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Ethereum Smart Contract workshop

This is an Ethereum Smart Contract tutorial which requires no prior experience with Smart Contract development, as all the tutorial steps are detailed and explained. It has a step by step guide how to set-up a development and testing environment for Ethereum Smart Contracts, then a section on writing and testing simple Smart Contract. Finally it shows how to create an example web UI application that interacts with the Smart Contract.

Workshop Overview

  • Setup local development and testing environment for Ethereum Smart Contracts
  • Write simple Ethereum Smart Contract using Solidity development language
  • Write tests for the Smart Contract
  • Write very simple DApp (distributed Application) - that interacts with the Smart Contract using web3.js API

What we will build?

The final result of the workshop will be simple distributed application with UI running on local node.js server and interacting with an EventTickets Smart Contract deployed on local Blockchain network. The application and Smart Contract we are going to build is a simplified event tickets purchase platform. This platform will:

  • allow anyone to buy a ticket for an event
  • allow event organiser to refund previously bought ticket
  • allow event organiser change tickets quota for an event
  • allow event organiser to collect money for the tickets bought

The difference of this DApp and traditional application is that key application logic and state (number of attendees, money received for tickets, attendees list etc.) will be kept in the Smart Contract. Also all payments and refunds for the tickets will be done in Ethereum Blockchain network using Ether crypto-currency. Also there is no central application server and database as Blockchain network is ditributed. This is why the application is called distributed application - DApp.

Workshop DApp

Below you can see a diagram of the Smart Contract development, testing and local deployment environment that we will use for this workshop. Also this diagram shows DApp interactions with the EventTickets Smart Contract deployed on the local Blockchain network through 4 actions:

  • Buy ticket
  • Change quota
  • Refund Ticket
  • Self-destruct

The Initialise Contract action is done on initial DApp load. All DApp interactions with Blockchain network happen via web3.js library.

Note this diagram also shows 3 main development tools and applications we will use in the workshop: Truffle, Ganache and Metamask. These will be covered in section 1. Local Development, Testing and Deployment Environment below.

Background reading

You should familiarize yourself more with:

  • Blockchain
  • Ethereum Smart Contracts
  • Ethereum Virtual Machine, Ethereum Node
  • DApp (distributed Application)


  • General software engineering and development understanding and some experience.
  • Unix-based system would be the best option. All further environment setup instructions prepared and tested on Mac OS, however, it should work on any OS.
  • Preferred IDE for Smart Contract development. You can use any IDE you like, for example the one you already have installed. If you like to try something new, there is an interesting one - browser based IDE - one of the top tools for Smart Contract development - Remix IDE.

1. Set up local Development, Testing and Deployment Environment

Smart Contract development and testing environment consist of local Blockchain network - Ganache, development command-line tool Truffle and node.js with web3.js javascript library for interacting with Smart Contracts. To interact with real Ethereum Blockchain network, one needs a local Ethereum node. However, for the development and testing environment Ethereum node is not needed, as Ganache has a RPC server, which allows Truffle and web3.js to interact with local Blockchain network. You can optionally install MetaMask which is local crypto-currency wallet. It will allow you to make transactions between you local testing accounts. See the diagram above.

Environment setup

Installation guides bellow will assume Mac OS system. Guides for other OSs can be found using the same links below and navigating to appropriate OS pages.

Install nodejs

Download and install latest node.js from here. Install nodejs by unpacking it and adding to the PATH.

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/nodejs
$ sudo tar -xJvf node-v10.16.3-darwin-x64.tar -C /usr/local/lib/nodejs
$ export PATH=/usr/local/lib/nodejs/node-v10.16.3-darwin-x64/bin:$PATH

Note: Make npm and node commands accessible for your user (without sudo). Run

$ mkdir ~/.npm-packages
$ npm config set prefix ~/.npm-packages

Finally, verify the install:

$ node -v
$ npm version

Download older (10.16.3) version of node.js here.

