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This role will install Nextcloud, a private file hosting/sharing/synchronization service and groupware/collaboration platform.

Nextcloud is an alternative to services such as Dropbox, Google Drive/Agenda... See the comparison page. Features:

  • Uploading, viewing, editing, downloading and sharing files from a web interface
  • Clients for PC or mobile devices
  • Realtime file synchronization
  • Can be extended to a full personal cloud/collaborative suite/groupware solution by more than 200 applications
  • LDAP authentication

Default installed/enabled applications include:

  • Calendar: Manage calendar events with search, alarms, invitation management, contacts integration, sharing and synchronization across devices (CalDAV/ICS)
  • Contacts:E dit, view, share address books and synchronize them across devices (CardDav)
  • Tasks: Task/todo-list management (supports due dates, reminders, priorities, comments, tasks sharing, sub-tasks), and synchronize them across devices (CalDAV)
  • Photos: Media gallery with previews for all media types
  • Notes: Note taking app with markdown support, notes are saved as files in your Nextcloud so you can view and edit them from anywhere.
  • Forms: Simple surveys and questionnaires
  • Polls: Full-featured polls, similar to doodle or dudle
  • Viewers and editors for common file types (PDF, text, video...)
  • Federation between Nextcloud instances (seamless access to other instances files/shares)
  • Remote file storage access (FTP, SFTP, Samba/CIFS, local directory/drive...).
  • and more

Requirements/dependencies/example playbook

See meta/main.yml

# playbook.yml
- hosts:
    - nodiscc.xsrv.common # (optional) base server setup, hardening, bruteforce prevention
    - nodiscc.xsrv.monitoring # (optional) server monitoring and log aggregation
    - nodiscc.xsrv.backup # (optional) automatic backups
    - nodiscc.xsrv.apache # (required in the standard configuration) webserver, PHP interpreter and SSL certificates
    - nodiscc.xsrv.postgresql # (required in the standard configuration) database engine
    - nodiscc.xsrv.nextcloud

# required variables:
# host_vars/
nextcloud_fqdn: ""
# ansible-vault edit host_vars/
nextcloud_user: "CHANGEME"
nextcloud_password: "CHANGEME"
nextcloud_db_password: "CHANGEME"
nextcloud_db_password: ""

See defaults/main.yml for all configuration variables



Access Nextcloud from any Web browser or from one of the available clients:

File synchronization:

Calendar, contacts and tasks synchronization:


Useful commands

  • Clear nextcloud previews cache: ssh -t sudo find /var/nextcloud/data/appdata_ocasr47zovdz/ -type d -name "previews" -exec rm -rv '{}' \;
  • Empty nextcloud trashes: ssh -y sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/nextcloud/occ trashbin:cleanup --all-users
  • Clear nextcloud filecaches: ssh -y sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/nextcloud/occ files:cleanup


See the included rsnapshot configuration for the backup role.

To backup files from a remote host with the nodiscc.xsrv.backup role:

# xsrv edit-host default
  - 'ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no /usr/local/bin/'
  - { user: 'rsnapshot', host: '', path: '/var/backups/postgresql' }
  - { user: 'rsnapshot', host: '', path: '/var/nextcloud' }
  - { user: 'rsnapshot', host: '', path: '/var/www/' }
# xsrv edit-host default
  - name: "rsnapshot"
    groups: [ "ssh-access", "sudo", "postgres", "nextcloud" ]
    comment: "limited user account for remote backups"
    ssh_authorized_keys: ['data/public_keys/']
    sudo_nopasswd_commands: ['/usr/bin/rsync', '/usr/bin/psql', '/usr/bin/pg_dump', '/usr/bin/pg_dumpall' ]

To restore a backup:

# deploy the nextcloud role
xsrv deploy
# SSH to the backup server
xsrv shell default
# copy the last database dump somewhere readable by the postgres user
deploy@backup:~$ sudo rsync -avzP --rsync-path '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync' /var/backups/rsnapshot/daily.0/
# restore the data directory and configuration file
deploy@backup:~$ sudo rsync -avzP --rsync-path '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync' /var/backups/rsnapshot/daily.0/
deploy@backup:~$ sudo rsync -avzP --rsync-path '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync' /var/backups/rsnapshot/daily.0/

