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Chapter 16. Templates and Generic Programming

Exercise 16.1

Define instantiation.

Class or function generated by the compiler from a template.

Exercise 16.2

Write and test your own versions of the compare functions.


Exercise 16.3

Call your compare function on two Sales_data objects to see how your compiler handles errors during instantiation.

error C2678: binary '<': no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'const Sales_data' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

Exercise 16.4

Write a template that acts like the library find algorithm. The function will need two template type parameters, one to represent the function’s iterator parameters and the other for the type of the value. Use your function to find a given value in a vector<int> and in a list<string>.


Exercise 16.5

Write a template version of the print function from 6.2.4 (p. 217) that takes a reference to an array and can handle arrays of any size and any element type.


Exercise 16.6

How do you think the library begin and end functions that take an array argument work? Define your own versions of these functions.

begin and end

Exercise 16.7

Write a constexpr template that returns the size of a given array.


Exercise 16.8

In the “Key Concept” box on page 108, we noted that as a matter of habit C++ programmers prefer using != to using <. Explain the rationale for this habit.

As we’ve seen, only a few library types, vector and string being among them, have the subscript operator. Similarly, all of the library containers have iterators that define the == and != operators. Most of those iterators do not have the < operator. By routinely using iterators and !=, we don’t have to worry about the precise type of container we’re processing.

Exercise 16.9

What is a function template? What is a class template?

  • function template: Definition from which specific functions can be instantiated.
  • class template: Definition from which specific classes can be instantiated.
  • differ: the compiler cannot deduce the template parameter type(s) like function templates for a class template. we should supply the list of template arguments to use in place of the template parameters inside angle brackets following the template's name.

Exercise 16.10

What happens when a class template is instantiated?

the compiler rewrites the class template, replacing each instance of the template parameter T by the given template argument.

Exercise 16.11

The following definition of List is incorrect. How would you fix it?

template <typename elemType> class ListItem;
template <typename elemType> class List {
  List<elemType>(const List<elemType> &);
  List<elemType>& operator=(const List<elemType> &);
  void insert(ListItem *ptr, elemType value);
  ListItem *front, *end;

use of class template ListItem requires template arguments.

void insert(ListItem<elemType> *ptr, elemType value);
ListItem<elemType> *front, *end;

Exercise 16.12

Write your own version of the Blob and BlobPtr templates. including the various const members that were not shown in the text.

Blob, BlobPtr and ConstBlobPtr | Test

Exercise 16.13

Explain which kind of friendship you chose for the equality and relational operators for BlobPtr.

General friendship that each instantiation of BlobPtr grants access to the version of the equality and relational operators instantiated with the same type.

Exercise 16.14

Write a Screen class template that uses nontype parameters to define the height and width of the Screen.

Screen | Test

Exercise 16.15

Implement input and output operators for your Screen template. Which, if any, friends are necessary in class Screen to make the input and output operators work? Explain why each friend declaration, if any, was needed.

Screen | Test

same reason with Blob.

Exercise 16.16

Rewrite the StrVec class (§ 13.5, p. 526) as a template named Vec.

Vec | Test

Exercise 16.17

What, if any, are the differences between a type parameter that is declared as a typename and one that is declared as a class? When must typename be used?

When we want to inform the compiler that a name represents a type, we must use the keyword typename, not class.

Exercise 16.18

Explain each of the following function template declarations and identify whether any are illegal. Correct each error that you find.

(a) template <typename T, U, typename V> void f1(T, U, V);
(b) template <typename T> T f2(int &T);
(c) inline template <typename T> T foo(T, unsigned int*);
(d) template <typename T> f4(T, T);
(e) typedef char Ctype;
template <typename Ctype> Ctype f5(Ctype a);


(a) template <typename T, typename U, typename V> void f1(T, U, V); // identifier 'U'
(b) template <typename T> T f2(int &); // typename would be hidden
(c) template <typename T> inline T foo(T, unsigned int*); // inline must be after template
(d) template <typename T> void f4(T, T); // return type should be provided
(e) typedef char Ctype;
template <typename T> T f5(Ctype a); // the typename hides this typedef

Exercise 16.19

Write a function that takes a reference to a container and prints the elements in that container. Use the container’s size_type and size members to control the loop that prints the elements.


Exercise 16.20

Rewrite the function from the previous exercise to use iterators returned from begin and end to control the loop.


Exercise 16.21

Write your own version of DebugDelete.

DebugDelete|h | DebugDelete|cpp

Exercise 16.22

Revise your TextQuery programs from 12.3 (p. 484) so that the shared_ptr members use a DebugDelete as their deleter (12.1.4, p. 468).