Create your project path

Create your workshop tutorial directory and continue all further steps in that path:

$ mkdir ~/workshop
$ cd ~/workshop

Setup Truffle

Truffle is a world class development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for blockchains using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Install truffle using npm:

$ npm install -g truffle@5.1.0

Start truffle with default directory structure with some boilerplate code:

$ truffle init

Setup Ganache

Ganache is a personal blockchain for Ethereum development you can use to deploy contracts, develop your applications, and run tests. It is a test Ethereum node - safe and free to run as it creates your private testing blockchain network. Download Ganache from here. Old version (2.1.0) of Ganache can be downloaded from here. Start Ganache and create a new workspace (or use Quickstart option). Once started Ganache run on address Link your truffle project (the workshop project directory created above) with your Ganache Ethereum node by pressing Settings button at the top right corner. Save the workshop workspace.

Install MetaMask (optional)

MetaMask is a self-hosted wallet to store, send and receive ETH. This is an optional step as it is not used in out final DApp - however, it is very light tool which allows to quickly see how transactions in the Ethereum Blockchain work. Download MetaMask Chrome extension here. When installed, press Get Started and select Import Wallet option. Import an account by entering the mnemonic that is displayed in Ganache and password. Once in the MetaMask wallet change Main Network at the drop down at the top right corner: select Custom RPC. Then create new network by entering Ganache RPC: Once saved - local testing account index 0 should be visible in the dashboard. You can add other accounts to the MetaMask from your Ganache dev-accounts list.

2. Write the Smart Contract

In this section we will write a simple Smart Contract code and deploy it to the local Blockchain network.

EventTickets Smart Contract code

The Smart Contract has:

  • 4 public attributes (organizer, registrantsPaid, numRegistrants and quota)
  • constructor function
  • 4 public functions (buyTicket(), changeQuota(), refundTicket() and destroy())

Create in file in contracts directory for your first Smart Contract: contracts/EventTickets.sol. Type in code as follows:

pragma solidity ^0.5.8;

contract EventTickets {

	address payable public organizer;
	mapping (address => uint) public registrantsPaid;
	uint public numRegistrants;
	uint public quota;

	event Deposit(address payable _from, uint _amount);  // log
	event Refund(address payable _to, uint _amount); // log
	event ValidationsPassed(address payable _sender, uint _value);

    // constructor
	constructor() public payable {
		organizer = msg.sender;
		quota = 100;
		numRegistrants = 0;

	function buyTicket() public payable {
		require(numRegistrants < quota);
		emit ValidationsPassed(msg.sender, msg.value);
		registrantsPaid[msg.sender] += msg.value;
		emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

	function changeQuota(uint newquota) public {
	    require(msg.sender == organizer && newquota > 0);
		emit ValidationsPassed(msg.sender, newquota);
		quota = newquota;

	function refundTicket(address payable recipient, uint amount) public {
	    require(msg.sender == organizer);
		emit ValidationsPassed(msg.sender, amount);
		if (registrantsPaid[recipient] >= amount) {
			if (address(this).balance >= amount) {
				emit Refund(recipient, amount);
				registrantsPaid[recipient] -= amount;

	function destroy() public {
	    require(msg.sender == organizer);
		emit ValidationsPassed(msg.sender, address(this).balance);

Create migrations file in migrations directory: migrations/2_eventtickets_migration.js. Type in the code as follows:

const EventTickets = artifacts.require("EventTickets");

module.exports = function(deployer, network, accounts) {
  // Change accounts id if want to set organiser as some other account
  deployer.deploy(EventTickets, {from: accounts[0]});

Compile and migrate new Smart Contract; or simply 'deploy':

$ truffle deploy

Understanding the EventTickets Smart Contract code

  • Solidity version: pragma solidity ^0.5.8, where ^ means that compiler also must be < version than 0.6.0.

  • Once deployed contracts also have addresses, similarly to user accounts.

  • Events: contract logs - helpful when debugging a contract.

  • Public, private functions.

  • The require() usage in 'admin' functions.

