''></script>
    <script src=''></script>
    <script type='text/jumly+sequence'>
    @found "You", ->
      @message "meet", "JUMLY"

Here is a minimal sample.

How to build

Requiring node.js v0.8.9 or upper.

node.js installation

nvm is good to get it.

$ git clone git:// ~/.nvm
$ . ~/.nvm/
$ nvm install 0.8.16

Build jumly

In order to build jumly.js, jumly.css and minified ones, it's shortly steps.

$ git clone
$ cd jumly
$ npm install
$ . .env
$ grunt

./build directory is created and it contains them.

How to develop

Written in CoffeeScript and stylus. They are in ./lib directory. ./lib/js/ organizes other *.coffee files in order.

On a webapp, which is described at next, you can use them without build. Editing *.coffee and *.styl, reload a page of webapp, and your change will make effect.

How to launch the webapp

You can launch the webapp using express.

$ . .env
$ git submodule update --init
$ ./

Please access to localhost:3000 thru your browser.

How to run specs

Compile spec files, and open ./spec/index.html with your browser.

To compile them,

$ . .env
$ grunt compile
$ open spec/index.html

jasmine is used for writing specs.


JUMLY v0.1.4 is under MIT License.

JUMLY v0.1.4, 2010-2013 copyright(c), all rights reserved Tomotaka Sakuma.


  • 0.1.4, May 20, 2013
    • Replaced canvas with svg
  • 0.1.3b, Apr 27, 2013
    • API JUMLY.scan (beta)
  • 0.1.3a, Mar 29, 2013
    • Robustness diagram prototyping
    • Fixed pollution of jQuery namespace with some funcitons
  • Use GRUNT for bulid, Mar 10, 2013
  • 0.1.2b, Jan 9, 2013
    • @fragment directive
  • 0.1.2a, Dec 31, 2012
    • Fixed #4
  • Try JUMLY, Dec 29, 2012
    • interactive demo for sequence diagram
  • 0.1.2, Dec 29, 2012
    • change CSS class name for .participant, which was .object
  • Reference Manual r1 published Dec 10, 2012
  • 0.1.1 Nov 29, 2012
    • support @note directive
    • adjust margins and spaces in stylesheet
  • 0.1.0 Nov 23, 2012 -- initial release
    • support sequence diagram

Special Thanks