TestQuery|h | TestQuery|cpp | TestQuery|test

Exercise 16.23

Predict when the call operator will be executed in your main query program. If your expectations and what happens differ, be sure you understand why.

when input the q to quit runQueries function. Exercise 16.22's output can check this.

Exercise 16.24

Add a constructor that takes two iterators to your Blob template.

Blob|h | Blob|test

Exercise 16.25

Explain the meaning of these declarations

extern template class vector<string>;
template class vector<Sales_data>;

vector<string> instantiation declaration here, it must be instantiated elsewhere in the program. vector<Sales_data> instantiates all members of the class template here.

Exercise 16.26

Assuming NoDefault is a class that does not have a default constructor, can we explicitly instantiate vector<NoDefault>? If not, why not?


Exercise 16.27

For each labeled statement explain what, if any, instantiations happen. If a template is instantiated, explain why; if not, explain why not.

template <typename T> class Stack { };

void f1(Stack<char>);                   // (a)
class Exercise {
   Stack<double> &rsd;                 // (b)
   Stack<int>    si;                   // (c)
int main() {
   Stack<char> *sc;                    // (d)
   f1(*sc);                            // (e)
   int iObj = sizeof(Stack< string >); // (f)


  • (a) No instantiation, compiles, it got instantiated when called.
  • (b) No instantiation, compiles, references and pointers doesn't need instantiation
  • (c) Instantiation. Doesn't compile!
  • (d) No instantiation, compiles, references and pointers doesn't need instantiation
  • (e) Instantiation of Stack<char>. Doesn't compile!
  • (f) Instantiation of Stack<std::string>. Doesn't compileNo instantiation, compiles, references and pointers doesn't need instantiation!

Solution from How is a template instantiated? - Stack Overflow

Exercise 16.28

Write your own versions of shared_ptr and unique_ptr.

shared_ptr | unique_ptr | test

Exercise 16.29

Revise your Blob class to use your version of shared_ptr rather than the library version.

Blob with SharedPtr | test

Exercise 16.30

Rerun some of your programs to verify your shared_ptr and revised Blob classes. (Note: Implementing the weak_ptr type is beyond the scope of this Primer, so you will not be able to use the BlobPtr class with your revised Blob.)

check Exercise 16.28

Exercise 16.31

Explain how the compiler might inline the call to the deleter if we used DebugDelete with unique_ptr.

The compiler will set the default deleter type as DebugDelete, which will be executed is known at compile time.

Exercise 16.32

What happens during template argument deduction?

During template argument deduction, the compiler uses types of the arguments in the call to find the template arguments that generate a version of the function that best matches the given call.

Exercise 16.33

Name two type conversions allowed on function arguments involved in template argument deduction.

  1. const conversions
  2. Array- or function-to-pointer conversions

Exercise 16.34

Given only the following code, explain whether each of these calls is legal. If so, what is the type of T? If not, why not?

template <class T> int compare(const T&, const T&);
(a) compare("hi", "world");
(b) compare("bye", "dad");
  • (a): illegal, as two types are different, the first type being const char[3] ,second const char[6]
  • (b): legal, the type is const char(&)[4].

Exercise 16.35

Which, if any, of the following calls are errors? If the call is legal, what is the type of T? If the call is not legal, what is the problem?

template <typename T> T calc(T, int);
template <typename T> T fcn(T, T);
double d; float f; char c;
(a) calc(c, 'c');
(b) calc(d, f);
(c) fcn(c, 'c');
(d) fcn(d, f);
  • (a) legal, type is char.
  • (b) legal, type is double.
  • (c) legal, type is char.
  • (d) illegal, d is double, but f is float, they are totally different type.

Exercise 16.36

What happens in the following calls:

template <typename T> f1(T, T);
template <typename T1, typename T2) f2(T1, T2);
int i = 0, j = 42, *p1 = &i, *p2 = &j;
const int *cp1 = &i, *cp2 = &j;
(a) f1(p1, p2);
(b) f2(p1, p2);
(c) f1(cp1, cp2);
(d) f2(cp1, cp2);
(e) f1(p1, cp1);
(f) f2(p1, cp1);

At first, there are some error in function declarations.

  • f1, f2 should have return type, maybe void?
  • In f2, typename T2) should be typename T2>.

Then, the answers:

  • (a) T is int*
  • (b) T1 and T2 are both int*
  • (c) T is const int*
  • (d) T1 and T2 are both const int*
  • (e) error, p1 is int*, cp1 is const int*, they are different type
  • (f) T1 is int*, T2 is const int*