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by utz/irrlicht project 01'2021


Aczidbox is a 1-bit sound engine for the ZX Spectrum beeper. It implements a simplified version of Phase Distortion Synthesis, as introduced by the Casio CZ range of synthesizers.

The two tone channels each feature a 16-bit base oscillator and a LFO-controlled 12-bit resonant oscillator. Channels each use 7 bits of volume information internally, which are reduced to 4 bits for the final mix.

3 different configurable click drum modes are available: synthesized kicks, synthesized noise, and PWM sample playback. Drums interrupt tone playback.

The core synthesis runs at 7812 Hz (double 224 cycle loop).

Compilation Flags

Set these flags to 1 to enable, or 0 to disable a feature. All features are enabled by default.

  • ACZ_LOOPING: Song looping.
  • ACZ_LOUDNESS: Increase the global volume, at the const of a slightly worse sound quality.
  • ACZ_SYNTH_KICK: Kick drum synthesizer.
  • ACZ_SYNTH_NOISE: Noise drum synthesizer.
  • ACZ_PWM_DRUM: PWM drum player.

Disabling any of the latter 3 features will reduce the player size.

Music Data Format

Aczidbox' music data format follows the conventional sequence/pattern approach.

The sequence determines the overall structure of the song. It must be listed at the start of the music data. It consists of a list of words, which are pointers to patterns. The sequence end must be marked with a 0-word, followed by a word defining the loop point within the sequence. The loop point can be omitted when song looping has been disabled (see above).

Pattern Format

Pattern can be of arbitrary length. A pattern row has the following format:

bytes name function
1 ctrl0 see Control Bytes
1 timer_hi row length (must be manually adjusted after drum)
2 drum drum instrument pointer
1 ctrl1 see Control Bytes
1 timer_lo_offset see Adjusting Drum Timing
2 res_mod1 resonance LFO speed channel1 (0..0xff << 8)
2 note_ch1 base frequency ch1
2 res_ch1 initial resonance frequency ch1
2 res_mod2 resonance LFO speed ch2
2 note_ch2 base frequency ch2
2 res_ch2 initial resonance frequency ch2

All entries except ctrl0 and timer_hi are optional, and their presence or absence is determined by the Control Bytes.

Each pattern must be terminated by a 0x40 byte.

Control Bytes

Pattern data uses a simple compression scheme to eliminate redundant data. Each row of pattern data begins with a control byte, which determines what data follows. The meaning of the first control byte is different, depending on the state of its bit 2.

If bit 2 is reset, then drum and ctrl1 are omitted. In this case, a set bit 0 signals that res_mod1, note_ch1 and res_ch1 are omitted. A set bit 7 signals that res_mod2, note_ch2 and res_ch2 are omitted.

If bit 2 of ctrl0 is set, then drum and ctrl1 are present. In this case, a set bit 0 signals that a synthesized kick drum will be played. A set bit 7 signals that a PWM drum will be played. If neither bit 0 nor 7 are set, a synthesized noise drum will be played.

If ctrl1 is present, then it works like ctrl0 with bit 2 reset.

Adjusting Drum Timing

Row length is not adjusted automatically after playing a drum, so this must be done manually in the music data. Since drum lengths have four times the resolution of note lengths, it may be necessary to adjust the lower 8 bits of the note timer. Adding 0xc0 to timer_lo_offset reduces the note length by 0.25 ticks, adding 0x80 reduces it by 0.5 ticks, and adding 0x40 reduces it by 0.75 ticks.


Assume a note row length of 8 ticks , where a drum of length 5 plays. Since one tick of drum equals 4 ticks of note row length, the row length must be adjusted by -(5/4) ticks. In order to do this, first adjust timer_hi to 7, which balances out 4 of the 5 drum ticks. To balance out the last tick, set timer_lo_offset to 0xc0.

Drum Instrument Format

The data format for drum instruments is different for each drum type.

Synthesized Kick Drum

bytes function
1 volume (1..7 << 4)
1 length (4 drum ticks = 1 main synth tick)
1 sweep speed (bit mask, more bits means faster speed)
1 initial pitch (higher value = higher pitch)

Synthesized Noise Drum

bytes function
2 volume (1..7 << 12)
1 pitch (1 is highest)
1 length (4 drum ticks = 1 main synth tick)

PWM Drum

bytes function
1 length (4 drum ticks = 1 main synth tick)
1 volume (1..7 << 4)
2 drum data pointer

The drum data pointer must point to a 0-terminated block of 8-bit, pulse width modulated sample data.