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File metadata and controls

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Lab Instructions

Step 0: Create a GitHub account++

  1. If you don't have a GitHub account already, create one. If you do, record the name of your handle in your lab report and record a link to one repository you either follow or star.
  2. If you don't already have git installed on your development machine, do so.
  3. Install a text editor or some sort of application for local development. Lately, I'm partial to Visual Studio Code and my instructions assume its use, but you're welcome to deviate. Each one should choose their own sword, etc. etc.
  4. To run the project in Step 2, you'll need to have node.js and npm installed.

Step 1: Fork this repository

  1. After logging in, navigate to the purelab branch root of this repository.
  2. Fork this repository to your personal GitHub account (hint: read the page).
  3. Record the URL to your forked repo in your lab report.
  4. Generate a simple diagram (in Google Draw or your favorite diagramming tool) that demonstrates the relationship between this repository and my account (trevordbunch) with your account and your newly forked repository. (i.e. Is this the same thing as a source control branch or is there something unique about a fork in a distributed version control system? Hint... I'm asking for a reason. If it's helpful, think about the relationship you and another student who is conducting the fork command each has to this repository.)

Step 2: Clone your forked repository from the command line

  1. Navigate to your forked repository in your GitHub account and copy the reference to your repository from the Clone or Download button.
  2. Open the terminal or command line interface on your development machine, navigate to your chosen working directory, and execute the following command: git clone [YOUR COPIED GITHUB CLONE REFERENCE].
  3. Navigate to that directory cd cis411_lab1_CI.

Step 3: Run the application locally

  1. If you haven't already - make sure that you have installed node.js and npm
  2. Run npm install and watch the magic happen.
  3. Run npm start and navigate to http://localhost:4000/graphql.
  4. Run the following GraphQL mutation in GraphQL and record the response.
mutation {
  mutateAccount(input: {
    email: "YOUR EMAIL"
    name: "YOUR FULL NAME"
    mutation: "add"
  }) {

Use Ctrl+C or Cmd+C to exit out of the node application within the terminal.

Step 4: Creating a feature branch

Branching and merging is a common tactic used in change management and feature development. We're going to use a branch (and eventually a merge) to build our lab report.

  1. Create the branch git checkout -b labreport.
  2. Create a lab report markdown file (ex. cp labreports/ labreports/LAB_[GITHUB USERNAME].md ).
  3. Add your lab report git add *
  4. Add the file to your branch git commit -a -m "your commit and reference @trevordbunch in the message".
  5. Push the change to GitHub git push -u origin labreport.
  6. As you make additional changes to the lab report, commit and push at least one more change to the branch.
  7. Add the output of your git commit log for your feature branch to your lab report git log --oneline.
  8. Generate a simple diagram that demonstrates the relationship between your main and feature branch in your forked repository.

Step 5: Setup a Continuous Integration configuration

  1. Sign up for CircleCI with your GitHub account.
  2. Login to CircleCI and add your project to your account (ex.[YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE]) by clicking Add Project.
  3. Follow the setup instructions, including creating the .circleci directory and adding the default config.yml file. CircleCI setup
  • Create a directory name .circleci in your project mkdir .circleci.
  • Add a file to that directory named config.yml code .circleci/config.yml.
  • Copy the content for the setup instructions into config.yml.
  1. Document in your lab report what your .circleci/config.yml is doing in as much detail as you can determine. A diagram is not required but is highly encouraged. Additionally, answer the following questions.
  • What do the various sections on the config file do?
  • When a CI build is successful, what does that philosophically and practically/precisely indicate about the build?
  • If you were to take the next step and ready this project for Continuous Delivery, what additional changes might you make in this configuration (conceptual, not code)?

Step 6: Merging the feature branch

  1. Commit your changes to your feature branch git commit -a -m "your commit message.
  2. Switch to the main branch git checkout main.
  3. Merge the changes from your feature branch git merge labreport.
  4. Add the output of your git commit log from main to your lab report git log --oneline.
  5. Validate that your CircleCI build is running doing so successfully, by grabbing a screenshot of the Jobs list in CircleCI and including it in your report.

Step 7: Submitting a Pull Request

Once you've completed your report markdown, have ensured that your forked repository is successfully running in CircleCI, have committed all your changes to your (primary) main branch, and push your updated main branch back to Github, initiate a Pull Request in GitHub to submit your Lab Report.

  1. Navigate to the root of your forked repository (ex.
  2. Click the New pull request button.
  3. Choose the base fork trevordbunch/cis411_lab1 as the target and your fully updated main branch as the source.
  4. Enter a title and description for the Pull Request (PR), referencing at least one other student in the content via their GitHub handle, and submit the PR.

Step 8: [EXTRA CREDIT] Augment the core project

For the purposes of gaining 10%, 20% or even more extra credit on the assignment, perform any of the following:

  1. Add one or more unit tests to the core assignment project.
  2. Configure the CircleCI config.yml to automatically build a Docker image of the project.
  3. Configure an automatic deployment of the successful CircleCI build to an Amazon EC2 instance.

Note this work in your lab report by submitting it in your PR and linking to either the PR or the specific commit as recorded in GitHub in your lab report.