  • Payable functions always receive msg.sender and msg.value agruments. These can be passed as special - unnamed - arguments to the payable function: .buyTicket({ from: buyerAddress, value: ticketPrice }).

  • Selfdestruct: sends all current Smart Contract balance to given address (organizer), deletes all contract data and storage. Note: once destroy - contract cannot be restored - also if one sends money to the destroy contract - these funds are lost forever. After destroy, one can deploy new contract by creating new migration file, see FAQ section below.

  • Storing state in Smart Contracts - all attribute values are stored in Blockchain - in Ethereum Virtual Machine.

  • Smart Contract 'price': the contract deployment (creation), also each contract call (function execution) cost the caller some money. This price is take from the contract caller address msg.sender.

  • Gas price and limit: gas - is a measure of computational power needed to deploy or execute Smart Contract. The actual contract execution price in Eth is calculated by multiplying gas used and gas price (attribute to change). Gas limit can be set when calling contract functions - if contract call is more expensive than set limit - contract will not be called. Read more about this in FAQ section below.

3. Test Smart Contract

In this section - we will setup testing network in truffle and write couple of Smart Contract tests. We will run these tests using the truffle tool.

Setup test environment

Update truffle-config.js to have development and test networks:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      host: "",
      port: 7545,
      network_id: "*"
    test: {
      host: "",
      port: 7545,
      network_id: "*"

Run tests using truffle:

$ truffle test

First Smart Contract Test

Most popular languages to write Smart Contract tests in are solidity and javascript. In this workshop we will use javascript based tests. Some more good examples can be found online for both automated tests: solidity and javasript. To start with tests, add a test file in test directory called EventTickets.js. Write first Smart Contract test as follows:

const EventTickets = artifacts.require("EventTickets");

contract("EventTickets", accounts => {
  it("Testing initial contract variables", function(done) {
    EventTickets.deployed()  // accessing deployed EventTickets contract
        .then(quota => {
              "Initial tickets quota has to be 100!"
        .then(function() {
        }).then(function(num) {
                "Initial number of registrants should be zero!"
        .then(function(organizer) {
                "Organiser doesn't match!");

Test code walk through

  • Usage of contract() will ensure the Smart Contract is redeployed and tests run on clean state.
  • Tests are using Ganache local Blockchain network to deploy and call Smart Contract.
  • Some libraries and objects are available in tests code out of the box: web3, artifacts, assert.
  • Promises - all web3 functions calls are async.
  • Accessing variables values: usage of call().

Add more tests

Add more tests from the repo - you can find them here.

4. Set up DApp UI

In this section - we will create decentralized application using the Smart Contract from previous steps and very simple javascript frontend application. We will run this application server. This will allow us to create User Interface for the Smart Contract that we just created and sell tickets for our event.

Setting up your DApp directory

Create new app/ directory in your project root which will contain main app HTML and javascript files: index.html and app.js. You will also need web3.js and jquery.js libraries. Full app/ directory should be copied from the tutorial code repo.

Create bs-config.json file that will have list of directories with your DApp UI code files. Note: the directories in this file depends on your DApp source code location. Below assumes structure given in the tutorial code was used:

  "server": {
    "baseDir": ["./app", "./build/contracts"]

Create package.json file in the root project directory with content as below:

  "name": "eventtickets",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "truffle-config.js",
  "directories": {
    "test": "test"
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "lite-server",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "devDependencies": {
    "lite-server": "^2.5.4"
  "dependencies": {

Serving the DApp

Before serving the DApp, lite-server npm dependency have to be installed. Once it is installed, package-lock.json file and node_modules directory will be automatically created in your project root.

$ npm install --save-dev lite-server

Serve the DApp website:

$ npm run dev

Using the DApp

  • Buy ticket: one can buy multiple tickets from the same account, change ticket price per ticket. One cannot buy more tickets if quota is reached.

  • Refund ticket: only accounts that previously bought tickets - can be refunded, one cannot refund more than the account paid. Change refund price in sync with ticket price - else number of registrants adjusted incorrect (there is a Bonus task to improve this).

  • Change quota: change quota and try buying tickets above the quota.