# SSH to the nextcloud server
xsrv shell default
# fix permissions on restored files
deploy@nextcloud:~$ sudo chown -R nextcloud:nextcloud /var/nextcloud/ /var/www/ 
# create a plaintext sql dump from the custom-formatted dump
deploy@nextcloud:~$ sudo -u postgres pg_restore --clean --create /tmp/nextcloud.sql -f /tmp/nextcloud.txt.sql
# restore the plaintext sql dump
deploy@nextcloud:~$ sudo -u postgres psql --echo-errors --file /tmp/nextcloud.txt.sql 
# rescan files
deploy@nextcloud:~$ sudo -u nextcloud /usr/bin/php /var/www/ files:scan --all


Change the database password

Changing the database password is not supported by the role at this time. To change the database password, you must first set the new password manually in /var/www/$nextcloud_fqdn/config.php, then change the value of nexctloud_db_password in host variables, and run the playbook.

LDAP authentication

  • Create a group (eg. posixGroup: access_nextcloud) in your LDAP directory and add users that should be able to access Nextcloud to this group
  • Access your Nextcloud LDAP settings (
    • Server > Host: or ldaps://
    • click Detect port
    • Server > User DN: cn=bind,ou=system,dc=CHANGEME,dc=org the DN for your unprivilegied/bind LDAP user
    • Server > Password: the password for your bind LDAP user
    • Server > Base DN: ou=users,dc=CHANGEME,dc=org the base DN for the LDAP directory (or click Detect base DN)
    • click Test base DN
    • Users > Object classes: inetOrgPerson if using OpenLDAP
    • Users > Groups: (your LDAP server must support the memberOf overlay)
    • Login attributes: [x] LDAP/AD user name
    • Groups: Only in groups: access_nextcloud

To trust a self-signed LDAP server certificate:

# copy the LDAP server PEM CA certificate file to /etc/ssl/certs/
rsync -avzP certificates/
sudo mv /etc/ssl/certs/
# update the LDAP client configuration file
sudo nano /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
TLS_CACERT /etc/ssl/certs/
# restart the php8.2-fpm service
sudo systemctl restart php8.2-fpm

Share files with other services

External storage can be configured to make files from other services available in Nextcloud. This includes local directories on the server, SFTP, other Nextcloud instances, SMB/CIFS, WebDav, S3...


Example configuration to access files from the transmission bittorrent service running on the same host.

Under Settings > Administration > External storage, add a new storage:

  • Folder name: TORRENTS
  • External storage: Local
  • Configuration/location: /var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads/

Example configuration to access files from the jellyfin media center service running on the same host:

The jellyfin media directory must be readable by the nextcloud user:

# access the server over SSH
$ xsrv shell
# add the nextcloud user to the jellyfin group
deploy@EXAMPLE:~ $ sudo usermod --append --groups jellyfin nextcloud

Under Settings > Administration > External storage, add a new storage:

  • Folder name: JELLYFIN
  • External storage: Local
  • Configuration/location: /var/lib/jellyfin/media/


Nextcloud upgrade fails with Nextcloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available: This error is under investigation, it is probably caused by cron.php running concurrently with the upgrade process. It is usually sufficient to restore the old nextcloud installation directory, and run the upgrdae process again:

# on the server
sudo rm -r /var/www/
sudo mv /var/www/ /var/www/
# on the controller
TAGS=nextcloud xsrv deploy


This will remove all application files and data, and related configuration

$ sudo rm -r /var/www/ /var/nextcloud/ /etc/ansible/facts.d/nextcloud.fact /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conf  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/nextcloud.conf /etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/nextcloud.conf /etc/netdata/go.d/httpcheck.conf.d/nextcloud.conf /etc/rsnapshot.d/nextcloud.conf /etc/rsyslog.d/nextcloud.conf /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nextcloud-auth.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/nextcloud.conf 
$ sudo find /etc/netdata/go.d/httpcheck.conf.d/ -type f |sort | xargs sudo cat | sudo tee /etc/netdata/go.d/httpcheck.conf
$ sudo systemctl restart apache2.service php8.2-fpm.service fail2ban.service netdata.service
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c 'DROP DATABASE nextcloud;'
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c 'DROP USER nextcloud;'
$ sudo userdel --remove nextcloud


nextcloud - setup nextcloud file sharing/collaboration platform
nextcloud-applications - setup nextcloud applications
nextcloud-config - setup main nextcloud configuration settings