  • Ganache: observe number of transactions, blocks changing when buying tickets. Go to Contracts and check EventTickets contract balance, number of transactions, other attributes.

  • Restart DApp (kill app process and start again): observe state (number of attendees, etc.) stays the same in the app.

  • Start multiple DApp servers - observe how state is shared between those: if you buy ticket in one DApp instance, number of registrants increases in this and another instance of DApp (you might need to refresh the page).

  • Destroy contract: once destroyed all contract balance is transferred to the organizer address (check the balance in Ganache). Read more about selfdestruct in the FAQ section below.

5. Bonus Tasks

Below you can find few bonus tasks that have no copy-paste solution in the repo. Following current code examples and googling if needed, you could:

  • Add more Tests to the EventTickets.js.
  • Not allow to change quota to smaller than current number of registrants (suggested implementation - extend requires in the changeQuota function of the Smart Contract).
  • Make organiser account an input field in the UI rather than hardcoded in the app.js. Also deploy new contract instance with organiser account being some other account from the test accounts list in Ganache (not default first one).
  • Change amount paid by buyerAddress from total value to a list of ticket prices paid. Then in case of ticket price changes, refund of the previously purchased tickets would be validated (refund amount should exist in the list of purchased ticket prices). Also number of attendees would then be adjusted correctly. For simplicity only allow 1 ticket refund per click.

6. Conclusions

This tutorial should have demonstrated a DApp with Smart Contract deployed on a Blockchain capabilities and benefits when creating User facing applications and processes automation. Now go and code a Crowdsales contract... no, just kidding, go and create something beautiful and useful instead.


  • How the number of blocks related to number of transactions?

The 1 transaction is in 1 Blockchain block in local testing Blockchain network. The number of transaction in a block in real Blockchain network, can varry, as it depends on the Gas of the transactions. Currently the maximum block size in Ethereum is around 1,500,000 Gas.

  • How to recreate contract after self-destruct?

Contract cannot be recreated, one can create new contract by defining new migration file in migrations directory.

  • When contracts are called who and when pays for these contract calls?

The caller - msg.sender - account pays for the contract call. Price is Gas used for a contract call multiplied by gas price. Gas price is Ganache is displayed at the top dashboard and can be changed (price is in wei: 1 Wei = 0.000000000000000001 Eth).

  • Is contract state kept between application restarts?

Yes, if DApp access already deployed contract instance from Blockchain by using this construct - same Smart Contract instance is retrieved:

    $.getJSON('EventTickets.json', function(data) {
    var EventTicketsArtifact = data;
    EventTickets = TruffleContract(EventTicketsArtifact);
    // Set the provider for our contract.
       function(instance) {
           console.log('Smart Contract Instance', instance);

The state (number of registrants, contract balance, buyers addresses etc.) lives in Blockchain and is retained between decentralized application restarts. Also DApp can be served from multiple application nodes.

  • How one can set some other account to be organisers account, rather than first from Ganache list?

Just sent different account index in the migration file, for example if you want second account to be organisers account do this:

module.exports = function(deployer, network, accounts) {
  // Change accounts id if want to set organiser as some other account
  deployer.deploy(EventTickets, {from: accounts[1]});

Note: do not forget to change organisers_account constant in the app.js!

  • Which one of the development tools is Ethereum Virtual Machine, Ethereum Node and Ethereum Blockchain network.

The Ganache is private Ethereum Blockchain network. In the workshop setup there is no separate Ethereum Node, as Ganache comes with RPC server which plays Ethereum Node role. The Ganache also executes Smart Contracts, therefore is implements Ethereum Virtual Machine. The truffle is a tool that interacts with Ethereum Virtual Machine and allows easy contract: compilation, deployment, testing and migrations.


This workshop is based on a Medium tutorial called 'A 101 Noob Intro to Programming Smart Contracts on Ethereum'. A lot of code examples and suggested tools were out of date, however, overall tutorial structure and content is very useful and is worth reading. Go to References section for a full link to this tutorial.
